Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1892: On-site teaching and body liberation (middle)

After listening to the words of the second personality, Sisiah thought for a few seconds before speaking: "Keep your eyes moving at all times, only target buildings and large crowds. You must never project your eyes directly on the target, or even a certain radius around him. Neither does it work inside. When the line of sight is randomly scanned over the target, it is like taking a photo with a camera, framing the whole piece around the target. Finally, look at the photos taken with the eyes in your head to determine some desirable features and information of the target."

Sisia knew that there would be no problem with his answer, and the problem was the way he did just now. She recalled now that all the mistakes she would make had been made, and she did not immediately realize her mistakes.

"There are different batches of students in the training ground. Even if you look at it, you probably won't have any problems, right?" Sisiah said carefully, like a kid who knew what he did wrong, "I don't seem to feel anything." She added something later.

"If you could feel something, I wouldn't take it that seriously." Cassia said, "Remember the two who handed over the basic potion in Morgan for a few days?"

Sisia immediately understood what the second personality wanted to express. On that day, I was walking on the main path and couldn't notice anything. The surroundings were very quiet. Where there were two people waiting for me, it was all a reminder from the second personality.

"Now this person is stronger than the two of the last time. I don't know the multiples for the time being, but the base is definitely ten times. It just depends on how much it is multiplied." Cassia analyzed the dozens of frames he had set by relying on Sisia's glance. In the photo, it can be seen that it is a man who is indistinguishable from the students around him, and his clothes are even in the training ground. Men have darker skin, and they are all the most common types, such as height and body type. From the photos alone, there is indeed no useful information.

But after a dozen photos, you can still see something. There always seems to be an invisible film around this man, there is always space between him and the people around him, and no physical contact will occur.

Cassia paid attention to looking at the man's face. It must be the same as the clothes, changed or simply dressed. The man's face in the photo is definitely not what he actually looks like.

"He's looking at me now?" Sisia no longer looked at it, but according to Cassia's words, continued to observe the next battle that was about to begin.

"No," Cassia replied, "He doesn't need to rely on his eyes to observe you. He can include you only by perception. But he knows what you look like. I should have seen it with a corner just now. But his perception It’s still sweeping around. Although it’s hidden and very faint, there are still many ways to catch it."

"I'll ask again here. In today's battle competition, there is really no person with a special identity and background?" Cassia asked, but felt that there were two other hidden perceptions extending.

The accompanying adjutant? When Cassia was thinking, Sisia carefully looked at the senior students who were preparing around the battlefield, and gave a definite negative answer.

"Perhaps passing by here, just come in thinking about the level of the trainees in these training grounds?" Cassia analyzed, "It's really funny interest."

"This is really not a second personality. Are you talking nonsense?" Sisia wondered. "The instructors have said that the perceptual range of the stranger at each stage. It is more than a kilometer away from the battlefield, even if it is the stranger who is good at investigating. You can't reach this position."

"If the venue is right, form a team of the instructors in your mouth, and then this team can be replicated twenty times, or forty to fifty times. It can be annihilated by this man, and it will be a single person. For him, it’s just a little waste of time. The two are never on the same level, or more accurate evaluation, the two are not in the same world."

"By the way, he is the person protected by the gods in your instructor's mouth. Bullets, artillery and shells can't touch his clothes. Even if they do, the bullets and fragments will only penetrate the clothes, but can't break his clothes. Skin." Cassia continued, paying attention to the three different levels of hidden perception around him. “It can only be said that the instructors in the training ground have limited knowledge. If the perception is controlled to form a condensed state, fan-shaped If you spread it out, you can extend the distance."

"But here is a reminder that the perception that the instructors said in your mouth extends around the whole body and can roughly know the perception of the enemy's movements. What I said is more like a sixth sense. Like this man, I don’t mention watching. The sight of the past, at the current distance, even if there are more than a dozen walls as obstacles in the middle, if you point the muzzle of the pistol at him, he can immediately feel it. In other words, in a certain range around him, as long as the muzzle The extended straight line enters this range, and he can also induce induction."

Sisia wanted to take another look, but was immediately stopped by Cassia.

"Don't be curious! Keep the status quo and let him think that you just accidentally watched the past is the best result. Without my assistance, this man picked up a piece of iron from the ground and threw it over, and he could penetrate you. The body. You will not be able to avoid it, and you will find that even if you notice something flying over, when you deliberately dodge, you are already injured. If this man uses a firearm, your senses are not a man’s standard What a high degree, but you will use your head to catch deadly bullets when you dodge."

"When your head is pierced, you will never understand why this is happening, why you use your head to hit bullets, and the impact is so accurate. Just as you don’t understand why bullets, even artillery and shells can’t touch him. The body is the same." Cassia said, noting that the three senses were slowly withdrawing, which was a little relieved. Sisia's physical foundation is very weak, even if he takes over, there is no chance to defeat this man head-on. Besides, there are two good adjutants beside him.

Sisia was silent for a while, and then tried to ask: "But there must be a way to hit him? Although it is like being protected by the gods, it is a description after all."

"There are indeed ways, but you are still a long way from these ways."

At the same time, in the crowd around the battlefield, a woman leaned to the side and spoke softly so that the voice only spread in a small area around.

"Master, do you need to bring her here? A distance of about 1,200 meters."

"I can tell Vao outside to cooperate with the encirclement." said the male adjutant on the side.

The man paused and seemed to be thinking: "No need. UU Reading This sudden incident is indeed very interesting, but the probability of the other party being unintentional is very high. The three of us are observing, and we have not found anything. Suspicious place. So, what does this mean, you should be clear?" After speaking, the man cast questioning eyes as if he was deliberately testing the two adjutants.

The male adjutant said first: "First, she was indeed unintentional."

"Second, she did it deliberately, but she is better than us in terms of breath hiding and disguise." The woman did not finish speaking, but the man nodded.

"Temptation is extremely risky. And our purpose is just to pass by here and come in and take a look." The man said, "I think of someone who has interests in this area. But the woman on the top of the building is definitely not. She. She will not pretend to come to such a training ground later, there are no toys that make people happy."

"Master is Veranilia of the Nail Crocodile Tribe?"

"You haven't met her yet? But a week later, there will be a meeting to discuss matters concerning the frontiers of the Saint Dorag Empire. Then you will know what kind of person she is." After speaking, the man laughed unconsciously. , Thinking of happy things like.

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