Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1932: If it's just the strength of this intensity (part 1)

This time it was the turn of the woman sitting on the bed to sigh: "Unconsciously, almost six years have passed."

"After returning, we divided the solid red mercury into two halves, and half became fragments. We used a part of it ourselves, and all the rest was disposed of through the dark world and replaced with a lot of money. The other half has been preserved until now, and it's time to play a role. "The woman at the table said, shook the glass, indicating that the other person needed it.

The woman by the bed shook her head: "Drink it yourself, sister, I don't want it."

"Sister, maybe we can try to ask the tribe for help again. We still have potential, and the tribe is willing to accept our early withdrawal of the potential."

"Even if the tribe looks at us, it will not allow this to happen." The woman filled the wine again. "In recent years, you followed me to see Nalco several times. From those conversations, can you tell? Didn't you see anything? Especially the conversation when I went to Nalco shortly after the sacrificial ceremony."

"Sister, you want to say that we have potential, but the people behind the sales network have more potential after the sacrificial ceremony. He will also be favored and protected by his own tribe. Among the choices of the other party and us, the tribe will choose to give up Should we not provoke people who are optimistic about another tribe?"

The woman exhales, the heat rises in her eyes, and slowly disappears into the air in the room: "I think I feel ridiculous. In the past few years after returning to the league, there have been so many investigations and a lot of information has been collected. , But we still don’t have clear information about who is the one who really stands behind the trafficking network.” The woman smiled bitterly and mocked herself.

"Mr. Nalco must know who it is."

"If he wants to tell us, we would have known the name a few years ago." The woman took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling, with excitement, "He wouldn't say it before. After the ceremony is over, it will be even more impossible. Knowing that this is his right Our kindness leaves us with hope. Without knowing who it is, we still have the motivation to investigate, so as not to get results and despair ourselves. But now,,, and Nalco's kindness let us see the clues. ."

"After the ceremony, the so-called ‘monsters’ in the alliance." Another woman gave the answer.

"There are 28 people in total, and the boss behind the sales network is among them. Which tribe will he be? Which one will he be? I think I will get the answer soon. This time Cressey’s If the investigation catches clues, it will take faster to solve the mystery of his identity." Much like comforting herself and her sister, the woman is not sure at all. She knows that facing this kind of "monster", even if she can find the person behind the Venast area cleanup incident, there is almost no chance that the other party will reach cooperation with herself.

The news of imitation of solid red mercury has been circulating in the dark world for a year or two, and the woman’s valuation is not optimistic about the value of half of the genuine solid red mercury in his hand.

The value is being impacted by imitation solid red mercury, and the number of half roots is indeed too small. As a bargaining chip, it is tantamount to inadequate.

Only the sound of women drinking and pouring wine in the room. If you are quieter, you can hear the copper pendulum clock ticking on the wall. The hour and minute hands coincide and point to three o'clock in the morning.

"Sister, you actually think about it sometimes, right? If Mr. Cassia is still there..."

The woman looked over, with a gentle smile: "I also hope that there are so many ifs. If Mr. Cassia is still alive, if two years ago, or earlier, we go to the Saint Dorag Empire to seek his help. , If he also accepts..."

"But there is no such thing as if, two years ago in the dark forest, I think the opportunity we have always existed was there completely disappeared."

Soon after, the light in the room went out.

"Let's rest. I will continue to investigate tomorrow and add more energy."


"My lord, this will get deeper and deeper. The investigation is stopped because there is no progress, but all the information that has arrived shows that the main boss behind this trafficking network is one of the 28 people. I don't know who it is. Yes, my lord, you have participated in that clean-up operation before, and you absolutely know who the other party is."

After reading the information collected not long ago completely, Monica sorted it out, and said to Corkva on the side. There was no smile on his face, and the sudden connection in the morning broke the good mood in recent days.

Corqueva has not put down his communicator since he got in touch in the morning, but at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the sky outside the window had darkened, and he did not make up his mind to press the button to contact his current few people who have no business. team leader.

This kind of long-term consideration can't be called thinking. Corqueva has measured it too many times, and still hasn't found the balance he wants. He expected that a similar connection would come to his hands in the future, but he did not expect that the interval would be so short and the upgrade of the content of the connection would have such a large span.

