Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1935: Cause conjecture and joint action (part 2)

Cassia thought many times. Under his own premise, the difference between Sisia and these monsters is only in the basic physical strength of power and speed. Sensitive and completely reliable mental perception instead, experience and on-the-spot response are not factors that need to be considered.

After the muscles were twisted, Cassia wanted to make the instantaneous burst of power and self-healing ability go on at the same time. However, with new goals in the short term, plan adjustments are inevitable. When thinking about the combination of surgical capabilities, several other team members who went out to explore came back one after another, and the team moved forward again in the dark.

This is the third night after leaving the basement. The team did not stay in any hotel or hotel, and kept staying in the wild or in the ruins of the building for repairs. The night is the best curtain, and all actions in these days are carried out here.

There are pictures of the target, and as the intelligence collection is steadily proceeding, the scope of activities and their current location are gradually becoming clear. It has been locked in a small town, and the team is currently heading there.

The speed is not fast. The captain explained this, saying that the best situation is that seventeen teams can act at the same time within a similar time frame. Due to the progress of other teams, the slower moving speed is more suitable for the current team situation.

I don't know what other members of the team think about this, but Sisia heard the analysis of the second personality and contacted Corqueva twice. The hesitation of the former and the cautious attitude of the latter made her feel nervous. At first, the second personality said that there was no need to worry, but after that, she needed support. The change made her feel a slight fear of being shrouded in the unknown.

The more relaxed atmosphere of the team made Sisia have a sense of deviation. Sometimes she would observe the captain, but as judged by the second personality, the tight skin that seemed to cover her face was always rigid, and she couldn't see any emotional changes, including those eyes.

Recently, the words of the second personality have become less and less, and Sisia has surprisingly felt uncomfortable. Perhaps it was caused by all strangers in the team, and she also thought that this was deliberately done by the second personality and wanted her to try to get used to it. So I didn’t think much about it. As he approached the trot, Sisiae corrected the ammunition box full of heavy machine gun ammunition on his body from time to time, while focusing on the coordination of his feet and the whole body, as far as possible to achieve the second personality. Said step forward silently.

But the surrounding wind was so loud that the sound of footsteps was buried in it.

The team takes a break every two hours. At about 4 o'clock in the morning, a few dim light fixtures appeared in the distant darkness, in a vague posture. Following the line of sight around the lamps, a concrete road spreads out, now pale and gray, towards the main city in the Cresci region. And the large area extended by the lamps is a group of quiet and serene buildings in a small town late at night.

On the way here, vineyards can be seen everywhere, with bare grape vines drooping on the elongated wire, and the fixed concrete pillars are skewed, full of traces of wind and rain erosion. Sisia has some doubts whether the various types of wine produced in this place have the corresponding quality-the mushroom garden in her impression is much better than this almost decaying scene.

The captain issued a stop signal, and the No. 7 and others who opened the road ahead for investigation immediately returned. Then everything proceeded in accordance with the process established shortly after leaving the basement-several newcomers took off their windbreakers and used themselves as a support to set up a temporary tent to block the light so that they could refer to the map.

After re-determining the location on the map, the light went out. The captain ordered a rest, but No. 2 and No. 7 unloaded their excess equipment and sneaked towards the town.

The target location this time is a children's teaching institution in the small town. The time is calculated. It is the winter vacation period. If there is no one there, it can be used as a temporary hiding spot.

Soon after returning on the 2nd, the team was divided into two batches, one by one quietly passed, and finally met in the office building of this educational institution. The door locks were all decorative items in front of them. Twenty-two people were separated in several different offices, and after setting up the corresponding heavy firearms, they began to rest.

During the period, the captain came to inspect one by one, reminding to open a little window to avoid the heat and breathing that he emits from condensing water and mist on it, exposing traces. At the same time, No. 2 and No. 7 have left—they will re-enter this small town tomorrow as outsiders to do detailed investigations that are not on the map.

After finishing a series of basic tasks and really starting to rest, the sky was already grey and black, and it was approaching the early morning of the day.

Sisia leaned against the corner, sitting on the cold ground, eyes closed. This teaching institution is considered to be outside the edge of the town, with few surrounding buildings and more greenery. But at this time, I could hear the noise from the town.

"The target group is in your current left-hand direction, and the straight-line distance is only 1,500 meters." The sudden voice made Sisiah breathe out a little, "The number of people is thirty-two. For the time being, no enemy beyond the standard was found. Also. In other words, there is no one of the thirteen people in the photo."

"Can you see the surrounding terrain and weapon configuration?" Sisia asked immediately.

"No, just relying on perception and breath capture to determine the information, the amount may be biased, but only one or two." Cassia retracted the spirit of dissipating, "To sum up, if it is not for the work of intelligence collection, there has been a mistake. , Leading to an error in location judgment, is that one of the targets in the photo left here early."

"Mission information has been leaked out?" Sisiah was puzzled.

"There are two possibilities. The first is the exposure of mission information. The second is that he was called somewhere to hold a meeting. But they know that the risk of getting together is extremely huge. Now judge, there are two possibilities. The odds of **** are not much different."

"How likely do you think the information will be exposed?"

