Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1893: On-site teaching and body liberation (part 2)

The two adjutants nodded to the side to express their knowledge. The man once again set his sights on the training ground ahead, and the second battle just started. But after the seemingly unintentional distraction just now, the man has lost interest. He turned and walked outwards, like a catfish covered with greasy body. From beginning to end, no one could touch his body. He had predicted the movements of other people around him. In the eyes of the man, there was no unexpected movement and he could not avoid it.

The cries were far away from the three of them, and there were students rushing to observe them all around, as if they could not miss the opportunity to learn in a hurry.

"You said, where will these people go after they leave here? Is there a place for them in the league?" the man asked. In his memory, he did not find anything to match it.

"There are still many places, sir. The alliance is huge enough, and the territory managed by the Flame Tribe is also very vast. In fact, after these people left the training ground, they still couldn't make up the gap in the number of people. In addition, in such a training ground, in fact, Not all are training members for the tribe. Many tribes or merchants will send their children and tribe members in. But because the nature is different from the tribe’s initiative to recruit, the latter is to give the training ground money to send their own people in. ."

"Take the initiative to send people to such a training ground?" The man was slightly surprised.

"Well,, sir, in fact, compared with other training organizations, the level of training here is considered to be better in many people's eyes." The female adjutant did not know how to answer for a while, and thought about the appropriate sentence. .

"Well..." The man put away the surprise on his face and shook his head. He stopped at this moment and tilted his head to look aside. On the roof of the building in the distance, there was no more figure of the female student.

The man showed a brief thinking state, and his perception spread out in the next moment. He didn't think about it until he "saw" the female student was walking towards the battlefield. In the end, he didn't speak any more. He and the two adjutants went to the management floor of the training ground. They had changed their clothes when they came out, and then left straight away.

On the other side, when Sisia was about to approach the students surrounded by the battlefield, the second personality spoke at the right time, telling her that she could stop.

"Leaving, it seems that I was disturbed by you."

"I always feel like you are talking nonsense as the second personality. Maybe I was noticed, but it is certainly not as exaggerated as you said." Sisia turned and walked back, and she also lost the interest in continuing to observe the battle. Together with the second personality's evaluation of this training ground, there is no further questioning. She knew it would be very bad, and there was nothing worthy of praise and reference.

Now that I knew it in my heart, Sisia lost the need to inquire. She often understands that what the second personality tells is facts, but sometimes, these facts are not very acceptable. Especially with regard to the training ground, she was trained in it for several years. So far, she is no longer a senior student. Thinking that in such a training ground, he was only a middle-lower student, Sisia didn't know how to describe his feelings.

"Don't worry about the theory assessment tomorrow. The rest of the afternoon will be spent on firearms training. I have a preliminary plan, but I just need to obtain some data to verify and control."

"Crazy practice?" Sisia was puzzled, but could feel relieved, "but there are only three days left before the firearms assessment, and the blasting crossbow has not been used at all."

"Go to the firearms training site and apply for the two together according to the assessment standards. You can see the results immediately, and then you will be completely relieved. After the results are obtained, the next battle assessment and evaluation with the instructor Can have basic coping clues." The second personality said, "Afterwards, compare the evaluation of affinity, because you have a precedent, so your focus should be on the simulation battle in half a month, which will determine your next Identity. You need to determine as soon as possible what needs to be trained to make up for the lack of knowledge, and what can be put down without paying attention."

After completing the form and following the established process, Sisia took a pistol and a crossbow in black and gray to a practice table with fewer people. This huge training ground was several times quieter than in the morning, and most of the students went to watch the competition among the senior students. Sisia looked around and saw that only a dozen people were sparsely standing next to the practice platform.

With an assessment distance of 120 meters, Sisiah was prepared. As in the morning practice, fifteen bullets were divided into four long breathing cycles, all of which were finished in breath-holding time. Fifteen bullet holes are still distributed in the circle of the seventh ring, this time not even a bullet has luck in the eighth ring or the ninth ring.

In Sisiah's eyes, the fixed target, which was less than a hundred meters apart, was very large, and the lines on it could be clearly seen. But the bullet seems to be actively avoiding the target. If it is not controlled, it is not impossible that all the bullets miss the target.

Seeing that the second personality didn't speak, Sisia loaded the bullets, took a deep breath and shot fifteen bullets again. The results are exactly the same, even though Sisia thinks that he has learned from the previous round of shooting and made many adjustments.

"Remember how I felt when I first awoke?" The second personality said at this time, "The time when I liberated my arms in the salute, causing my skin to be cracked several times."

Sisiah nodded: "It took two or three days for the wound to fully recover."

