Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1936: The Past and the Little People (Part 1)

Ask Waters to help shut the door of the shop, and the lights went out immediately, leaving only a warm light overflowing in the lounge. However, as the door of the lounge was closed, Delya had done the necessary treatment to the cracks in the door, and the whole shop suddenly fell into dim darkness, with only the light coming from a distance.

In the lounge, Waters sat down at the table, Delya brewed black tea with hot water in a thermos bottle, and he turned his head to look at this warm lounge cabin.

"Drink while it is hot, there will be no fragrance when it is cold." The black tea has a faint fragrance, overwhelming the smell of flowers floating in the shop.

The two sat opposite each other, and after each took a sip of the black tea, Waters looked at Delya's different face and sighed silently, as if responding to Delya's exhalation and relaxation: "Three months ago, He Slie came to me and said that the doctor who performed our facial plastic surgery had been taken care of."

Delya was holding a cup of black tea in both hands and staring at the rising heat: "Did it start three months ago? I always thought it was only recently that so many things happened. How long will it take for the border of the empire and the small country to be quiet. This Around this city, I know that in the past two weeks, close to two hundred surgeons have died. Sometimes when I pour something into the underground waterway, I can smell the **** smell of deterioration."

"It won't be quiet anymore, it's not far from the red star that the head of the team said at the beginning." Waters continued, "Quiet is just that there will be no continuous major incidents. Small-scale conflicts have long been inevitable." After a few words, Waters' voice was tired.

"Head..." Delya fell into the memory suddenly, "It's been more than two years, right? The cave where the battle armor was made is sealed up and sold off all of Tussini's properties. It's also a year. It’s a long time ago. I’m in a flower shop here, with all kinds of bouquets changed and trimmed, time has come here, and I can’t even notice it.”

"How are you doing?" Delya asked after sighing, "Still in the arms business?"

"I bought a piece of land and raised some dogs and cats. But most of the time was spent on exercises and surgical ability development. I still have connections with the dark world, and I often buy some corresponding potions to use. It is an effort to enhance my strength. "Waters made a summary to himself, "The arms business definitely cannot be done. If you lose the advantage of the factory, only the cost will not work. Although he has a lot of technical information in his hand, you know that the deputy commander does not There should be the kind of high-quality ammunition that we produced at the beginning. The same firearms, Weber’s production line technology, cost control, and corresponding quality have also declined, but it is not a problem to surpass most arms dealers in small countries."

"It's a good thing not to do arms business." Delya nodded, and the black tea was halfway there. Both were very cautious in the year that the Southern Forest Incident just ended. The factories in the Tussini area and the Kingdom of Kiel ceased operations, but traces of ammunition and firearms sold in the past were still found.

Consistent with what Waters said, very high-quality ammunition and firearms should not appear in small countries, because the specifications have exceeded the imperial standard. Those batches of ammunition and firearms are few, just to serve high-quality customers. However, for many reasons, they have been found everywhere in small countries, and it will be a matter of time before traces can be found.

However, not only Cassia who went to the Southern Forest, but also Delya and Hesley had a premonition of this, but it was not exposed during the subsequent thorough search. It’s just that the weapon factory was completely destroyed—not to be considered destroyed. The enemy searched was crazy. Probably anything that had something to do with the name "Kasia", no matter what it was, was moved away.

These searchers are composed of various forces, just like unseen robbers, everything that enters the eyes is shining.

It was very decisive when cutting off the connection with these things, and also earlier. And based on the original structure of the Knight Order, although some members failed to hide in small countries or all parts of the empire smoothly, most of the members were well eliminated from themselves and lived everywhere with new identities.

Nothing was left, except for the large sums of money in various banks such as the Golden Bank, there were also several hidden weapons and ammunition warehouses. Various technical documents have also been retained, including the technology on the kinetic armor that was still being studied. In addition, all traces of the Steam Knights left in the empire and small countries disappeared quickly in the original plan of Cassia and the execution of Delya and others.

"It's a good thing, but it's too leisurely." Waters continued, "I always want to find something to do. You know what, a few months ago I went to the dark world to find a seller and wanted to buy some raw materials and second-hand machines. I set up a small workshop myself and hired two or three people to produce ammunition. It is the most common kind of cheap goods in the black market."

"Nice pastime." Delya affirmed and agreed.

"The point is not here. I found the seller. He actually has an integrated workshop vehicle that we produced at the beginning, which is a modular vehicle that can be moved, ensured the supply of raw materials and energy, and can produce high-quality ammunition anytime and anywhere. It was developed by the local technicians in Tussini. The seller showed me the photos, they are 80% new, which is really nostalgic. But I didn't buy it, and there is no need for it."

"The seller said that it was the best thing he had, only two. But his selling price was three times our original price..." Waters couldn't help but raise his voice, "The money makes them earn gone."

Delya followed with a smile: "It seems that to some extent, we have indeed changed some things, although it is very small."

"I really want to take this change, and then change more." Waters said this with longing and yearning. But immediately, his face returned to seriousness, "When I came here to look for you, I actually went to the meeting point mentioned by the head of the group."

"It's not time yet? Has there been a change?"

"It's no longer a matter of time. I just wanted to go over and take a look. The head of the group said that it was half a year or a year later, but now it has been more than two years..." Waters did not answer, "The deputy team In fact, you are most concerned about this matter. There are changes there."

"Don't think about it. It's definitely that Hesley doesn't follow the time. Just think about it as you did." Only the three of them know the location. This kind of simple question can be answered very well, "What did the knight commander leave behind? NS?"

Seeing Waters finished drinking the black tea in his cup, Delya asked while getting up and taking the small pot to fill him and herself.

Waters shrugged with helplessness: "He is the happiest person now. The network that was established to protect the black market arms business was in its early stages, and it was not incorporated into the arms sales network at all. Coming in. Without the traces of us and the commander, he has been developing steadily in the past two years. He likes fighting life, he is very free."

"Tell me and you not to worry, saying that we should have a good rest for a while, and let him do the rest. The network has developed very well, and the head of the team wrote down a lot of development materials for surgical projects. In addition to the money earned by our arms business, the development situation has exceeded the expected value of this network. The knight commander is a very active person, and he also asked us to wait patiently, but only two years, which is a very short time. time."

Delya said "um", with a smile on her face.

It was enough for Waters to come and look for her to make her feel happy. Good news also came from Hesley. As the deputy head of various affairs, the smooth development would have made her happy.

"You set up an ammunition workshop, and Hesley developed that power network. UU reading seems to be the only one left to relax and open a florist shop. I trim the bouquets and spray the flowers every day."

"You can't take time off, otherwise you would never know that so many surgeons died in this city."

After drinking the black tea, Waters poured another cup of tea by himself, admiring that it was better than wine, and continued his own words: "For the empire border and small countries, you must have collected intelligence, the deputy commander. What I know is, except for the empire. In addition, a large number of teams have also come in from two other large countries, and they have been constantly sending personnel recently. The key point is the team of Miss Ye Jielin who is fighting against it in the chaos. I recognize some inconspicuous characteristics."

"Do you want to participate in it?"

"It's not me, the knight commander should be here." Waters shook his head quickly, "I know my strength, and I'm good in business, so I can't fight."

Delya knocked on the table and stared at her: "Miss Ye Jielin is different from us, she has the strength to fight. As for us,,,, the dark world, the bounty hunter, the rewards are more than 100 million holy coins, take the initiative Exposing is seeking death. Moreover, what caused the commotion is probably what the team leader left. After the Southern Forest Incident, the small batch of goods that the team leader asked me to send out in the plan did not reach the purpose. Of the earth."

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