Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1914: Simple Total Annihilation and Newcomer Camp (Part 2)

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The distance was silently pulled closer by Cassia, and the three people in front didn't notice, they still kept cautiously moving forward. But in the eyes of Cassia, what they thought was cautiousness was just a kind of comfort in their hearts, and the smell of flaws radiated from their whole body.

"There are almost no students in this training ground who will develop temperature perception, so there is no need to worry that the enemy will detect the temperature. In addition, if there is temperature perception detection, their forward movement and speed in the dark environment will not be the current one. In this way." Sisia can use Cassia's perception to know a little bit of the vague outline shadow, and Cassia will also explain in detail that the conversation between the two will not make a sound, and there is almost no time interval, which is very convenient. In order to facilitate Sisia's understanding, Cassia will also imitate the enemy's actions, and make use of the opportunity of simulation warfare as much as possible to let Sisia learn more.

Directly took out the pistol that fired the anesthesia needle, Cassia approached at a constant speed, and within a few breaths, the distance was narrowed to within a hundred meters.

"In single-player combat, if you want to hunt multiple targets, you must be aware of the most important point." Cassia slowed down at this time. "Groups and teams, they are completely different from single-player in combat, and there will be a reasonable division of labor. When you know the number of target teams, you should immediately think of how they operate."

"Just like the three enemies in front of you, the detection method must be divided into three areas, the left, middle, and right. Because one person radiates all the surrounding areas will cause excessive mental consumption, and the detection is also a rough investigation of the environment. Too meticulous. After the division of labor, the original work of one person is assigned to three people, and the accuracy will definitely improve a lot."

"In the next step, you also need to know the focus of the small group in the process of advancement." Cassia continued, "The previous three people are still used as an example. The simulation battle range is a rough circle. You can imagine just now. The route we have traveled, try to mark our location with them."

A few seconds later, Sisia gave an answer that was not too bad. Before Cassia spoke, he had put his sense of direction and memory of the environment on his practice schedule in the near future.

"Now, based on the points you marked, the location of the three enemies is clear. I am to their left, and our two large teams are right in front of them. In addition, the other members of the enemy are taken for granted. They are in the rear right direction. From these points, the enemy can know about the concentration of detection or spreading perception."

"The focus is on the front left, and the rear right will relax a little," Sisiah replied.

"Yes, but this is a result based on theory. Now based on what I have actually detected, the focus of these three enemies is also a bit more biased towards their own rear. Because the three of them are taking turns to look back at their own rear. This What can it explain?" Cassia asked, and he was no more than sixty meters away from the three of them.

"It can only mean that the opponent's large forces are almost on their right. Because I know that there are no members of the same team behind me, I am afraid that the enemy will appear from there." Sisiah quickly gave the answer, seeing that the second personality did not immediately pick up the conversation. After thinking for a while, he added, "Can we tell the position and general course of action of the enemy's main team from this information? They seem to be detouring close to the edge of the simulated battle assessment range. Attacking our team from the flanks?"

"Your guess is correct, they really want to attack from the flank."

Sisiah was a little happy, and just about to show it, she immediately thought of this kind of thing that can be thought of only once, and it must be only a means for the second personality to stimulate her thinking.

"After analyzing the information, the next step is to use this information to find the weakest point of the enemy and cut in to increase the chance of annihilation." As he said, Cassia speeded up his movement, silently bypassing an arc, and went to the right side of the enemy. The next words are, "Now it is known that the enemy will use the bark of the ancient tree to defend against the anesthetic needle, and there are three people, so they cannot directly attack the body and limbs. But as long as it is not a full body defense, there must be a flaw."

As he said, Cassia loaded the anesthesia needle: "The sound of the anesthesia needle is very small when it is launched, but it is still above the ambient sound. You need to remember that if it is in strong winds or rainstorms, for example, if the leaves are rubbing loudly, or there is With thunder, you can hide the sound of shooting under the natural sound. But it’s a pity that you can’t do that now.”

"And after the firearms proficiency is improved and the accuracy is extremely accurate, you can achieve such an effect." Cassia continued, then fired two consecutive shots into the darkness in front. However, the sound of the gun sound was infinitely close to a gun sound, it was the explosion of a balloon, which slowly spread towards the surroundings.

"The sound will reveal your position, and the strength is in the ears of the strong. It is also an extremely accurate distance measurement tool. Based on these two points, you need to consider the next step when shooting. I said that if you don't shoot more than three bullets in the same place, this is the sign of the truth." Cassia, who has just spoken, has moved to the left and forward, and it is as comfortable as a walk.

"But you need to pay attention. The premise of moving is to ensure that there is no sound." Cassia did not forget to remind, "because when the sound spreads, the enemy will immediately notice the direction of the sound, and the observation range will radiate approximately ninety degrees. The arc. This is the movement area within a few breaths of the normal singular being exposed by gunfire, but it is not suitable for the strong. But what you need to do now is to leave this area carefully at a normal speed. Look for the next opportunity."

"I know." Sisiah replied, but did not forget to ask very carefully, "The enemy is,,, um,,, dead? It seems that nothing happened. UU Reading and the enemy is Isn’t there one left? You only fired two shots."

"It is indeed dead, but the enemy who received the anaesthetic needle struggled a few times. If you change to a real bullet, you can only hear the gunshots. As for the remaining enemies, it is deliberately left for you to do another one. For teaching purposes." Cassia replied naturally, "Don’t think that fifty enemies are a large number. In fact, they are very few. And in some cases, the number can’t represent anything. But at the moment, I think there are too few enemies. . If you have more, you can create a lot of different situations, so that I can use them as props for your teaching."

Seeing that Sisia did not respond, Cassia stopped talking about other things and continued her teaching course. The simulation battle is only three hours, and he doesn't think this time is very long.

"Leaving an enemy is to make a good start for an important ability you are about to understand and learn." Cassia has a tone that teaches young people in life with the old man, "This ability, its The academic call is called "battlefield psychology", but I have always called it "self-simulation". It is very important, and it is also the ability that you will spend a long time to learn and practice in the future."

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