"Next, concentrate and feel all the touch on your arm. Now I will take over your body little by little, just like the first time I wake up. As a bystander, you are watching your actions. You need to let go. Open control of the body and suppress the sense of danger caused by losing a little bit of sovereignty over the body. In the process, the most important thing is to suppress the sense of danger arising from subjective consciousness."

The second personality then explained: "The situation at this moment is different from the first time I woke up. Now you are not troubled by narcolepsy, and you have sufficient energy. I cannot gain control in a similar way to encroachment. And I All the signals of this body come from you. You need to be on the side as another person and tell me how I feel every moment. Otherwise, I can only actively obtain information through your vision, and the result is the arm After the skin was torn apart, I knew it exceeded the standard."

"In addition, when I take over your body, I am also consuming your physical strength and energy. With your cooperation, this consumption will be reduced a lot."

"I see." Sisia nodded at this moment. "You teach yourself?"

"It can be understood this way."

"What do I need to do?" Sisiah asked with some expectation, "Weakness and fatigue cannot seem to be disguised."

"Relax your body." The second personality replied, "If you have any feelings in the future, you need to tell it as soon as possible. I will control the speed of the takeover."

The voice of the second personality fell in his head, and Sisia felt that he was being cut out of his body. It was indeed standing on the concrete floor, but Sisia thought he was falling downward, faster and faster. Although the eyes actually saw themselves standing in place, without any movement, subjectively, as if there was no basis but incomparably true thoughts, the fall seemed to be happening.

At the same time, Sisia clearly knew that as long as she was willing, the feeling of falling could disappear immediately. This consciousness is very strong, and it can even be said to be a temptation.

Sisia immediately understood that this was the sense of danger in the mouth of the second personality. She began to comfort herself, making the most basic hints, telling herself that it was just a thought to go back, and there was no need to be nervous. But the next moment, that temptation suddenly disappeared, and it was replaced by an unbearable feeling of separation. It seemed that another self appeared suddenly, replaced him, waved his hands, and said with a wicked smile: "Now, you can go to rest, and I will continue to live on your behalf."

"Everything is tired of thinking after your subjective consciousness gives birth to a sense of danger, this is to let you take the initiative to take control!" The second personality said at this time, which somewhat relieved Sisia, but it did not alleviate her current feelings. Arrived.

"This is the most instinctive self-suggestion and defense mechanism. Don't try to understand what it is. You can only rely on self-will to suppress it. Focusing now and feeling the sensation on your right arm may relieve some of the current symptoms. "

"I know, but why is it so real!" Sisiah almost called out in his head.

"Because everything is actually happening!" The second personality also increased the tone, "Relax mentally and concentrate!"

Sisia could only focus on the right arm, but the feeling of falling and separation showed no signs of abating.

"The strength seems to be greater, the muscles and skin are tight, and will tear at any time." Sisia reluctantly calmed down and squeezed out a few words. She found that she couldn't even turn her head, her eyes were completely focused on the target.

"I see." The second personality said, and the gunshots rang out in an instant. But Sisia didn't feel the real feeling of shooting.

I was really replaced! In just a moment, this feeling was exaggerated, and there was endless panic from everywhere, trying to submerge Sisia. Feeling like she was drowning, Sisia didn't know what she had grasped, and tried to pull herself up when she used her hands and feet together.

"Look at the target!"

The clear sound was louder than the explosion, forcibly pulled back some of Sisia's thinking in an instant, and planted this command into her consciousness. It was just the current situation, Sisia did not notice that this voice was completely different from the second personality.

At the same time, the information in the line of sight is quickly connected to the squeezed spirit of Sisia-or the target with a circle of bullet holes at the position of the seventh ring, UU reading www. uukanshu. com But at this moment, there was a pinky-sized hole in the center of the target. The hole is a bit larger than the diameter of the bullet, but this does not prevent Sisia from knowing the result.

The fifteen bullets had almost no difference, one by one passed through the same position in the center of the target. And it seemed that there was not even a single breath in time, just pressing the limit of the pistol's rate of fire.

"It turned out to be so." The words of the second personality sounded again.

"What do you mean?" Sisia asked after being slow for a few seconds.

"That's the meaning of'it turned out to be this'." The second personality replied, "Now, can you still feel a sense of danger? Or, are you still struggling and want to regain control of your body?"

Sisia woke up immediately, and the sense of separation and falling still existed. It's just that compared to them, the second personality takes over control of the body, and the feeling of peace and reassuring brought by the score of 150 rounds with 15 bullets is stronger, and it directly dilutes them.

"Is this my ability to awaken after the sacrificial ceremony? Is it too powerful?"

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