Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1963: Reporting, fascination and cooperation (part 2)

The high-rise buildings of Rydwenle City gradually became smaller in the rearview mirror of the ceremonial car. Aiqi turned his head and looked at the rear, and instinctively determined that no enemy had caught his trace and followed up. Then he leaned against the soft car. Back seat, close your eyes.

After listening to the report, the boss didn't change his tone. But Aiqi seemed to be able to ignore the distance between the two, feeling the boss's anger. The evacuated Anome and Sorakal were attacked halfway and turned into corpses. The whole process is still a mystery. He not only felt a headache for investigating this matter later, but also worried for his own safety.

Listening to the description in the newsletter, the deaths of both are approaching silently, with no signs of resistance. Aiqi knew that this was a phenomenon caused by the difference in strength, and if the two were not allowed to respond, it turned into a corpse.

This doesn't need to be reminded by the boss, he knows that the enemies and forces involved are definitely not simple, and they are not the one or two he initially expected.

"Some big people have also reached out." Aiqi thinks that the final conclusion corresponds to the boss who will contact his allies in the future. "If the boss is here, he will definitely say,'A few guys think this is a sign of opportunity. Just prepare to make it a real opportunity. But we need to prepare, we still have time to prevent this from happening'."

"How should I prepare?" The important question posed in front of Aiqi. With his eyes closed, he let his thoughts spin quickly, and he didn't have the slightest clue when the limousine slowed down and got off the highway.

"After the sacrificial ceremony is over, except for the monsters that were initially killed by the empire'zero', the existing big figures have maintained a balance and peace. Someone can't help it." Thoughts finally came to such a judgment, "It's true that a long time has passed."


The back seat of the limo was a bit crowded. Fortunately, Hilary Riley had a vision and a bottom line when choosing a means of transportation. The crowdedness is only a little bit, and you can get along well if you control your posture carefully.

Because of the arrival of the defense forces, the traffic around the underground parking lot suddenly became crowded. After finally finding a street with few pedestrians and vehicles, Hilary Li immediately drove the saloon car into it and stopped steadily on the side of the road.

"Two respectable adults." At this time, apart from Linna and Sheila in the back seat, the other two men who came out were very polite and sincerely greeted him.

"My name is Milius, and she is Miss Hilary Li." Perkins is very kind. The two men who were compulsively invited to the car by him and Hilary Li have remained vigilant. The extreme tension has already made the pressure manifest in Face. They are not the elites in the third stage, but they stand firmly in the second ladder queue behind the elites, so they are far more aware than Linna about the power levels represented by Perkins and Hilaryri. They are everywhere after thinking. Be careful.

"We have no ill intentions. Because our employer has a deep connection with you, I came here this time for the same person." The two captains, "For some reason, he can’t meet you directly. Seeing that you are going to retreat and leave, so let us stop the two of you alone. But some time later, about an hour, someone will bring you a letter , I hope to pass it on to the people behind you."

"Miss Sisia Mandeville?" The man wondered. But Pekins did not answer this question, but Linna and Sheila on the side took the name down.

And Hilary Li didn't want to get involved in this matter, but because of Cassia's request, Perkins was keen on this fun game and could only accept it, but she didn't want to say a word.

"In other words, I hope you will wait for a while in this gift car until the letter comes." Perkins explained later and looked at Linna, "In addition, these two ladies are also very interested in you. Many people say that the enemy's enemies are friends, and temporary friends are also friends. They want to completely destroy the human trafficking network that was not long ago, right?"

Linna knew this was helping herself, and quickly nodded and said: "It's a human trafficking network, Mr. Milius." Then, she looked at the captain beside her and said, "Dear Sir, we want to talk to the people behind you. Get in touch, or a chance to communicate. Discuss cooperation, or a similar employment relationship, and work together to clean up the human trafficking network. We can provide corresponding remuneration."

Linna said, while thinking about it, she quickly made a decision in her mind: "In addition to remuneration, we can also provide a strong ally for those behind you, with regard to the human trafficking network."

The captain seemed to listen very seriously: "I'm sorry, I may not be able to help much with this matter. After that, the adults will contact me and I will tell him about this."

"Why don't you take the initiative to contact the person behind you now?" But Pekins interjected, his face full of interest.

The captain fell silent, or Hilary Riley said: "The communication is probably one-way. Besides, Mr. Milius, it is best to rest with your eyes closed."

Seeing the captain nodding stiffly, Pekins did not ask: "During this time, you can talk freely. Don't worry about disturbing us."

But when his words fell, silence was shrouded in the car. Perhaps due to the influence of the two captains, even the breathing of Linna and Sheila became deliberately suppressed.

The wait of more than an hour is definitely a long time for the four people in the back seat.

Linna didn't know how long she could get out of the car, and UU Read didn't know if she could take this rare opportunity to establish contact with the two captains beside her. She thought about all the chips and interests in her hand, and wanted to seize this opportunity as much as possible.

The two captains on the side were full of tension and pressure in their hearts. It is difficult for them to believe what Perkins and Hilary Li said, but they think that this hour is the last time of their lives. Because if the two in front are also supporting and protecting Sisia, then there is no need to bring the team over here.

They have never thought of fleeing, but the desire to survive is so strong. They noticed that the man in the front passenger seat seemed to consciously help the two women beside him, but he couldn't guess the specific purpose, so he couldn't start looking for a chance to survive.

The four have their own minds. When they felt that the air in the ceremonial car was about to condense into a solid, Perkins and Hilary Riley moved, and the windows of the front door were also lowered at this time.

And one of the two captains immediately saw Sisia a dozen meters ahead, his whole person became excited, and then relaxed.


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