Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1915: The Simple Annihilation and the Newcomer Camp (Part 2)

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"Imagine the next move of the enemy, similar to pre-judgment?" Sisia gave his own understanding, "After knowing reasonable information, it should not be difficult to do it." After speaking, Sisia was already waiting for the explanation of the second personality. She knew that her current understanding was definitely not the standard answer.

Faced with complex abilities that require a long time to practice, Cassia often does not demand strict requirements in the first place. He understands how he has come all the way. There is no corresponding environment. Excessive requirements will become an obstacle to the growth of Sisia.

"Your answer is basically correct. But often the simpler things are, the more difficult it is to achieve, and they cannot become perfect. It is indeed to predict the enemy's next move, which is called pre-judgment and cannot be regarded as a mistake in understanding. This This kind of expectation is often to substitute oneself into the enemy, construct as many scenes as possible from the action and psychology, and grasp every move after the enemy, so as to give oneself an absolute advantage."

Cassia "looks" at the remaining enemies in the perception: "Two teammates died. In the current dark environment, besides absolute vigilance, his mental state will also be nervous and panic. If it is you, what will happen next? action?"

"Look for a cover to avoid being hit by an anesthetic needle from the dark. The next step is to move away from the source of the sound, as far as possible. There must be other better ways, but I really can't think of it at the moment. Sisiah answered the question seriously, "I changed it to me. I definitely saw that the enemy did not attack again after hiding for a few breaths. After pulling the distance, I used all my strength to run, the farther the better. After that, I ran towards the main team. OK, join them."

Cassia nodded very pertinently at the moment: "How do you evaluate your answer? Just memorize the standard answer from the textbook in your head, and then repeat it in your own words at this moment. But we all know that the standard answer is always a reference. If it is not practical, errors will occur."

"Now, do you think about the premise of the current situation that the remaining enemy is facing? There are several premises for this situation. First, the sudden death of two teammates not far from him is the only omen. Gunshots. Second, before the death of the teammates, no one, including the dead teammates, noticed that there was an enemy around. Third, the environment was a forest near night. He couldn't see the enemy, but the enemy had the ability to accurately hit two teammates. The fourth point is more important. Why is he only alive in a group of three?"

Sisiah fell into thinking, but still spoke for a few seconds: "These premises are not only for the enemy, but also make me think if I am in the same situation, what should I do?"

"The reason why I use this simulation war to teach, the only purpose is to let you learn something." Cassia's answer is very general, "I just said, whether it is battlefield psychology or self-simulation, both You need to substitute yourself into the enemy’s current situation. Only in this way can you grasp the enemy’s next move and learn all the possibilities from it."

"Now I will explain the words more clearly. You are the remaining person. In the next short period of time, what should you do to improve your chances of survival. The other thing is to think that the enemy could kill you at the same time. Death, but why did you stay? This reminds you that if you do nothing, you can only face death. No matter what the situation, struggle and counterattack will often achieve unexpected results."

While waiting for an answer, Cassia kept locking on the remaining enemies. For nearly half a minute, Sisia spoke in a frustrated voice: "I can't think of a way, but I can be sure that in this case, turning around and attacking is absolutely wrong."

Already predicting what Sisia would say, Cassia was not surprised by her answer. Sisia has not participated in any formal missions, as well as the tactics they have learned, they are all for the team. Regarding the details and experience of single-player combat, nothing is taken for granted.

"Originally, I wanted to use the remaining enemy to teach you, but he is tantamount to choosing the most wrong and hopeless path under excessive mental pressure." Kassia carried the words. He started, when the gunfire spread and then fell, he had already reached the three enemies who had fallen into a coma due to anesthesia.

"Now I can only dictate the answer." Cassia walked all the way, and all three enemies were kicked. "The correct way is to find the cover while immediately letting the location be exposed to everyone. In my eyes. Simply speaking, it means telling other people nearby that there is an enemy here. Because under the above-mentioned premises, you have absolutely no ability to escape. You can only use external force to deter the enemy, so that there is a little bit. Hope of survival."

"The other question is why you keep him alive." Cassia searched the three people expertly. They did stuff large pieces of fresh bark under their combat uniforms. It's just that the position of the neck and face was exposed, and such a large target was a flaw that Cassia would surely hit.

