Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1916: Candidate Queue and Adaptation Period (Part 1)

"I didn't understand, I just knew that after you shot the anesthesia needle in the magazine, the enemy fell, and the remaining five people immediately ran back." Sisia answered honestly. When the second personality acts with commentary, she can barely keep up with the rhythm. The reaction will be a little slower, but after recalling several times, every step and every movement of the body has what meaning, what is it for, and what is it to prevent, she can analyze the answer later.

But in that short time, the only thing she could understand was that the second personality blocked the enemy's perspective at a precise point in time. Although it was only a few seconds, during that time, Sisia was sure that only the second personality saw the enemy, and the enemy did not see the second personality at all. She knew that it was not that the enemy's vision was blocked and could not be seen, but that at the corresponding point in time, the enemies were all looking in other directions, and the point of attention was not in the second personality at all.

Yu Guang could capture the figure of the second personality, but with the reaction and speed of the strangers in the late stage of the second stage here, that little time gap would be enough to kill his life.

"Is this completely the result of battlefield psychology, self-simulation?" Sisia continued to ask, "I can only feel that the second personality you and the enemy seem to be completely staggered. I don't think this staggering is all about it. Coincidentally, because it makes me feel that you and the enemy are not in the same world. It’s like being stratified, you will always stand on top of the enemy, and time will always be faster than them."

"I really can't come out and try? The remaining five people are oppressed by the psychological defense. You only need to be a little more careful, and you can make them fall into a coma." Cassia who repeatedly asked, chased behind the remaining five. After getting Sisiah's negative answer, several shots drew Silence back.

"Remember, no matter when you run away, don't be with your teammates. You must run away separately, with a deviation of at least 30 degrees in the direction. If you have a teammate, you must stick to you and run away with you. Then , My suggestion is to shoot directly at his head." This time searching for the enemy's "corpse" is no longer so careful. After supplementing the anesthesia needle to sixty rounds, Cassia only took two extra flash bombs, and did not take the rest.

When the enemy's brand was aroused one by one, he thought of answering the question just now for Sisia.

"Your feeling is not wrong. The short few seconds just now will be the ultimate goal that you will strive to achieve for a long time. It is definitely not purely the predictability brought by self-simulation, but is obtained from all aspects of abilities. As a result. You said that you didn't understand it, that is, because you have not yet learned and understood some ability knowledge, you can't analyze it."

"Life is an extremely precious thing, and the battlefield and every battle is an extremely complicated matter. There are countless possibilities that can happen in it, and you can't predict all of them. Therefore, it is no different if you want to protect your life on the battlefield. So a very difficult thing."

"And this is just to protect your own life. If you have something you want to protect later, the difficulty is not simple stacking, but will cause an endless chain reaction, no one can see the end. For this reason, All you can do is improve yourself as much as possible."

While talking, Cassia, who had inspired her identity brand, got up and looked to the front right: "Since you don’t have the idea of ​​coming out to try it yourself, then this simulation battle will end soon. There are still some errors in the estimation, but it is also Calculating a good result, at least I know the size of your current receiving range of information. The enemy still has a team, and I will use them to repeat the explanation just now to help you remember."

"The distance will not be far, but it is estimated to be only two kilometers. I am moving forward at a slow and uniform speed. You now have three minutes to ask questions about the entire process just now, so that I can grasp the key points in the second explanation and explain a few in detail for you. The key point." Before leaving here, Cassia did not forget to search for a few anesthesia guns on the enemy's "corpse", and gave each of the 23 people an anesthesia needle.

Cassia believes that he is now a teacher, so he must strictly demand himself at every step, and establish an absolutely qualified self-goal for Sisia.

Furthermore, Cassia has had the experience of teaching Cassiehei, not only is he deeply aware of the importance of the image of "teacher", he also has a profound experience. After all, in his eyes, Sisia is a child who has just entered the world of surgeons. Early cognition and learning are extremely important.

"Okay, now you can remember and ask questions." Cassia said as he moved forward.

On the other side of the training ground here, a group of instructors sat in a spacious conference room and chatted with each other. In the corner of the conference room, several information signal receiving instruments were working at the same time, and the staff also summarized and reported the latest situation of more than a dozen simulation battle teams.

