Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1962: Reporting, fascination and cooperation (in)

"I will wait here for five hours." Outside the car window, a corner of the park with some evergreen plants appeared, quickly expanding in sight. Aiqi cut off the communication, took a slow and deep breath, and calmed the restless mood, irritable mood and confused thoughts to normal. He picked up the megaphone again and contacted the boss far away in the frontier of the Saint Dorag Empire.


Cassia didn't know how long the enemy wanted to retreat. Compared with their offense and defense, the evacuation movement and process were much smoother.

Leaning against the exchange fan in the center of the air circulation system, I saw that the enemies on the roofs or floors of other buildings also started to leave the sniper point in an orderly manner. Cassia had observed the firecrackers in his hand that had been simply modified without using an optical anchor sight. Fired a shot at an enemy 300 meters away.

There was a sound of "簌" in the air, and the enemy's left ear became fragments. Soon after, the second bullet pierced his head.

"There is a slight deviation to the left." Cassia calibrated to himself. He took the fire gun with both hands, and walked slowly around the exchange fan of the air circulation system, with a pattern, pressing the trigger like the pendulum of a bronze bell. Bullets shuttle in the cold wind, and almost every bullet can take away an enemy.

Before the bullets in one of the magazines were exhausted, there were no people alive on the roofs of the surrounding buildings. Cassia was now close to the edge of the top floor, crouching on a corner, only let the muzzle go outside the vertical projection of this building, relying on the observation of mental perception and the fine manipulation of his arms, shooting at a fixed target, the enemy on a street fell instantly. The next ten people.

When the enemy found the source of the bullet, Cassia had changed the position and killed the enemy on another street with precision. But this information quickly reached the ears of all enemies, and more and more members entered the building, and they also completely relied on other buildings to form an angular deviation when they ran, leaving themselves in a state of being completely obscured.

But the achievements of more than fifty enemies in total made Cassia quite satisfied. I wanted to look for opportunities to snipe out two core members. But only when the black dragon training ground and the support team of Corqueva appeared, the two people briefly left the ceremonial car full of composite bulletproof panels. When one core member loses contact, the remaining two will never leave the car.

The ceremonial car was also heavily overloaded with fully armed armed personnel to serve as a second layer of protection, unless it was a heavy sniper rifle using blue silver bullets or a large-caliber weapon such as a cannon. There is no possibility of sniping.

At this time, Cassia "seen" the other two core members of the limo started to turn, and evacuated separately in directions deviating from each other. The limousine speeded up extremely quickly, one rushed to the nearest highway entrance, and the other rushed to the suburbs outside the city. Without hesitation, he rushed to the top of the stairs and pursued the core member who was no more than 400 meters away from him.

When Cassia reached the first floor of the building, the straight-line distance between him and the limo was six hundred meters away. Just as he wanted to continue chasing, the spirit was wonderfully touched, and he immediately began to perceive his spirit, but it was Perkins and Hilaryly that started the salute car at the same time and approached the enemy vehicle that was approaching the entrance of the highway.

Exhaling for no reason, Cassia felt sorry for the enemies of that vehicle, and instantly thought about the rich expressions they had when they met Perkins and Hilary Li.

Afterwards, he tore off a large piece of cloth from the surrounding enemy corpses and wrapped his head to prevent his appearance from being exposed. Immediately changed directions to chase the core members rushing to the outer suburbs of the city.

The surrounding enemies were evacuating, leaving only sparse bodies. Cassia locked the ceremonial car and ran at the highest speed without opening the cross pupils. But the relative speed still couldn't be reduced, and it was quickly pulled away after the distance was close to tens of meters.

"The strength of the body is still not up to the passing line." Cassia felt a pity, he hesitated whether to continue chasing, and stopped after thinking. Only after turning around and returning to the underground parking lot, four people entered the mental perception at an extremely fast speed, but the goal was the limo.

"People of Corqueva?" For the four people who appeared suddenly, Cassia was not sure about their identities for a while.

More than a thousand meters away, after two breaths, the four people who suddenly appeared and the limo met at an intersection. The four of them did not use firearms, but when they were within 30 to 50 meters of the ceremonial car, they pulled out the gas weapons and activated them at the same time. The ceremonial car has not been modified for red hot pneumatic weapons, and the composite bullet-proof plate and the alloy steel plate tens of millimeters thick will not have any defense in the face of high temperatures.

