Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2333: 7 members of the organization (below)

"Whether to tell us or not depends on their mood." Kingsley added, "I didn't feel anything, but I believed in Zidian's judgment. It's just that there are two people in total, Hongmang and I, and there is no protection that needs to be evacuated." personnel."

"Go around and rest for a while. The conversation is confidential. It involves the alliance itself. It will not do you any good. Instead, it will lead you to some watch lists." Huangshi Helaser has no idea of ​​​​discussion, and has seen Zidian Yafo She spoke directly. During the perception, three people around the villa immediately turned and left to go elsewhere.

"Leave, together with Miss Huangshi's protection members, we can help each other, if there is any trouble later." Orange Light Mi Tolis spoke immediately, Green Tree Altona kept smiling, and connected without gaps, "Follow Miss Huangshi and Miss Orange Light's protectors, you can talk, if the conversation after the meeting is very long, you won't be bored."

Crow Bradley understood the thoughts of the other six people in the living room, and no longer insisted. He nodded as his words, and the only serial number protection personnel left around the villa left in a few breaths, and waited until Zidian Yafu spoke again. At that time, they had already gone several kilometers away.

"The feeling of oppression and detection from the sky seems to have disappeared," he said, his face full of doubts. "Could it be that the feeling is wrong?"

Feeling that Liu Dao's gaze didn't leave him, but instantly aggravated, brought strength, and even gave him a tingling pain like a hallucination. He touched the back of his head with regret on his face, and the faint purple hair with his title was very Hard, like a steel needle, making a "rustling" friction sound under the palm.

"Surgeons also make mistakes, it's normal." He said while apologizing, "I really felt the oppressive feeling approaching, but it disappeared quickly, and I can't make that feeling last. If If you don’t believe me, you can feel it yourself, maybe you can prove that what I just said is true.”

The six people still looked at Zidian, Yafu continued to touch the back of his head, and tentatively suggested, "Um,,, do you want to call the protection personnel back?"

"No need." Huangshi Helaser and Green Tree spoke almost at the same time, and their eyes turned to Hongmang, not in the mood to continue this topic. In the living room, Zidian Yafu, who was in the late stage of the fifth stage of surgery, was the most powerful, and his strength was multifaceted, and was recognized by the six people at the same time. If Zidian can't even feel it, then there is even less possibility for them to exist.

Without another person, Zidian's words cannot be verified, and it is impossible to determine whether it is true or not. How to explain it depends entirely on how Zidian wants to explain it.

"Miss Hongmang, Mr. Lanhai, I still want to know your answers. There is no problem with pure guessing." Huangshi Helaser asked.

"It will be today, because it is the agreed meeting time. Ms. Li Suman may not be punctual, but Cassia will definitely." Hongmang politely replied, "It's just the specific moment, and I really can't be sure about it. Everyone In a small country, the flight of airships has been affected by the climate, and the safest means of transportation have become trains and limousines, which have a great impact on the estimation of time."

"In addition, I actually agree with Mr. Black Crow's suggestion. The rare opportunity to meet before the actual arrival of the guests can not be wasted. As for the conversation, I personally hope that it is biased towards the future of the organization. There are no more paths for the organization There are options, but with being in the league, there seem to be more routes."

"It's just been forcibly changed direction by a greater force." Black Crow Bradley's voice does not have the smell of an old man, "The realization of the lighting plan has always been the only way for the organization to have its own will. Other ways, I Not optimistic."

"That's back to the original topic." Huangshi Helaser said helplessly, "The current organization has no ability to obtain self-will. It has already entered a death cycle. If the organization wants to make a breakthrough in the lighting plan, it must rely on other forces. With power, the results of the lighting program must be shared, and this sharing is almost certainly control. However, the organization can use the final results of the lighting program to negotiate the desired interests."

"Let the small countries no longer become cracks. After the dispute is over, it should be feasible. It's not such a huge piece of land." Green Tree said his thoughts, "And the results are not completely handed over, the manufacturing method, etc. has been kept in,,,”

The words were interrupted by Zidian Yafu again, and the eyes of the six people converged in an instant.

Af, who raised his right arm, immediately froze his shaking hand. Looking around at the six people mechanically, the raised hand then changed to touch the back of the head, making a "rustling" sound, "I didn't intend to interrupt, Mr. Green Tree. It's just,,,"

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at the closed door of the living room, "Is someone here?"

The eyes of the six people went to the door together with Yafo, and their spiritual perceptions immediately interacted, completely covering the entire villa, but they failed to gain anything.

"Miss Hongmang, Mr. Lanhai, you have actually met Li Suman, will the current situation exist?" Zidian was automatically ignored, and Green Tree asked the other five people what they wanted to know. There are never many people who are at the top of the surgeon's combat power, and it will not be easy to narrow the scope to the surgeon's circle if you want to meet one.

"I'm not sure. When I met Miss Li Suman, she never regarded us as an enemy, so I don't know what state she will be in when she hides herself." Hongmang replied seriously, and Green Tree nodded to show that she knew, UU Reading took advantage of the opportunity to stand up and walked towards the closed door, "Open the door and use your eyes to determine whether Mr. Zidian's feelings are correct. This is a very simple matter,,,"

The door opened without calling, and the green tree had only walked a few steps away. There was no more time to react, and Li Suman and Cassia, who was dragging the suitcase, had already entered the line of sight.

He stopped, feeling uncomfortable standing in the living room for a moment, "Mm,,, Miss Li Suman, Mr. Cassia, welcome to come." The voice was sincere.

"Dear sir, hello." Cassia was polite, dragged the suitcase into the living room, and closed the door. During this period, Li Suman had already looked at the seven people, and while looking at the black crow, the blue sea, the green tree, the yellow stone, and the orange light one by one, she said without emotion, "You really want to know what's in the suitcase?"

The five people who had been seen shook their heads subconsciously, saying that the mental perception just now was all accidental.

Afterwards, Li Suman's eyes went to Black Crow, "The Holy Emperor said that you haven't contacted him for a long time, let me confirm whether you are dead or not. It seems not, remember to contact him afterwards, the Holy Emperor said that he is very worried about you .”

"Thank you very much for the reminder, Lord Priest." Black Crow Bradley immediately expressed his courtesy.

"Bradley, in the organization,,, code name is Black Crow." Li Suman suddenly thought of something interesting, with a smile on her face. Pointing at the black crow, she introduced Cassia, "A few years ago, the batch of concentrated dragon blood you intercepted at the volcano base belonged to him."


"I just found out recently that I just don't want to take care of it. It's too troublesome." Li Suman naturally took up the conversation, simply and directly stating the facts of the past, "Bradley, a few years ago, your batch was in half The blood lost on the way was stolen by Cassia, if you have any questions, you can find him. He is here now."


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