Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1901: Simulated warfare and "Thorn Bird" training ground (middle)

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"After the level of identity is raised, will it be closer to danger?" Sisia began to move his body, preparing to continue the unfinished exercise, "With the increase of resources, the people and things they face will become more powerful and complex."

"It's not so much that people and things will become powerful and complicated, it's better to say that it is the environment and the responsibility of exchange that are in the corresponding position. As you can now exercise at ease in the training ground, about the frontiers and small countries of the Saint Dorag Empire You don’t have to think about the same thing. The reason for this is because other people will form and fill up the team that supports the past, whether it is active application or mandatory recruitment."

"So they can get more resources." Sisia rarely followed Cassia's words and continued, "all are maintained in a balance under certain rules, to the utmost fairness."

"Looking at it now, it is indeed the case. There is no mistake." Cassia felt a little more relaxed. "However, you still missed something. The improvement of your status does not only mean these things, it also allows you to get more. Protection, and the most important aspect-then you at least know where the danger comes from, how to prevent it when it does not happen, and in which direction to prevent it. Now you,,, can only say that the direction you need to consider is too It's too much, because it's very fragile, it can be broken without a strong force, so it doesn't know how to prevent it, or even what to prevent."

Sisia returned to the clearing where she had just exercised, and continued to practice with Professor Cassia's posture.

"You only need to increase your strength and physical strength, practice gun use, and supplement all kinds of knowledge. Compared with other people in the same batch, you may not understand what terrifying advantage you have." After that, Cassia added this. In other words, "There are more things to learn later and become familiar with as soon as possible. But they are things I need to consider, you don't need to spend energy on them. But here should be able to remind you something in advance."

After a sudden sound, Cassia continued: "According to the changes in the situation of the alliance, regardless of whether the status level is improved, you, and most of the trainees in various training grounds that are not much different from you, will not have a lot of time to calmly train. The strangers in the first stage and the strangers in the second stage can be regarded as being out of the category of ordinary humans. It is impossible not to use you. Soon, you will pay the due price for the resources such as medicines used daily."

"So, for you, who only worked as a fire cover member in the previous missions, you may have seen a corpse, but in essence, you have never killed anyone with your own hands. There are indeed some people who are. You die indirectly through your hands, but I hope that in the near future, in the face of such things, what you have to do is to adapt quickly and treat them as normal."

"There shouldn't be a problem, after all, they are all enemies. Under environmental changes, the unnoticeable effects will definitely change many people." Sisia answered very carefully. She feels that she now has a strong ability to accept, and she herself has no resistance to such things.

"I will often say about this in the future. First correct your mistake. There is no such thing as'all enemies after all.' The correct way to say is that many people will become enemies. And the best solution is that before they become enemies, Turn them into corpses. In addition, because of various plans and issues, the type of people you need to turn them into corpses may only have a little relationship with you when you smash their heads with bullets. Existence. And this relationship is as simple as'he is the dead and you are the murderer'."

"How to define an enemy? This is a lesson you need to spend time learning."

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Sisiah, who had finished exercising, dragged his tired body to the canteen. At the request of the second personality, he ate 30 times more food than ordinary people. It's all meat, and with Sisia's digestive ability, he stayed in the cafeteria for an entire hour to complete this task.

Thinking of the need to come here at midnight, Sisia can only express her feelings with a sigh.

During this period, I didn't talk a lot. As Sisia digested food, he was also digesting the words spoken by the second personality. She can often feel that there is still anxiety under the steady and sensible words of the second personality. I don't think this is an illusion, because Sisia knows that the second personality definitely has a lot to explain to himself, so that he can learn and master it. But like the food in the stomach bag at this moment, the right amount also takes time to digest.

After returning to the dormitory, I continued to read books. After a few days of repeated cycles, Sisia had become very adaptable. It's almost to the extent that all the books on the desk can be memorized in its entirety. What I am doing now is to see the shape of the firearm to determine its model and various supporting materials. For example, what kind of bullets can be used, the accuracy level and effective range, and the power of different seed bombs, etc.

Various combinations extend a lot of other information. During this period, Cassia will explain in due course, how to use this information and turn it into his own advantage.

"This is a rapid-fire machine gun produced by the Flame Tribe itself. It uses a drum and is equipped with 100 rounds. Even if you keep pressing the trigger, there is a gap between each round. In addition, the sound of each firearm is different when it fires. What kind of sound it will be when it is emitted, and what sound will it be when it is shot. This is the next step. You need to know these sounds, remember them and be able to recognize them under the influence of the external environment." , Cassia began to talk about some experience that can be used in combat.

"Is it to judge when the other party will change the bomb?" Sisia thought of it all at once.

"You are right, but if you do this in actual combat, you will die very quickly." Cassia continued, "People with combat experience won't give you this opportunity, so the replacement is usually in When there are a few bullets left, it will start irregularly."

"In this case, it doesn't seem to make sense to do this now."

"It's really meaningless, but it's a process. You don't need it, but you must have it. Otherwise, you will never know how many bullets are left in the enemy's firearms, so the opportunities that exist during this period will never be grasped. You know, when you are confronted with an enemy, when the bullets are full and there are only a few bullets left, this may be the time difference of a few breaths, and the enemy’s mentality is completely different from the things in his mind. So how? Judging the enemy's mood and thinking is the next step."

"I remember when I went out to fight for a mission, it seemed like I was pressing down the trigger. It didn't take long before the matter was over." Sisiah recalled at this time, but immediately knew that the examples were not for reference. For confidence."

"Most of the battles are the cost of both sides' lives. UU Reading, again, you should not be the one you are in the mission, but the enemy during the mission. When you are the one who is under siege The enemy, how to escape under the circumstances, and even kill the besieged one by one, is the question you should think about."

Sisia fell silent for a while, and Cassia stopped talking.

Two days passed quickly. In the afternoon, Sisiah took a short rest before heading to the virgin forest in the training field a little earlier. At the same time, a frigate-class airship also fell from a high altitude and steadily stopped on the apron in the corner of the training ground.

"For the airship that transports the young dragons, the test affinity will separate several different types of second-type creatures. Except for the young dragons, there are other training grounds." Sisiah explained to the second personality.

Cassia responded with "I know": "It seems difficult to deal with, I hope I can help you during the evaluation. Remember the method I gave you? Try to touch them, I need to experiment with something."

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