"Almost nothing. After all, it is the task of the Thorn Bird Training Ground, and its confidentiality work is absolutely in place. But this operation is divided into two parts, and it is by no means a small-scale operation. Discuss,,, and there are also perceived risks. The boss behind the trafficking network is not an ordinary prey. Whether he has a good sense of smell, or his own intelligence organization, he may have been alert to this." Cassia replied, "This is also contacting the department. One of the reasons why Ulkova sought support."

"I'm afraid this is sinking..." Sisia followed Cassia's words, but stopped in the middle.

"Second personality, did you think of this a long time ago? Just after the contact ended a few hours ago, you thought of it?" Sisia raised her voice in her head, thinking that she found one that was easily overlooked. The point of, "The boss of the sales network is at the border of the Santorage Empire. Does he want to use this reason to create proof of his absence or something?"

"Your thinking is complicated and too simple." Cassia has the urge to laugh. "You still read too many detective books. There is no alibi in the world of the strangers. The communicator can solve almost all problems. No matter where you are, some factors will eventually come to you."

"This action may be a trap, but whether it is a trap or not is not important to you or to all the teams in the mission. You should understand that? In other words, whether it is a trap or not, if you want to clear them, fight It is absolutely inevitable."

"You need to change your way of thinking and remember very important theories-for many hard-to-hunt prey, hunters often appear in the form of prey. These prey are very alert, and entering their hunting grounds is the best. The fastest way to approach them."

"You can continue to act according to the captain's orders. It will take at least two days for Corqueva's support to arrive. Judging from the current situation, the coordination of more than a dozen teams is not smooth. I think there will be some mistakes in the process. Maybe. The plan is not so perfect because of the lack of time. We don’t know how long the action started."

"However, when the support arrives, your remaining job is to follow the team, and then find the time to shoot a few shots into the sky."

Soon afterwards, when the sky was completely clear, and the time went to 9 o'clock in the morning, other 16 teams were gradually approaching the target groups in their respective missions based on the existing information throughout the Cressey area. In terms of time, the gap between the teams is not obvious.

And the team that handled the core members in the captains' mouths has also dispersed in teams of two or three, spreading all over the region, exploring the clues mentioned in the mission.


In the current central city of Cressey, at a humble hotel counter somewhere, two dressed-up women are fixing their room tonight. Each of them dragged their luggage, as if they came here because of an errand, with an expression of impatience for the weather and tiredness of a long journey on their faces.

It was not until entering the room, until the sound of the "bang" when the door was closed, that the two took off their faces and turned into serious but relaxed faces.

"Sister, nothing has been gained in the past few days. Could it be that the intelligence was wrong?"

"Twenty million clues, and it only says that there will be an operation against the trafficking network in the Cresci region. It does not involve the time of the operation or any intelligence. I don't think this will be false news. The other party is a famous person in the dark world. We spent a lot of money just to get a way to connect with the intelligence merchants." The woman interviewed explained, "Since it is a large-scale operation, the progress is cautious and slow as expected. ."

"Quan Dang is going on a trip, although there is no place with good scenery." The woman sat on the chair and looked up to the ceiling. "It's female instinct. There are things we want to see here. Wait at ease."


The Kingdom of Sotor, an ordinary country near the border of the St. Dorag Empire among the small countries. The internal war only ended more than ten years ago, and the period of calm and stability has not been long. Among its many cities, Noah City and the surrounding area can be regarded as a more prosperous area in the kingdom.

It was only after 8:30 in the evening, and the cold winter wind and cold air made the streets not many pedestrians. On both sides of one of the streets in Noah City, apart from the shops still holding on, the number of pedestrians at a glance can already be counted with their fingers.

At the end of the street, seeing that there are not many pedestrians, some shops have begun to pack the facilities outside, ready to pack back.

"Ah..." In front of a flower shop, the woman wearing a yellow-brown plaid apron sighed, but turned around reluctantly, and took the various trimmed bouquets placed outside into the shop. Continue to stay late at night, and no customers will come to your door. UU reading

After ten minutes, everything was cleaned up, and the woman went into the lounge inside the shop. She took off the apron and hung it on the wall hook, then immediately turned around and took the opportunity to hold the trimming scissors in the large pocket of the apron. Come. Then the woman cautiously leaned to the door, listened quietly for a few breaths, and opened the door.

Behind the door, a man wore a sweater and hat. His beard had only been shaved, but he could not make that face look good, nor could he make his forty-something look younger. He was standing in the aisle filled with bouquets, watching all kinds of flowers with the help of lights.

Seeing the woman, the man sighed and touched the position of the back of his ear. This was a gesture: "It's me, Deputy Commander Delya. For safety, I underwent face replacement surgery again. So now it is this. Looks like."

"Waters?" The woman exhaled, her tight body relaxed. "There has been no contact for more than a year. I remember the last time we met, it was in the cave where the battle armor was made in the Tussini area. Here, Hesley was there at that time."

"How are you doing? The border of the empire is not quiet, right?" Delya sighed and smiled. She put the scissors on the counter on the side, "Come in for a cup of hot coffee, and in a quiet life, I found that tea and coffee are far better than wine."

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