The enemies in the limo responded that they were about to be attacked, but there was not enough time for them to deal with it. The car is seriously overloaded and space is very limited. Their first reaction was to open the door and shoot at them, but the other four were very fast, becoming four liuying shadows, solidified around the car in the blink of an eye, and each kicked the door that was about to open completely closed.

The blades of the four pneumatic swords were directly submerged in the salute car afterwards, and they all stabbed several times in rapid succession, crossing the bodies of the seven inside them again and again. After confirming that everyone was dead, the four of them threw fist-sized objects into the car at the same time, and immediately rushed into the surrounding streets with pneumatic swords that gradually lost their temperature, and quickly disappeared.

The car then hit a tree on the side of the street and finally stopped. For nearly ten seconds, orange flames sprayed thinly from the opened car window and the hole where the pneumatic sword melted. The fire spread, and soon the car was wrapped, and the tree on the street was also enveloped in it.

At the same time, three hundred meters away from the violently burning ceremonial car, the thick curtain that was pulled apart by a corner behind a certain glass window in the middle of a building was lowered at this time.

"If you do this, you will have completed the adults' orders. One of the other two is in the hands of Thorn Bird or Black Dragon training ground, and it is impossible to survive. The remaining one ran away in the opposite direction, and now they can't keep up with the pursuit."

"Perhaps the team that does not belong to the Black Dragon and Thornybird training ground can intercept that member. However, it is determined that the two core members have died and the goal has been achieved. Later, we will anonymously submit part of the information on the Kressi regional sales network. A little help can disintegrate most of the sales network in this area. These lost benefits are enough to deepen the conflict."

"The remaining thing is to investigate who is behind this team. The boss behind the sales network also has a cooperative relationship with several other monsters. After the adults said, they will decide whether to join a certain side to have fun afterwards based on the situation. . So the collection of early intelligence is very important. In addition, it is also important to make things more exciting. In short, the right to choose whether to enter is in our hands."

"I know, but it's not my business alone. The investigation of this team is underway. Since it has appeared, it will take about a week to get a definite result. But compared to it, I am more training for Thornbirds. A member of the team is interested. I guess the adults have the same ideas as me. Of course, provided that she is still alive."

"You can get the answer in a few days. I entrusted a few people at the Thornybird training ground to help me pay attention to whether she is returning alive. Um,,, after the meeting, the adults said that they would go and see. You went there with the adults. That’s the training ground."

"A very ordinary person, the adult even released his breath to verify, and did not find any difference. However, she seems to be different from ordinary strangers, which is a strange feeling. If she is indeed special and can It is absolutely a terrible thing to keep calm under the breath of an adult, and deceive the adult's eyes with a real performance."


Why did the galloping pure black limousine suddenly decelerate, and why did it suddenly leaned over, and stopped steadily with the limousine that I was in, almost perfectly synchronized movements—Lina tried her best to turn her mind, but she couldn’t find the right one. And the specific reason.

The two in the driver's seat and the passenger's seat of the limo are very mysterious and extremely powerful. This is not intuition or the sixth sense of women, the air around both tells this fact all the time.

"Miss Linna."

"Ah..." was awakened by Hilary's voice, Linna's thoughts immediately broke off, and she responded reflexively.

"Could you borrow your pistol?" Before the word came, Linna had already pulled out the pistol and passed it over. It was very formal and polite. The muzzle was always facing herself.

"Thank you." Hilary Rilly did not comment on this, and the voice was still the same as before. She turned her head and said to the passenger seat, "Mr. Milius, are you okay?"

After getting a nod, Hilary Lili slowly lowered the glass window beside her. At the same time, another ceremonial car less than 30 centimeters apart also lowered all the window glass-it was crowded with people. Although it was a longer and taller model, the number of people was thirteen, and most of them were heavily armed members. , The interior space of the limo is crowded visible to the naked eye.

Among the thirteen people, except for the driver who was ignorant and without any expression, everyone else had fallen into a coma.

"Thank you, Mr. Milius." Hilary Lily said, the only awake person in the salute nodded immediately, and then his head tilted down and went into a coma.