Pulling off the brand of the three people, Cassia used his own brand to trigger, and then added: "Because the enemy has the value of being killed, but also has the role of leading the way. When under great psychological pressure, he will be completely After stimulating the desire to survive, there is an option among normal people’s practices, which is to seek protection from groups! It should not be said that it is to seek benefits and avoid disadvantages, but to share risks. The principle is not the same as the practice of encountering bears in the forest. Big."

"Direct the danger to the large army, or in front of the more powerful members, to gain your own safety? It seems like this, the lives of others can definitely be thrown away like garbage at any time compared to yourself. If it were me Know more things, this must be my answer." Sisia thoughtfully, as if thinking about other things, "You said not long ago that when you met a bear, the fastest person in some cases On the contrary, it’s even more dangerous, right?"

"Nice Lenovo, the answer is correct."

After the three signs flashed through the lights one by one, Cassia put them away in his pocket.

"There are still three people who have passed the evaluation results of the simulation battle. In addition, there is another thing that should be proved here. The ammunition can be supplied by the enemy and teammates. If you bring more before departure, it will add weight out of thin air." After shaking the 60 extra anesthesia needles in his hand, Sisia was a little speechless for a while, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Next is group combat, I think about it." Cassia walked and looked to the right, stopped after a few meters, "I forgot an important thing." He drew his pistol and pointed at the three people behind him. , Each person once again made up an anesthesia needle.

"Do you know the meaning of this approach?" asked Cassia, who took the pistol back.

"In order to survive, some enemies will pretend to die without being fatally injured. This is to ensure that the enemy's death state is true and reliable." Sisia answered immediately.

"The answer is fast, but I hope you can do this every moment in the future. Whenever, as long as there is time, when a battle is over, no matter how many pieces of the enemy’s body are blown up Broken pieces, or the heart is broken under the eyes, as long as his head is intact and can be seen or found by himself, don't save ammunition."

"Ammunition is never valuable, it is very cheap. But it is ridiculous that such an extremely cheap thing can often take away everyone's precious life."

There was no exclamation in the words, but Cassia was just explaining a simple fact.

The topic was picked up by Cassia later, but it was just a brief explanation: "For group combat, I don’t think there is too much to talk about. Because one person acts alone and hunts a team, often the one person alone. The strength is dependent. And each team’s situation is different, and the flaws are also different."

"But there must be similarities." Sisiah said Cassia's next sentence at this time.

"Yes, it's the battlefield psychology I just mentioned. Whenever it's fighting, it's always applicable to any situation. For a team, when you can't use your power to run over directly, you have to use your psychology to let The team collapses on its own. To sum up, use various methods to break the enemy team into pieces, so that the number of enemies you face is always too small, and you can eat away a little bit. This is the way to deal with a team." After that, Cassia accelerated forward, narrowing the distance with the enemy team.

Within a few minutes, a total of 23 teams appeared in the perception. Slowing down, Cassia began to explain the situation before him.

"A team has higher firepower and detection nets than a single player. To break it, it starts from a point that most people know. That is the psychological line of defense. There are too many ways to deal with this, but the best It is used to continuously cause the death of the enemy. When your teammates die, other people can't find you. In this case, it only takes a few minutes to accumulate huge psychological pressure, and then crush the line of defense, making the team's cooperative nature Disappeared."

"When the members of the same team lose their collaboration, they will become obstacles and cumbersome to each other when they get together. At that moment, it is your opportunity." Cassia continued, "For group battles, there is really nothing too much to do. Said. And because the level of the trainees here is too low, it may lead to some situations that shouldn’t happen and fail to meet the teaching requirements. But here is still for you to slow down and demonstrate the entire annihilation process. You’d better remember Go through the whole process, although it will be more vague. Think about it more later, you will definitely learn something from it."

"I will explain every next step too." Cassia reminded in a deep voice, flooding with a lot of information, the general steps of the action have been worked out.

"Let's start now." As if pressing the start button for himself, Sisiah, who had not yet answered, immediately noticed the change in the second personality. This is a subtle feeling, like watching a field combat performance of an artificial intelligence machine, or a theoretical combat calculus.

"Your team is about three kilometers away from here, and the enemy roughly knows this number. At this time, one of the prerequisite information." Cassia ran forward, taking a few breaths, and went to a hundred meters behind the enemy team.

"The anesthesia needle is different from a real bullet. The deviation after shooting is relatively large. The best shooting distance is within 50 meters. After the distance is reduced, ... Near the front, fired three shots directly, "I shot immediately."