More than a month ago, Kos was just a subordinate personnel, and died together with the more than two hundred subordinates, and it could not make waves. Corcovado also knew that the incident was a very ordinary thing in the eyes of the core members of the trafficking network. Time passed, and its impact also passed.

And this time, Corqueva must seriously consider it.

According to the contact, it has been determined that the target person is one of the core members of the trafficking network, perhaps not one, but two or three. When it touches the core of the network, once a mistake leaves a trace in the process, the impact is not what Kolkova wants to see.

After the ceremony, he has not had much contact with the twenty-eight people, so no matter who it is, there is no contradiction between the two. I hope so too, but participating this time is tantamount to breaking the fragile balance and relationship that is maintained.

Moreover, what Corqueva cares most about is Cassia's attitude. I didn't see Cassia's attitude in the contact. It was the same as the last time, just seeking periodic protection for the same personnel.

Monica has already conducted a very detailed investigation of Sisia, and Corqueva did not see the value of such protection in Sisia.

"Let Sisia find an excuse to leave the mission and not be connected with the mission itself. Wouldn't it be a good way?" Monica placed the information and sat down opposite Corqueva and said, "There will be no danger. , There is no need for protection. Or, my lord, you think in your heart that Mr. Cassia wants to intervene in this sales network. This time, it appears that the spiny bird is taking the lead, which can be regarded as an action that the Flame Tribe nodded and acknowledged."

"I was thinking about these two points, and I didn't think about it clearly." Corqueva finally responded, "The first point, what is the attitude of Mr. Cassia? I feel that he is not clear at the moment, it seems that he is only seeking support. The members used to protect Sisia. But for me, simple protection also requires a price. The second point is that this action is definitely not led by Thornbird. Thornbird’s people are only responsible for the minor staff and cannot touch the core. If you can know To clean up the composition of the core members, the decision will not be as difficult as it is now."

"When it comes to the mission system of the training ground, if you want to get specific information, you can't get the answer within two or three days." Monica gave an opinion in the field of expertise.

Seeing that Corqueva did not continue to speak, Monica had already thought about his subsequent decision.

After a sigh, Monica cleared the negative emotions in her head: "My lord, we are very passive like this."

"I know."

"I think we can choose the captain first, let them get closer to the Cresci region, and get some initiative. In addition, Miss Sisia will have another contact after she said to confirm our thoughts. All, I think it is better to think about it here. When the next contact comes, ask her directly about her employer Cassia's thoughts." Monica was still obviously a little excited when she spoke.

Corqueva looked over and smiled and said, "Throw the problem to Mr. Cassia?"

"Yes, after all, he asked for our help. I think Mr. Cassia is understandable. We are not afraid of the core members of the trafficking network. But the boss behind it needs him to bear his anger. My lord, If I’m not mistaken, this boss is currently in the small country outside the border of the Saint-Dorag Empire? The strange army formed by the alliance, I heard that an unknown number of'monsters' have joined it, go ahead It’s troublesome to deal with."

"And by doing so, UU reading may be able to determine the position of Mr. Cassia. It depends on whether he is in the Flame Alliance or in that small country. If it is a small country, it may trigger the border of the Saint-Dorrag Empire. The troublesome thing is Mr. Cassia himself."

Kolkova buckled the table with the communicator, and he pressed the communication button to contact the captain he chose in his heart. After the simple order was issued, he then looked at Monica: "I need to trouble you with something. All the information collected recently about the sales network, this is the first thing."

"Second, all the intelligence related to the border of the Santorage Empire and those small countries. Third, I need you to immediately collect and sort out the information about Nalco, a member of the giant whale tribe, just after the ceremony."

"Nalco, sir, you mean the action six years ago..." Monica was surprised.

"Just know it. As for the boss behind the sales network..." Corqueva did not continue, "I will continue to sort out the memories of these years. The reason why I am so worried and cautious is all because of the situation after the sacrificial ceremony. The changes are too uncontrollable and difficult to predict."

"Get ready, this may be a big action, or it can be a preview for many things to come."

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