Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1906: The humanoid machine under the liberation of the body (part 2)

The ability of the assessment instructor to squint slightly and have side effects on the surface of the body has always been unpopular, and they have never recommended it. There are still students who will learn to develop, because too strong side effects mean risks, and risks often have an absolute positive relationship with the benefits obtained.

"At the beginning of the third stage, normal physique means that even if you have the ability to increase strength, it will not exceed one point three times the original. From the battle with other students just now, you can see that they have some experience, but they are not on the front or on the front. Some members of the team who have stayed for a long time. They are used to fighting with the three-stage power speed and reaction ability. After all, they are only dealing with students in this training ground. In terms of fighting skills, they have probably been instructors in this training ground for a long time. , Is also assimilated by a low level. Fighting with more than a dozen students, almost all of them are textbook-style standard usage methods, and there is no change formed on their own. There is also a possibility that these students do not need him to use it, but it is very small "In the spirit of Cassia, the instructor's voice fell. A large amount of analysis data has been completed. "It is not challenging." Then came Cassia's evaluation.

The heart and breathing are controlled by Cassia at this moment, reaching a fixed value. After a few days of accumulation of a large amount of food, Sisia has formed some high-energy fats, but after he personally inspected it, he found that he had overlooked an important issue, which was the trouble of thinking instinctively for a long time.

Sisia and her body, without the specific structure that Cassia hopes to see, do not have the ability to rapidly transform energy. There is no way to use high-energy fat as a short-term supplement for the desired few seconds. It can only improve endurance and support long-term body operation.

Keeping the rapid breathing at a fixed frequency, and hearing the sound of blood flow and heartbeat once again, Cassia has the feeling of being alive again, and all kinds of touch are real signals to the spirit.

Cassia tried to suppress the scattered perception, not to let its intensity shock the opposing instructor. Even in the evaluation of the battle, he still did not dare to exert the full power of Sisia's body. When the body is liberated and one level higher, it is necessary to expand the cross pupils. Affected by this state, Cassia has no confidence in whether he can suppress the aura that escapes through Sisia as a medium.

"In a while, the situation will get better." A comforting sentence in the spirit, Cassia focused on the instructor with his sight, but the main means of collecting information was still dissipated perception.

"Carefully observe and feel, and I will answer you one by one after the evaluation of doubts and unintelligible places." Finally, I did not forget to remind Sisiah.

Only 50 meters away from the instructor, Cassia took a step, and the real-time data of this body is also instantly corrected. Both legs are also exerting force at the same moment, and when the wind rang, the instructor on the opposite side hits like a shadow.

"Perhaps there is a strong sense of oppression in the eyes of other people." Cassia did not forget to comment.

In the next moment, the instructor's figure was solid, and he hit directly with a punch, but was directly avoided by Cassia. With a slight "um" sound, the instructor immediately retracted his arm with doubts, and swept his right leg directly. But Cassia had already predicted this pattern of attack, and his body immediately twisted, bypassing a small arc to go to the instructor's side, and his body suddenly sank two heads.

The right arm that the instructor was retracting was completely slowed by a beat, and it just staggered Cassia's sinking head with its elbow, and could only smash into the air. With the force of a sweeping kick, he immediately twisted his body and wanted to face Cassia, but this step had already been predicted. But before he finished the twisting movement, and the right waist was free, he was hit by a punch, and there was pain.

There was a beating around immediately, full of exclamation. Almost all students were on the defensive side in the battle assessment, and even if there was an offense, they were all blocked or avoided.

The instructor said "um" again, and his breathing became stronger at this moment. His left arm immediately resembled a steel sword, slashing towards the figure in front of him with strength and speed. The feeling just now struck again, and the instructors realized that the attack had already failed, so they could only wipe the front figure to split the air.

The body turned around at this time, the instructor had already taken a step, and then he narrowed the distance, and Cassia went to his side again. The instructor immediately attacked with his right arm and simultaneously twisted his body. But Cassia's movement is completely synchronized with it, even faster.

Its right arm swayed like an iron whip, but in Cassia's eyes it was a stiff long worm, and all its tracks were clearly seen. With just a few offensive moves, Cassia found an almost overflowing sense of regularity.

Cassia's right hand suddenly became claws, just a buckle somewhere between the two, the instructor's arm and wrist leaned over on its own, and the moment Cassia was firmly grasped, it was turned over by Cassia, even with that entire arm. Forced to straighten under the twisting force. At the same time, the charged left hand had already punched, aiming directly at the armpit of his right arm.


Cassia did not expect this step. But when the voice fell, he withdrew a few steps back, politely expressing his gratitude to the instructor.

"Sicia Mandeville, you are very good. I look forward to your performance in the simulated battle afterwards." The instructor opened his mouth and shook his right hand. It was not just the wrist that was held just now. Those fingers found the blood vessels and nerves at the same time, and for a short time, they completely blocked the movement of his entire right arm.

Jumping off the battle platform amidst a cry, Cassia shook his head and walked straight to the medical office, beckoning the staff to help deal with the torn wound on his body. UU reading

"I don't know why, I don't feel like I can see anything." At this moment, the body control was handed over, Sisiah said suspiciously.

"This is normal, after all, the instructor stopped directly, the whole process is not long. But it is like you are holding a pistol to fight a man with a wooden stick. After the gunshot, the battle is over. And you It’s just pressing the trigger. It’s such a simple thing.” Cassia described, “I have observed this instructor many times before, and if all the information is correct, I want to predict the next move. It will not appear difficult. Another important point is that his level is not as high as I estimated, and the gap between you and him is not as large as I calculated."

"But the instructor is a three-stage singular at any rate. Besides, this is only a battle assessment. I definitely didn't use all his strength, right? Would the situation be completely different in a real mission?"

"It will indeed be completely different, in every sense." Cassia replied after thinking, "He and I are like this."

At the same time, in the waiting area of ​​another battle platform.

"Is there any need for doubt?" Cheers asked.

"No. The battle is the same as her firearms evaluation results, machine-like precision. I am now thinking, will she accept the alliance with us? After all, after going to the'Thorn Bird' training ground, her face is enough to make She found a strong group without having to struggle with our two low-level students."

"Actually, I think about the same thing again." Chells replied, "The Thorn Bird Training Ground is a different kind of environment. I wonder if I can survive in it."

"What about the alliance?"

"You can ask, but you don't have to report too much hope. After all, apart from her face, she also has the identity of the participants in the ceremony, which we cannot compare directly."

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