"I have already talked about the next step. Change the position immediately. At this moment, the enemy has noticed that there is an enemy behind him, and must immediately look for a nearby cover. Therefore, there will be no chance of attack for the next few breaths. And the movement at this time must be guaranteed not to Make a sound." While speaking, Cassia moved to the side at a normal speed, and at the same time pulled out the flare gun, "Look for an offensive direction during the movement."

"For example, here, although within the alert direction of the enemy team, three enemies can still be captured. However, it should be noted that the enemy will pay most of the attention here. Once the position is exposed again, whether it is fire suppression or personnel from Surroundings on both sides are bound to make you fall into the subsequent retreat. So use the flare gun to divert all the enemy’s attention away and pay attention to the other people who are attracted by the flare and will arrive here."

After speaking, the three anesthesia needles once again took away three enemies under the almost continuous gunfire.

"No matter when, don't panic." Cassia didn't forget to remind, and changed the magazine. "After the second attack, pause for a second or two before retreating to prevent the enemy from attacking indiscriminately. After that, pay attention to the old trees all over the body. Positions, alternate movements must be fast, between yourself and the enemy, there needs to be obstacles at every moment. At this time, you can replace the magazines. In an emergency, it will take longer to block the enemy with fire."

"The enemy has 17 people left at the moment, and the pressure in my heart is not high enough, so I have to continue." Cassia fired a signal flare at this time, and the bright red light immediately shined in the forest, illuminating the 17 people who were groping and surrounding in front. With the help of this brief light, Sisia was able to see some scenes clearly before her eyes. It's just that her focus is not on the enemy, but on herself.

When the light was sufficient, she realized that the second personality was completely moving in the shadow, as if he was a shadow himself, and there was no possibility of being observed.

"The signal flares will expose the position, and just move the position after launching." Cassia continued, "Of course, if the enemy pursues too fast or too deep, this kind of opportunity also needs to be grasped." The words fell, and three shots of anesthesia needles were immediately followed. excitation. Cassia didn't look back, but after sensing the three enemies rolling a few times on the ground due to the inertia of running, they completely lost the strength to struggle and fell into a coma.

"At this point, the team captain with a little thought or vision should give the order to stop the encirclement and pursuit, and gather for defense. But this captain is obviously not the type of person I am talking about. Of course, This is also a manifestation of substandard standards." It is still a calm voice, "If this is the case, then continue to seize the opportunity."

"But be careful. In the next attack, the target is often selected on the two wings of the enemy team. This can reduce the enemy’s personnel and contain their encirclement. But now there are only fourteen people left. Don’t worry about this kind of thing happening. Not long ago I said that there were not many people in fifty, that’s why."

The bright red light of the flare quickly disappeared, and darkness fell again. But the next moment, the enemy fired two flares to illuminate the surrounding area.

"It seems that they still know the importance of sight." Kassia spoke as he was moving, and gunshots sounded one after another behind him. Rubber bullets shot at a place around him, but none of them came close to him within a meter. Inside, "At this time, you can judge from the rubber bullet whether the enemy has found your exact location."

Cassia tilted his head slightly to the left and right, and under the light of the flare, he could catch the impact point and trajectory of some rubber bullets. "It seems that they only know my approximate location. So using this point, they can reduce their staff again. "The pace of progress stopped as the words ended. Cassia sheltered behind an ancient tree, quietly waiting to perceive a few people approaching here.

"There is nothing to say about this step, it's just shooting." Then the four enemies fell amidst the sound of gunfire. UU reading www.uukANAnshu. At the same time, six flare flare flares behind him, "At this moment, our position is completely exposed. The enemy knows that I am hiding behind this ancient tree, so they will definitely suppress firepower and surround each other. At this time, It needs to break through. But here is a reminder that in a real battle, this step cannot be performed, because the strength of the ancient tree cannot support it to become a defensive body, it can only be a block of sight."

Cassia took out the flash bomb from her waist and tore off the tab: "Counting in your heart, but you need to have a predetermined throwing trajectory in order to throw it out at the correct time. Just like this, make full use of ancient times. The tree acts as a jumping platform to make it go out some weird routes."

When there was a clear "Bang" sound, the gunshots suddenly increased and became a little messy, and then immediately calmed down, leaving only the burning sound of the signal flare "Bang".

"Do you understand all my actions in the few seconds just now?" Cassia asked at this time, "By the way, there are still five enemies left, do you want to try it out. Because at this time, they only know the future Withdrawal, we cannot continue to encircle. The reason should be that of the five people'killed' just now, their captain was there."

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