Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1900: Simulated Battle and "Thorn Bird" Training Ground (Part 1)

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"Why didn't you tell me in advance?" Sisia asked, as if angry.

I wanted to answer immediately, but as a second personality, Cassia suddenly thought of the books he had read in the past. He instinctively felt that Sisia in this state might be very difficult to deal with, and he could only respond with silence when he couldn't find a way to deal with it. .

Cassia itself is also full of helplessness. Perhaps the helplessness accumulated in just ten days has exceeded all of his previous time. But the arrival of the unknown woman also confirmed his thoughts, no matter the place, time, and situation, being cautious may miss opportunities and bring errors, but it will never bring danger.

After watching the battle, Cassia had a foreboding that this training ground might be patronized by others, so the perception of escape was kept to the lowest and the widest limit. Even if consumption will accelerate the collapse of the spiritual world, Cassia also knows that if Sisia dies due to danger, then he himself will also lose this only opportunity.

Just swallowing a red crystal, how long its effect can last, and whether he will have the same chance next time to enter another person's spiritual world with his spiritual body, Cassia's judgment on it is negative. Because in thinking, Cassia can easily think of Grote, the first knight king ever encountered.

At that time he was also the spiritual body that was lodged in his skull. And the reason why Grote survived, Cassia guessed that it was probably because of the red crystal. In fact, I really want to have a chat with Grote at this time, but there is no such opportunity.

As a person who has died once in many senses, it was only at this moment that Cassia finally understood the preciousness of life. There are too many things that can't be put down and discarded. Cassia doesn't want to disappear completely because of some boring reasons.

Sisia did not choose to continue exercising, but went to sit down and sighed after a long time.

"Analyzed from a rational point of view, only in this way can this matter be completely ended not long ago. Otherwise, not only you, but also this training ground will become very famous. It will be remembered by these people without the corresponding strength. Information and name, it is impossible to encounter good things afterwards." Cassia answered at this time and explained it without any hassle.

"That's the reason. She needs to see her reaction without any performance element. And I had to fall asleep at the time. There is still a lot of room for improvement in your control and management of expressions. But observe the expressions of you and other people around you, just now Didn't the woman suppress her breath?"

Sisia wanted to be angry, but after time passed, she didn't feel that mood anymore. She also knew that she did not have the right to be angry, and it was herself who observed what she did wrong on the day of the battle.

"So it seems that my choice to fall asleep is correct." Cassia continued, "If I just didn't talk to you, I would expose my flaws at that moment. Because I am in your spirit, except for you. Apart from feeling at ease, most of the mental oppression and deterrence from the outside world is useless. You can imagine the situation not long ago, you think you will not be discovered after a while performance, or they can’t see through you yet. Actually experienced acting?"

"Don't you worry that I will leave a shadow on the aura just now?" Sisiah took a sigh of relief, looked at the other people around and stopped like himself, and found a place to sit down, which was a little relaxed. . But the body was still in a tight state, something she had never touched.

Sisia had always thought that the most terrifying thing was the hideous young dragons used for affinity testing, but the breath just now was even more terrifying. This even made Sisia suddenly recalled the fear she had when she was separated from her parents on the city streets when she was a child. But children can still rely on crying to release some of their fears, but now they can only fully accept it.

"In fact, many things cannot be viewed completely rationally." Sisiah said silently.

After hearing this, Cassia could only turn his head to one side and sigh. He thinks the current situation is quite tricky. Cassia knows that there is no comfort, otherwise there will be more similar situations in the future.

"Although you said this, but from a rational analysis, after you feel this fear, it will promote you." Cassia thought for a while, and finally had to speak, "However, I think this time I am also responsible. Among them. Then, make an agreement to go to the third stage and find a suitable time to beat this woman."

"Why do you always like to talk about things in a circle? Second personality." This time Sisiah no longer sighed, but the smile on his face was not a helpless wry smile.

"Because from a rational analysis, I said to catch up and beat the woman now, you can't believe me. There is no hope at all in a frontal fight. If a plan is made, there will be opportunities. It's just still vague and needs to be achieved. The conditions are harsh, and there are many."

"I have a chance to defeat her now?" Sisiah asked back, "I remember you said something similar to the man when I was watching the battle."

"Yes, but you can treat this opportunity as if you don't have it." Cassia replied, "The first is that you can't accept the price, and you will die after the victory. The second is that it takes time-looking for the need in a long period of time. Environment and situation. You can’t wait for this time. It's probably in years."

"So many times, it's not that I want to make a circle, but what you can do now is the things in front of you. However, although this is a bad taste, the joy of occasional harvest is also very sufficient. When you become strong, you can also return to such a training ground, release your breath, help these students, and give them a boost."

Sisiah shook his head: "I don't know how to do this kind of thing. But I am still very interested in finding this woman for a fight after the third stage."

"I'll analyze it for a while..." Cassia replied, thinking carefully about her guess, and then added, "There is a high probability that there is no problem, but I need to take over the body. When she has no counterattack strength, I will change you. This should be feasible and the fastest way to achieve it."

"Second personality, how big is the gap between me and her?"

"It's not easy to describe." Cassia replied, "It should be that you don't think too much about the gap at the moment. As long as the matter ends here, it is easy to beat her later and there will be no problems. I can guarantee that."

"In addition, two days later is the evaluation of affinity. It can be said to be very important, but it is not important. In short, it is fine to treat it normally. Because I still don’t know the principle of affinity, like in the recent survey data, why you and those people Will be selected as participants in the sacrificial ceremony. The focus is still on the battle assessment and the final simulation battle. With the up-regulation of UU Reading, you can get in touch with more things."

"Also, starting from today, you need to eat more food. You need to allow your body to store a certain amount of high-energy fat, which is also the key to maintaining physical strength. You heard it in the cafeteria at noon, right now, it’s for you Actively apply, but when the time comes, it will definitely be an active call and will not give you any chance to resist."

"Is it a support team for the frontiers and small countries of the St. Dorag Empire?" Sisia's expression became serious, "I have raised my status now, will I be recruited later?"

"There is such a possibility, but it will definitely be very low. We cannot miss this opportunity for evaluation because of this probability. The situation within the alliance changes quickly and enormously. A higher status level means a better training ground and a better Equipment, and better teammates. You need these now. If you give up, you will fall into a vicious circle."

"Identity is also a kind of protection. You have value, and the upper level will not easily let you die."

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