Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1933: If it’s just the strength of this intensity (part 2)

Two hours later, there were piles of materials in the room. Monica's work efficiency is very fast. After a large amount of information has been collected, it will be sorted and analyzed, and finally returned to the archives. Most of them will also be stored in the personal analyzer array by professionals, and can be printed out directly when needed.

And this step is not the final result. Not only Corqueva, but also the top candidate heirs of the tribes like him, or the elites of various big families and forces. After they have formed their own intelligence information network personnel group, they will also conduct real-time information collection on these collected information. Backtracking.

Backtracking is a mechanism, like a kind of scrutiny and inspection of the self from the outside world—the information collected from a large amount of information did not have accuracy at the time, and the result of analysis is not the final answer. But when a certain amount of time passes, many events will end one after another. At this time, the members of the intelligence team will be dispatched again to collect all the information of these events, and make a real end to the intelligence gathered in the past, and at the same time compare the analysis results at the time, so as to find out why the analysis was wrong in the first place, and promote In addition to growth, there is also real-time grasp of a large amount of the most correct information at present, so as to avoid taking a wrong step in the changing situation.

The information currently being reviewed by Corqueva and Monica is of this type. Every time a period of time passes, when looking back at history, you may be able to perceive something different and provide yourself with some prophetic ideas.

At the same time, there are many organizations like the Intelligence Information Network Group under the ego of the top figures of the big tribe or the big family.

This is also after the sacrificial ceremony, the 28 "monsters" recognized by the Flame Alliance have surpassed the strength and potential of elites such as Kerkva. However, while the major tribes valued them, they still did not give up Kerr. The main reason for such members of Kva. Monsters will not take the initiative to provoke, causing conflicts between the two.

In other words, the accumulation of monsters is far from enough. Strength and potential are indeed favored, but strength needs to be maintained and potential needs stable exchange. These two points are difficult for anyone.

After that, Monica moved to a typewriter, recorded the words Corkova said one by one, and at the same time made analysis, and made contact with as much intelligence as possible.

Corqueva didn't want to find any connection, but simply wanted to be clear about two things. The first is the borders and small countries of the Saint Dorag Empire-what caused this turn of events into a tug of war is not important. What he values ​​is so far, which "monsters" in the league, which top personnel confirmed to participate and passed.

The second thing is that after the operation led by Nalco ended six years ago, the sales network has indeed gone into seclusion, and the business has become more cautious. Has the sales network changed in the past few years? And most importantly, whether the friction between Nalco and the trafficking network has always existed.

If the contradiction between the two is not completely resolved, Corqueva will have another influencing factor to participate in the trafficking network alone, because one more ally can be determined.

But the retrospective and reanalysis of information is a matter of energy and time. Some ideas have been fixed, and it takes more energy to get out of it.

From the afternoon until late at night, the two team captains dispatched during the period successively sent communications to report the progress of the trip—they were not far from the Cresci area, and within two or three days, together with the team they brought, could reach its edge position together. , Act at any time.

The second communication of Sisiah was close to three o'clock in the morning. Corqueva and Monica were sorting out information, and when they heard the sound of the communicator, they were obviously hesitant when they answered the call. The information has not been backtracked yet, and no definite answer can be given.

"Mr. Corqueva, hello." Sisia said hello in a serious voice, "Can you give a definite reply now?"

Monica went to Kolkova and looked at his silent profile. And Sisia seemed to know that there would be a silence, and waited patiently after speaking.

Monica took a sigh of relief, and told Corqueva her suggestion in sign language and lip-synching—throw out the problem and don't leave it in her own hands.

Corqueva motioned to her not to worry, he knew how to do it, and the silence now was the order of sorting out some information in his head.

"Miss Sisia." Corqueva said, speaking calmly, "Can I ask you a question? Very important. Your next answer will affect and even determine my choice and the final answer."

"You can ask."

"I want to know whether all the words in our communication can be known to the employer behind you in real time? No matter what method it is, it does not matter if there is a delay in the middle. I can wait for this delay." Knowing that Sisia can't decide anything, no I understand how Cassia is now, but Corqueva hopes to talk to him directly.

After a short wait, just a few breaths, Sisia gave an affirmative answer. At the same time, Corqueva let out a sigh of relief, and Monica on the side immediately understood his thoughts.

"I think the conversation can go on smoothly." Corqueva said immediately, speaking at an obvious speed. "It is not me who decides the answer. The decision is always on your side, Miss Sisia. Here, I want to know something. Condition."

"Miss Sisiah, how much do you know about the sales network in this chapter? Or, before I give a reply, if you have enough time, I can briefly talk about the sales network and provide some related information. "

After a short time, Sisiah said yes. But a lot of words echoed in her head. Since Corqueva did not reply immediately, Cassia already knew a lot of things. He has a guess about the sales network, and when everything is close to the worst, he has a pre-built structure diagram of the sales network.

