Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1909: Class actual combat explanation and "Thorn Bird" (Part 2)

While listening to the second personality, Sisia blinked. According to the request, she forced herself to change her daily habits and try to adapt to the new lifestyle in these dozens of days.

After the battle assessment, he only had a rest for less than one day. After the torn wound was healed, exercises that did not require strenuous exercise were arranged on the established schedule. And Sisia can also feel that the requirements of the second personality are getting stricter and more and more.

At first, the feeling of thinking that there was only this was completely gone. She originally thought that she would normally observe her surroundings, or look around without purpose, without having a focus on the line of sight, and storing pictures at all times for real-time analysis in her brain. Most of the two personality requirements.

But when she began to prepare for the simulation battle, when she listened to the second personality to explain more and more knowledge about combat, she realized that the previous requirements may only be a kind of guiding requirements, and the role is to gradually adapt to keep at all times. Concentration and alertness.

There is no time for strenuous exercise or exercise, daily control of breathing and heartbeat in a certain range, and gradually go to a fixed number and frequency. In addition to this incident, in the past two days, Sisia had other things that needed to be controlled.

Follow the environment to control the number of blinks. In scenes with other people, keep a natural blink pattern, but you need to make sure that the frequency is fixed. At the moment of blinking, try to switch perception to replace the almost negligible time when the line of sight is dark, and be alert to the surroundings.

In the primeval forest, at night and in scenes with no personnel, the requirement of the second personality is to forget the blink of an eye. Only by ensuring the absolute completeness of oneself can we rely on blinking to eliminate the soreness of the eyes. Among them, Sisia also received a reminder of the second personality that even in the bunker, it is not absolutely safe. The so-called bunkers are mostly deceptive grave coffins, which can be easily penetrated by too many weapons.

"How to judge which objects can become shelters in different scenes? This comprehensive self-judgment requires some time before you have enough knowledge to store. I will explain them to you one by one later." I never thought I could become a cover. A teacher, but teaching others knowledge and experience, Cassia thinks he has no problems. He himself did not think that this was teaching Sisia, but he was constantly giving him experience and advice. The disadvantage is that there are too many.

After a short rest, the soreness of the eyes disappeared. Sisia found that this kind of detailed control is being quickly integrated into daily life, becoming an instinct that is often reminded in the mouth of the second personality.

Get up and make a brief physical movement, which brings a crackling bone sound. Intuitively, Sisia can clearly know that she is getting stronger. This process and positive feedback not only made her happy, but also aroused her enthusiasm for training. Without a second personality reminder, she has no feelings of rejection of training, but instead enjoys this process.

Continuing the training of moving and fast walking in the virgin forest, simulating the days before the war, there are many projects waiting for Sisia. With Cassia as the behind-the-scenes guidance, although it did not completely transfer the training methods of the Imperial Military School and directly throw it on Sisia, but with Cassia’s understanding of Sisia, coupled with his experience, the training effect was even greater. good.

Three days later, the training of moving and walking was over, and then how to fight in the forest. In fact, Cassia thought about this for a long, long time, and asked Sisia to go to the library to borrow a lot of materials related to simulation warfare to obtain information.

Cassia feared that his thinking would be too complicated. In the face of top and elite figures, any action and movement are worth thinking and analyzing, because every moment is a psychological game. But at this training ground, the level of its trainees makes Cassia know that they cannot be complicated.

Their strength limits thinking, so they don't make a lot of moves, and they don't develop complex tactics. As the simplest prediction, Cassia thinks that the first layer is enough, and there is no need to think about the chain afterwards. They will not create a chain, but they will make mistakes when they are complicated.

It is only a short time to change the way of thinking. The training was carried out in an orderly manner under the guidance and explanation of Cassia, and the strength of the strangers in the latter stage of the second phase of Sisia itself did not disappoint him. The starting point is much higher than that of him at the beginning. For this reason, it is one of Cassia's daily tasks to continuously modify the time points of various training and theoretical knowledge learning.

This situation is what Cassia hopes to see. The compression of time is exactly the problem he has been thinking about how to solve.

Less than a day before the simulation battle, Sisia left the gun training ground and went straight to the cafeteria. On the way, I sighed about the influence of the winter weather on my mood.

"It's about to enter a cold winter, and it may snow," Sisiah said. "This year's weather is very strange. It used to be not so cold here. This time it was suddenly like this."

"Perhaps something affects the weather? At this time, you can use the meteorological knowledge you have learned recently to analyze and explain." Cassia continued, "If you can't analyze it, what does it mean? "

"Lack of evidence and clues?" Sisiah naturally said, "The next step is to look for these evidence and clues, and then a large complex chain will be triggered." Sisiah is accustomed to the speaking mode of the second personality, and Sisiah said with a smile , But I am in a very good mood, "I will definitely do it later when I have time. I don't need to remind you."

After finishing the food for 30 people in the cafeteria, Sisia returned to the dormitory, only to find that a notice was placed in a small mailbox-like box by the door.

"You can go to get information about the simulation war." Sisiah said to herself after reading it, "You seem to have guessed the second personality again. The simulation war probably really started near the evening, and the instructors would make it for us. Environmental test."

Cassia just said "um". Guessing the thoughts of these instructors, he thought he could still do it.

Afterwards, I fetched the corresponding information, and after cutting the document bag, Sisia realized that there was one more thing inside. A stack of paper close to the thickness of a thumb is all about the specific information about the "Thorn Bird" training ground, and a small part of it also introduces other training grounds of the same level as the "Thorn Bird", and the top ones of the Flame Tribe At the training ground, I took a few words.

"Without top talents, even if there are big tribes and families behind, it is impossible to enter these top training grounds. And these tribes and families also know that they can get places with their own power and financial resources. But they send people who don’t match. It is tantamount to let him take the initiative to die. The first round was out." After spending some time reading this information, Cassia spoke at the right time when he saw Sisia repeatedly reading the pages of information that briefly introduced the top training ground.

"The world of the Strange has too many shortcomings, but in terms of fairness, perhaps not too many things have been corroded. The fairness in self-destruction will soon pay the price."

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