Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1907: Class actual combat explanation and "Thorn Bird" (Part 1)

The two sighed at the same time. The instructors found the news that they had become candidates for the "Thorn Bird" training ground alone a few days ago, and the prerequisite "assess all qualified" was not the slightest difficulty for both.

But the coexistence of excitement and joy is only a few short hours. When the two reported the news to their respective tribes, the answer they received directly suppressed all feelings. It is indeed worthy of joy, but it is also limited to the few days that have not gone to the Thornybird training ground. After learning more about this training ground in more detail and substituting themselves in, the two no longer have an optimistic attitude.

"It's really strange. I used to be eager to go to a better training ground. Soon this hope will become a reality, but I was first afraid and worried about the future." Cheers said of other things, "The Horde It is said that we have picked up the opportunity, but this opportunity would rather not pick it up. But without this opportunity, I can't think of a way to go to a training ground like the "Thorn Bird". If I continue to stay in this training ground, In another year or two, you and I will have to work in a certain area because of the time limit. Even if it is fixed from then on, it will be even harder to have the so-called opportunity waiting for us."

"That's a matter of course. The way this training ground can go up is to go to the training ground with a smaller number code. In the past, the only way to go directly to the'Thorn Bird' was the training ground with the top 20 numbers. , Does not include us. Although it is what we have always expected, we still understand our own standards." Opposite Cheers, Nortonk exclaimed, "The family said that after recruiting all kinds of team members, the first candidate institution is to include the'Thorn Bird "There are more than 20 training grounds. They and us are actually worried about the recruitment that will come at any time in the future."

At this moment, the two of them withdrew their gazes from Sisia. Cheers smiled dryly: "I don't know what she thinks. There is no family or tribe behind me, I can only rely on myself."

"In the brief battle with the instructor just now, we can see that she has very strong strength. Will it be the result of going to the Nature Association? If it is, after going to Thorn Bird, she will be much better than us."

"At least on the battle platform, I can't beat her in that state." Nortonk glanced at Sisia again. "After the evaluation is over, let's go and ask together. There was no intersection before, but after that, it was a training field. NS."

The street lights of the training ground came on punctually at 5:30 in the afternoon, illuminating areas. Sisia walked out of the cafeteria, took a few deep breaths, and pressed down some food in the stomach pouch that was about to pierce the throat.

Sisia walked to the library in the training ground, talking with the second personality in his head.

"Why not form an alliance? Not only can we get some benefits, but we can also take care of each other."

"After that, you will only take care of them, not they will help you. As for the benefit,,, and rationally, it is still too little. They will quickly become a burden, or the kind of useless. You have to be clear about one thing, like the training ground of "Thorn Bird", the degree of competition is not comparable to this training ground. Here, the so-called competition is, in the final analysis, comparing the degree of individual effort and the ability of the tribal family. It’s just the extra resources provided."

"But like the Thornbird training ground, the competition will immediately involve the power of the respective tribe and family. For you, the information will become important there. Which members can be good, which ones are best not to be easily provoked, etc. At that time, the so-called The competition is not the current evaluation results, but to see who can survive after the various outing tasks are over. Can you understand if I explain this way? The instructors have said these words, I remember very clearly." A lot of things are thrown to the instructor, or the content of the book.

"And, I think the most important point is that after the past, the enemy will not be limited to the enemies you recognize. Killing teammates on the same team during the mission still happens from time to time. If the training ground has something special When the quota or special resources are supplied, the best opportunity to deal with competitors is during the mission period."

Sisiah was full of disbelief and doubts. She thought for a while, and asked her own question: "Is the same team member, shouldn't this kind of thing happen? The tribe and the training ground will definitely ban this kind of thing, after all, everyone It is the team members, not the enemy. And the training ground is used to train personnel, which will cause internal consumption."

"This point of consumption is not worth mentioning in terms of the promotion effect of competition. The simplest example is that an unknown woman not long ago, if she was given reasonable logistical supplies and time, she slaughtered this training ground alone. All the members are not difficult for her. Compared to the average, training grounds like Thorn Bird value quality more, I think so."

"However, the two of them can be regarded as a surprise for you and me." Cassia knew that it was too early to say this to Sisia, so he changed the subject at this moment, "Perhaps it was made by the management after the firearms assessment. Decided. But even so, the exercise in the next few days will continue without any changes. The reason why the two of them will find you to talk about the alliance is because they know that their level will be the lowest level after the Thornybird. "

"And the world of the Strange I mentioned not long ago, with the'thorn bird' as the starting point, will also be a good choice for you."

During the conversation, Sisia had gone to the library. This time I came to borrow theoretical information about the weather and the environment and terrain. UU read following the human body structure and firearms information, Cassia let Sisia learn another aspect next. It takes several days, and Cassia calculates that she can complete the study before the simulation battle. After that, it was language learning.

The language of the empire, the common language of the far seas, the language of dragons, and the languages ​​of some second-class creatures that Cassia only knew in the flame alliance, and so on.

Cassia has always had a sense of urgency, and he wants to transfer his mood completely to Sisia. For some reasons, he could not do this, he could only influence a little bit, and with the help of the identity of the second personality, he kept emphasizing the importance of this knowledge, and it was almost mandatory for Sisiah to learn this content.

Cassia also thought about not having to do this, because his spirit is in Sisia's body, he knows, just inform Sisia at any time. But he doesn't know how long he can maintain this situation. The state of the spiritual world has indeed been maintained in a short period of time, at least it has not continued to collapse on a large scale. However, the situation has been continuously deteriorating, and Sisia's mental power and the rare perfect evolutionary substance in her body cannot help at all.

If she is truly facing spiritual death, and there is a turning point later, and she is separated from her body, Cassia hopes that Sisia can have a certain ability to protect herself.

Furthermore, in the eyes of Cassia, Sisia's weakness is like dust, which can be lifted by a slight wind, waiting for a long time to fall to the ground. He also needs Sisia to survive in the future.

"After having certain strength, it is time to try to contact Delya in the small country and establish a connection with the empire." Cassia muttered to himself in the spiritual world, "In two years, how many things have changed in the world? NS?"

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