In the current contact, Corqueva's hesitation made Cassia immediately know a few pieces of information.

The first is that the boss of the sales network is not incapable of dealing with it, otherwise Corqueva would not even hesitate, and would simply refuse the first contact.

The second point is related to the first point. Although the boss is not incapable of dealing with it, he obviously puts pressure on Corkova. With Corqueva's status, the background of the boss is also very clear. Either they are members of the same class, or they are the "monsters" that are flourishing in the Flame Alliance. Cassia prefers the latter, the so-called "monsters."

Cassia knows the purpose of Corqueva's just a few words-I hope he knows about this communication, and obtains the information in his hands to help himself judge and analyze.

In other words, Cassia knew that his image in Corqueva's eyes remained two years ago. Corcovado can provide support, but it needs to take risks. But if he himself is willing to deal with the boss behind the network, which is one of the "monsters" in the league, then Kolkova is willing to follow along.

As Cassia thought about it, Corqueva had briefly finished selling information on the Internet. Remembering a few important points, Kolkova knows the identity of the boss, and now, the boss is not in the alliance, but in a small country on the border of the Santorage Empire. In addition, there are other enemies in the trafficking network, and if they act, they are very likely to have an extra partner.

After sorting out all the information in the spirit, Cassia frowned and thought about it, and then told Sisiah to answer: "Mr. Corqueva, how long do you think the boss will return to the league? If only Clearing out the core members currently in the Cressey area, what is the probability that the boss will return to the alliance from a small country immediately?"

"I always pay attention to the small country department, and the intelligence personnel sent in the past have also arrived for a long time. It has become a tug-of-war, with existing intelligence analysis, three months is the shortest time. The second question is to only clean up the people in the Cresci area, he 100% will not return. The interests of the small country are far greater than this sales network." Corqueva felt that these questions sounded like Cassia's words.

"The third and last question. Mr. Corkva, you need to prepare paper and pen." Sisia said, "In addition, I don't know how much you know about portrait painting? I will provide some more accurate facial data. You need to restore it to a portrait."

"Professional personnel happen to be around me, Miss Sisia, you can rest assured." Monica has passed the pen and paper over, hearing the words behind, took it back. Corqueva put the communicator in her ear at the same time, "Miss Sisia, you can start explaining these data."

"First draw a straight cross. Both lines are twenty centimeters long." While wondering, Sisia relayed what Cassia said. At the same time, Corcovado is also thinking about the meaning of portrait painting.

In less than two minutes, under a series of data, even before Cassia had finished all the data, Corqueva terminated Sisia's retelling in advance.

"Miss Sisia, it's enough." He said, "Although I don't know your specific intentions, only based on these data and the skills of the professionals next to me can identify whose face these data are."

Sisiah listened carefully, and she was the one who most wanted to know the answer: "I want to know who she is and the basic information."

"If these data point to me, then I can be sure that the person you want to know is Miss Veranellia of the Crocodile Tribe, who was awarded the title of'Ferocious Tooth' by the Crocodile Tribe. Miss Josisia, you know Jia Crocodile tribe, you should know that before the ceremony, it was Miss Cornelia who had the title of Savage Tooth."

"Then Miss Villaneria, known as the'Ferocious Fang', is also the so-called'monster' in the alliance?"

",,," Corqueva didn't know how to answer for a while, because almost everyone knew this kind of information, "Miss Sisia, there is a contradiction between you and Ms. Villaneria? "Korqueva suddenly felt that he had jumped into a big pit on his own initiative. Because the boss of the sales network is one of the monsters.

"No, it's just a simple meeting once. Looking at it this way, this vicious tooth is one of the monsters."

"It's true." Corcovado affirmed.

After a short pause, Sisia spoke in a serious tone: "Mr. Corkva, here are the original words of the employer."

Corqueva and Monica immediately regained their energy.

"You need to confirm the first two points. UU Reading first is the location and time of return of the sales network owner, but the Kressi region incident is not enough for him to return immediately, and confirm that the appearance data is indeed what you say. Veranellia."

"I'm sure."

"If the so-called monsters are only strengths of this intensity, Mr. Kolkova can rest assured to send personnel to the Cressey area to support."

Soon after, the contact ended. Sisiah exhaled for a long time and glanced at the dark night without stars: "Who is Veranilia?" she asked.

"It's the unknown woman who let out her breath by the window of the training ground not long ago. Now, your goal is very clear. That woman is called'Villa Nilia' and is the'Ferocious Tooth' of the Crocodile Tribe. ."

"Then,'if the so-called monster is just the strength of this intensity', what does this sentence mean?" Sisia continued his own question.

Cassia thought for a while: "Under the guidance of my second personality, the gap between you and them is not big from the beginning. They only occupy the advantage of time. Apart from that, there is nothing else. . In addition, you have to have confidence in yourself."

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