Linna saw Hilary Li shooting, and she did indeed press the trigger with her finger, without any extra movement. But in her eyes, the shooting itself seemed strange and full of unexplainable mysteries.

She didn't hear any gunshots, not even the spring sound that should have existed when she pressed the trigger. She didn't see the thrown bullet shell...No, she should have seen it, but the bullet shell disappeared out of thin air the moment it was ejected from the barrel. She didn't see the flame from the muzzle, or even a little gunpowder smoke from shooting.

But she knew, and determined that Hilary Lily was indeed shooting. Not only that, but there are many things that make her confused, mysterious, and unable to find an explanation.

Why are the people in the limo unconscious, and why does the driver park the limo on the side. She was sure that the pistol she gave to Hilary Li was ten millimeters in caliber, and the ammunition was only platinum bullets, and it was impossible to penetrate the angled visor-type bulletproof helmets of the reloaded members in the salute.

But she saw with her own eyes that bullet holes appeared on the helmets in the order of Hilary's mood, and then the bullets pierced the enemy's head. The thirteen people in the limousine didn't even need to finish a bullet. In just five seconds and less than one breath, thirteen people were declared dead.

Hilary Riley raised the window glass at this time, and the car was also accelerating slightly forward to go to another street.

"Well..., he said that he has to deal with a few problems, but we need to help him with one thing in the meantime." When the limo turned the corner, Milius, who was also Perkins Kiris, said, "Ahead Turn right, we are going to talk to the captains of that team."

"Miss Linna, I remember that you came here for the purpose of looking for a certain organization or someone. Perhaps someone you will meet soon can give you important clues."

"Thank you, Mr. Milius." Linna wanted to say more, but after receiving the pistol returned by Hilaryli, she couldn't think of what she could say now.


Cassia returned to the underground parking lot, and the captain and other team members remained vigilant, guarding the entrance of the stairs and the elevator. Going to the captain, he explained the general situation outside to the captain and relieved the pressure on them.

Large swaths of enemies are retreating in an orderly manner, leaving some people behind. The deaths of the two core members were not immediately known to them. It took a minute or two before someone passed by the street and passed the intersection and found the dead body and the burned vehicle in the limousine.

The information must go farther soon. Cassia didn't know how far the "further" was, and instinctively told him that the real commander was not there, but only knew the situation here by radio. He still doesn't know the specific structure and composition of the human trafficking network. Whether the loss in Cressey this time will allow them to rest for a period of time, there is no definite answer.

Soon, a few minutes passed. After Cassia saw the enemy evacuated most of the time, the city's defense forces surrounded him from all sides. Even if the evacuees become nominal criminals, they are also responsible for the incident. They were rounded up by the defense forces and attacked even if they resisted.

In front of the army-like team, there are armored vehicles and heavy weapons. The remaining people have no resistance at all. They are left to flee desperately to obtain a few chances to survive. This is the only option.

Soon after, members of the Black Dragon Training Ground entered the entrance and exit of the underground parking lot together with the city defense forces.

With one of the core members still in a coma, everyone unarmed and stood side by side in accordance with the requirements of the loudspeaker. The captain coughed slightly at this time, and he looked around, seeing that the players nodded with a clear expression and said that they knew what to do afterwards, and then they walked to the exit together.


"Let all members gather their hands and feet in a short period of time. Except for the ongoing business, UU Read and the rest are temporarily frozen. Your situation seems a bit dangerous. The other party knows that I am not in the alliance. Determined to act."

"I will inform several other allies and let them assign some people to assist you. It is a protection, and it is also a continued in-depth investigation of that team. After that, you pay attention to receiving them, after all, they are all adjutants or assistants. If the force represented by that team continues to trace you and several other core members of the network, it will directly cause friction with several other'monsters'. They will definitely not continue."

"I see, boss." Aiqi's face showed joy.

"Here in the Cressi region, after handling the nobles''New Year's gifts', they will be completely discarded." The voice in the communication continued.

"I see, boss." Ai Qi said solemnly.

After the communication was over, Aiqi on the highway finally took a sigh of relief: "The information and intelligence collection, plus the information of Sisia Mandeville, will be sent to those people..."


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