"The thirteenth team, the left half of the team was eliminated consecutively within one minute of 23 members, the killers were all Sisia Mandeville!"

The staff suddenly yelled out what he thought was surprising.

"Is that the participant of the ceremony to go to the Nature Association? She seems to be one of the candidates to go to the'Thorn Bird' training ground, as long as she passes the simulation battle."

"I have seen her information. More than a year ago, she was troubled by the so-called narcolepsy. She could have used the identity of a ceremonial participant to go directly to one of the tribe’s top training grounds, and was finally screened. She was in the Nature Association. What does the data look like? Does anyone know?"

"It's very common. When I was told that she also had the opportunity to go to'Thorn Bird', I paid attention to it a few days ago. It can only be said that the level has been steadily increasing over time, and there is no bright spot. Otherwise, she will not be after returning to the league. Stay here again."

"But I remember that her evaluation results after coming back,..., seem to have exceeded expectations, right? It can even be said to be an abnormally high result. The theory, firearms and combat evaluation, except that the affinity has returned to the previous level, there is no change. outside."

There was rare news for the instructors in the conference room to discuss, and the small chats that had been scattered all at once became like a formal meeting. The simulation battle is carried out at a fixed time each year, and the instructors have become accustomed to it, and it becomes very boring after a few times. Discussing real-time information in simulated battles is one of their necessary pastimes.

Coaches related to simulation battles need to pay attention to the situation in the conference room throughout the process. This is a rule that has never been changed in the training ground.

The discussion continued, but just a few words, the topic completely deviated from Sisia and went elsewhere. As the instructors here, no one knows the actual level of the students here better than them, and the value of discussion is often just a few sentences.

"The thirteenth team, all members of the left half of the team were wiped out, of which 46 members were eliminated by Sisia Mandeville." Four minutes later, the staff shouted again. The sound of discussion suddenly disappeared at this moment. After a few seconds of silence, the instructor spoke and asked the staff to trace the information back to the moment when Sisia eliminated the first member of the left half a few minutes ago.

On the other side where the time was not much different, Cassia walked past the team members who came over without any expression. The sign on his body was shining with the indicator light at the end of the simulation battle. I can feel the gaze gathered on the body, but Cassia certainly doesn't care about these, after all, it is not his body.

"Is it over?" Sisiah said with a melancholy, "like..."

"Does it feel that the actual process of the battle is completely different from what you imagined? It should be more intense and more anxious. The surrounding is full of explosions and the "rusty" sound of bullets, the roar of the enemy, the shouts of the team members, the wounded because of pain The groans were mixed together. There were bright light and dark red ballistic lines everywhere, and the personnel cooperated with each other to move among the ancient trees, attacking each other. The air should not be cold, it should be warm and hot inside. It's all the smell of gunpowder, and the burnt smell of blood and flesh?"

"I didn't imagine it like that. UU reads, but the sense of gap is indeed a bit big." Sisiah said his current feelings, "I think it will be a bit more intense, and then... It should be more. In short, it is why the enemy is like a target. They do not do anything and they fall into a coma. Just think that this situation is more or less unreal..."

Cassia gave a "hehe", and then sighed: "The real battlefield, or battle, is often more unreal than what you have just seen. Compared with simulated battles, there are only two differences between the two. Point. One is that the sound of gunshots is like thunder, not the popping sound of a balloon like a "pop". The other is that the enemy's body will not be intact, and the head and body will often explode after being hit. So. Fragments of flesh and blood tissue can be seen everywhere around the corpse, and blood will drip on the ground to form pools of blood."

"And the biggest similarity between the two is that after the gunshots sounded, you or one of your teammates either lost your head or had a hole in your body. That is, you died. This is not much different."

"But it's over. I went out and returned the brand. The schedule for the day remains the same. The rest is to wait for the notice about the'Thorn Bird' training ground. I think I have to understand and The anticipation of the necessary **** may tell you some information."

"That's right," Cassia didn't forget to speak when the control of the body was handed over, "Congratulations, I have passed the evaluation results."

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