Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1910: Easy things and death assessment (part 1)

Sisia put down the materials, lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, the white cold light of the lamps was not dazzling.

"As long as you show talent, anyone can enter it. Is that right?" Sisika asked.

"Not only that, when you find that you are just a negligible small tribe behind you, suddenly there will be many messenger-like people around you. They come to see you with exquisite meeting gifts, agreements and contracts, etc., I hope you join the tribe or faction they belong to. The resource list will show you a lot of things, and ask you if you have special requirements, etc. Usually, as long as it is within a reasonable range, they will agree to you."

"Furthermore, when you enter the top training ground, you will find that the resources and conditions provided by the training ground are sufficiently attractive. You will have all the status, status, and amount of money all at once. At that time, you will quickly come into contact with a lot of strangers. In the circle, I know many distinguished people. Correspondingly, when you go out and act in the entire alliance, as long as you are willing to say your identity, most people will respect you and provide various conveniences and outlets."

Cassia sighed at this time, and her voice seemed exaggerated: "There are many benefits. And even the "Thorn Bird" training ground, in fact, the treatment is not much worse than just explained."

Sisiah listened, the lamps reflected in the pupils seemed to be shining: "Thorn Bird ranks twelfth in the training grounds of the same batch. It is a very good choice."

"According to the data, there will also be divided into batches, but there is no detailed training ground here. After you go there, your training and life will be greatly improved. Don't forget that the reason why you can pass is because of the current league. The situation within the country. A lot of information needs to be collected. I am worried that Thornybird will recruit a large number of new students from the Flame Tribe this time, and its true purpose must be to supplement those who have already been recruited. But..."

Cassia said after a short voice: "Do you know the'freshman assessment'?"

"I have experienced it in schools in the ordinary world and after I came to this training ground." Sisia replied, and understood what the second personality wanted to remind her. The standard is raised to complete the screening? Only those who pass the standard will really enter the spiny bird, and those who fail to meet the standard will be returned, just like unqualified products."

"You imagine the rules of the Strange World too simple. With a 95% probability, people who do not meet the standard will become corpses, and then be recycled and become rations for certain types of second-class creatures. I Worrying about this so-called opportunity is essentially a deceptive survey."

"Perhaps, after you get to Thorn Bird, the management there will give you dozens of days to adapt, and then some other batch of members will lead the team as the captain, mix them into a team, and start to execute. Mission. Maybe once, or maybe twice, three times, ... In short, the talents who can survive in the end are the real members of the Thornbird training ground. Believe me, the attrition rate exceeds at least three levels."

"Just stay alive, it shouldn't be difficult, right?" Sisia smiled to cover up the thoughts in her heart, "do it carefully."

"Everyone thinks the same as you. But you need to be clear about the most important point. The so-called three-tier attrition rate is for the whole. During the mission, some team members died, or most of them died, which is the most common situation. Do you want to say that it depends only on luck, meeting good teams and teammates? What is the nature of putting your life in the hands of others with the nature of your being treated as a commodity more than ten days ago? the difference?"

Cassia waited for Sisia's answer and fell silent. In fact, it's time now. He still remembers very clearly what Carla said back then and what he said in the small garden.

I have gone through this process once, and until the Southern Forest Incident, Cassia knew about the ideological problem, but it had not completely solved it.

If it were to say that in the four years before his body died, Cassia had been hoping for something, leaving a place at the bottom of his heart, maintaining the original appearance. Now, as a spiritual body, he thinks that there is no need to keep hope and a place.

After all, a person's strength and energy are limited, and Cassia made it clear that he is very suitable to be a saboteur. As for the reconstruction and maintenance in the future, just leave it to other people who are good at it. Of course, if you are not satisfied, then destroy it again, and so on.

So he didn't want Sisia to repeat his own process, especially in thought. Cassia hopes that he can correct Sisia from the beginning and not take another step. Sisia is now the only thing in his hands and must be in full control.

After waiting for a long time, Cassia did not wait for Sisia's answer.

"In fact, when it comes to'Thorn Bird', all questions are clear. Talking on topics like this now affects emotions."

"It has been affected." Sisiah immediately connected, expressing her dissatisfaction, "I will try my best. UU reading" she followed, and then sighed.

At 3:30 in the afternoon of the second day, a total of 1,500 people were divided into fifteen pairs of confronting teams in a concrete square in front of the primeval forest, standing opposite each other by a 10-meter-wide passage in the middle.

In addition to the increased sound of the cold wind today, there is also the sound of instructors walking back and forth in the middle of the team. The loudspeaker made the voice sharp and harsh.

While listening to the instructor, Sisia looked up at the cloudy sky. The light is very dim, and they will disappear at about five and a half. The environment inside the forest will turn into a dark state faster, causing a huge obstacle to sight.

"Everyone has understood the rules in advance, you have half an hour to prepare for the simulation battle!" As the instructor's voice fell, the neat team immediately dispersed, all surrounded by the materials behind each—two weapons, One is the rubber bullet with one-third the power of ordinary bullets, and the ammunition is limited to 120 rounds. If you want to increase the ammunition, you need to carry a load of 20 kilograms for every ten rounds, which cannot be unloaded in a simulated battle. The second type is a mandatory hypnotic needle, which is fired by a corresponding weapon. The ammunition is limited to 20 rounds and cannot be increased. This is the main means of making the enemy "dead".

In addition, it is the field combat equipment specially prepared for simulation warfare, among which protective glasses must be carried by everyone. The instructors did not want to evaluate someone whose eyes were broken. There is definitely nothing in the steel shell bomb, but cold weapons such as flash flares and signal flares, as well as tactical knives and forged steel swords without sharp edges, are prepared.

"Don't worry about how others carry it, just prepare according to what I said." Cassia said at this time, "You need to remember that in the real battlefield, except yourself, including teammates, are all mobile weapons and ammunition supplies. Point. What is missing later, it is the best choice to obtain from them."

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