Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1913: Simple All Annihilation and Xinren Camp (Part 1)

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"I will pay attention to these details in the future." Later, Sisia replied.

"Not only need to pay attention, but also need to get used to it as soon as possible. You should have heard the story about encountering bears in the forest? Of the few people, you don't need to be the fastest runner, as long as it is not the slowest. In the world of the Strange, this is often the case. In addition, the member who runs in the front is actually extremely dangerous. As for how to escape after encountering a bear, it must be judged according to the specific situation. These abilities, I After that, you will be given corresponding exercises."

"There should be a lot of things to learn, right?" Cassia thought Sisia would breathe out before answering.

For some reason, when answering Sisia's question, Cassia kept smiling. I never wanted to be a teacher in the past, but now Cassia's thinking has changed. He thinks it is a good choice to teach students. Watching a group of young people grow and become stronger, his mood can also improve.

This is the infectious power of the environment? Thought Cassia. But it is indeed a relaxed and comfortable job. For him, teaching Sisia is also a kind of review of his own, deepening what has become instinct and imprinting it in the spirit.

"Not many, but very, very many. Specifically, in the next one or two years, you may not be able to learn it completely. And you are only learning, without practice, and you have a huge amount of knowledge in your head. The improvement is just knowing, it will not achieve the effect. There will be a process of learning and absorption. I will definitely demand you strictly, and you also need to feel the pressure. Because after the simulation battle, you will go to the'Thorn Bird' training ground. We are facing real guns, and weapons with sharp edges."

"At that time, what was placed on the side of the balance as a bargaining chip was always his own life."

Cassia ignored Sisia's silence, and it was a good option to give her some time to digest what she had just said.

The disappearance of the surrounding light is getting faster. There is no moonlight in winter, and there are no fluorescent plants around. The darkness makes the line of sight less than a few meters away. Walking forward from a distance of kilometers, the three enemies fumbled forward cautiously in the scattered perception.

"I just said that the bark is used to defend the anesthetic needle. Now, in the current quiet environment, the sound is the point that you need to focus on. The time you practice is very short. Although the sound while moving is very small, it is far away. It's not up to the requirement. Do you know why?" Cassia asked as he approached the three enemies.

"Less practice? It's definitely not the reason, I think." Sisia knew that this is the second personality forcing herself to think, so it's okay to answer the wrong answer, "It's not weight? I'm still less than two hundred catties. It is already the lighter type of strangers."

Cassia was stunned at this moment: "Less than two hundred catties, really an enviable weight." Thinking of his previous weight, he couldn't climb trees, and he had to determine the wall in advance for actions such as turning over walls. Intensity, every step needs to be controlled when running, so as not to leave obvious footprints and involuntarily sigh.

But Sisia did not know Cassia’s past and thought that this sentence was a mockery of her substandard weight: “Going back and eating more can increase her weight. Does weight really matter? The lighter the better, right? "

I knew what Sisia was talking about at once, and Cassia also sighed that he was too relaxed after accepting control. Regarding everything he had done before, at this moment Sisia didn't know that one thing was the most correct choice.

"Weight definitely has an effect, but there is a limit between lightness and weight. I think it is best about 300 kilograms. When walking, making a sound has little to do with weight, but lies in the point of landing and the control of strength. According to the data, It involves fine control and requires excellent physical coordination. You can’t do it. It just means that your control of the body is not standard.” Cassia replied at this time, “But there is the simplest solution, that Just take off your shoes and walk barefoot. This way you can squeeze your voice again."

"I remember the second personality, you said that as long as the sound you make is below the ambient sound."

"I said that there is nothing wrong with this sentence, but the premise is that the enemy you are facing is these people in the simulated battle. The top members don’t care about the environmental sound. Just like the example I cited in the practice a few days ago-entering a new environment, all Filterable things will be transformed into models by them in a very fast time. You think that there is a rustle of leaves rubbing in their ears. But in fact, even if these sounds are caught by the ears and enter the brain, they will not be treated as Information processing. It was eliminated first."

"Switch, it’s easier to describe it like this. They flip the switch when they want to hear the ambient sound, and turn it off when they don’t want to hear it." Cassia explained, "And, the sound is only the most basic item. After that, there will be body temperature, The suppression of Qi flow, breathing and heartbeat can be advanced later. But it is far away from you—specifically, you can first capture the enemy’s breathing and heartbeat, and then synchronize your breathing and heartbeat with it. In this way, the enemy The probability of finding you is almost zero."

Sisia replied, "Can it still be like this?" Cassia still replied with a smile.

"That breath is the last item, right? You have been emphasizing the importance of breath for hiding." Sisiah continued to think. Cassia's teaching method seemed to suit her, which aroused her curiosity and interest. There will always be words behind the words, and Sisia is therefore prepared to guess wrong.

"It's the penultimate item."

"Sure enough." This time it was replaced by Sisiah and sighed, "Second personality you always don't finish talking."

"The main reason is that these things are indeed a long distance away from you. Knowing it too early is not appropriate." Cassia felt the joy of teaching students as a teacher. "As far as my current knowledge reserve, The last item should be the perception of danger. From your perspective, it is the so-called female intuition. In the stranger, it is the mysterious and unfounded sixth sense. It is too difficult to avoid it. ,almost impossible."

"It's just almost, there must be a way to avoid it?" Sisia felt that she had mastered the speaking style of the second personality.

"It does. But it needs to integrate all aspects of ability and strength to achieve this effect. The simplest example, the unknown woman not long ago, was not able to achieve this level. At best, she was more concealed. Good, so the small goal that you set before and beat her up in the future is not difficult to achieve."

Afterwards, Sisiah suddenly became hesitant: "Listening to the second personality you say, I seem to have some expectations for the strange world in your mouth. This shouldn't be a good thing."

"Of course it's not a good thing." Cassia was serious, "You know, there must be people who are looking forward to it. But more, UU reading wants to completely destroy it. People who rebuild. They have existed for a long time, but what is left is not good at all, only endless interests and conspiracies are left."

Cassia did not sigh, and during the conversation, he had already walked hundreds of meters, and at the moment stood beside the three cautiously advancing enemies, the distance was only two hundred meters.

"Now go to the next lesson, how to actually perform combat operations. You are ready, write down all the doubts and all the words I have said, and then think about it for yourself. The enemy team in this simulation battle has some problems. Single people, small groups of three or four people, and teams of more than 20 people. I will explain one by one how to destroy them in single combat."

With the words, the smile on Cassia's face disappeared. His mental power also uttered an exclamation that was not heard by Sisiah: "Sisia, after going to the'Thorn Bird', there will be an endless struggle. I sincerely hope that you will always be smooth in your mind, but not Just like me before, there are all kinds of feelings. In the world of surgeons, only the living can speak and make changes to certain things."

"I don't know how you will become in this environment later?"

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