Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2334: Negotiation (on)

The center of the living room was constantly changing, silently all going to Bradley the Crow.

There is no need to distinguish, Bradley can know the content contained in the gaze, there is nothing else, it is all curiosity and interest, only the other six people said, "Mr. Black Crow, just taking advantage of this rare opportunity to tell Let's talk about it."

It didn't take a long time, just a few words, for Bradley to fully understand the meaning of what Lan Hai said not long ago. Not limited to understanding, but also deep experience.

"Perhaps fate guided such a thing to happen. I hope that the batch of dragon blood as a gift will help Mr. Cassia." Bradley rubbed the ring a few times and said with a smile, "Accident None of us knew that Mr. Cassia had such contact with the organization several years ago."

"The rotation of a gear will eventually transmit its power to the whole world driven by time." With a slightly majestic tone, Black Crow showed some excitement.

His words failed to impress anyone in the living room, and even the "crack" of the burning wood in the fireplace disappeared, as if to distance itself from it and not be mistaken for applause.

"Uh,,, is that so?" Lisuman, who suddenly had doubts on her body, immediately alerted Cassia, Lan Hai, and Hong Mang. This kind of Li Suman is extremely abnormal in their eyes. But no one stopped him, he could only watch from the sidelines.

"A few years ago, when your connection with the Holy Emperor had not been completely severed, you seem to remember that the Holy Emperor said that the loss of this batch of dragon blood made you very angry. Not only did he suggest that the Holy Emperor must find out who stole the blood, and arrest him. Come out and give severe punishment, and even said that if the Holy Emperor can't send people here, it is completely feasible for you to send several people to the empire,,,"

"The Holy Emperor paid special attention to this matter because of your suggestion. Otherwise, it was just a small matter of robbing a batch of dragon blood, and the Holy Emperor would not have given it to me to investigate."

"But Mr. Bradley, you don't seem to care about this matter..." Li Suman's doubts became more intense, "It can only be that the Holy Emperor miscommunicated and failed to understand your suggestion. After all, the Holy Emperor is just an ordinary person, and it is inevitable that he will make some mistakes. Well, this meeting is over, I think it is best to contact the Holy Emperor and tell him. He can correct it in time, and Cassia will not be charged with stealing concentrated dragon blood .”

",,," Black Crow Bradley didn't want to talk anymore, even though the other six people had faint smiles on their faces, they were about to assimilate with Li Suman, and their bodies were full of curiosity and interest.

"After the meeting is over, we need to go to Miss Hilary's side as soon as possible." Cassia had to remind that she wanted to dispel the increasingly strong aura on Li Suman that only she would feel comfortable.

"Don't worry, it's getting late. You said that the seven people in the organization had a lot of things to discuss, and they didn't finish the meeting, which caused a delay." This time, Bradley's mood improved, and the other six people The interest and smile disappeared in an instant.

The crisp metal zipper sound came from Lisuman's side, and Cassia took out the second-generation holy sword from the suitcase with a helpless face, looked at Miss Hongmang, and ignored Lisuman, "Miss Hongmang, here Is it the place to meet and discuss? If you don’t need to go to other places, let’s start the meeting and negotiation.”

"It's safe here, and all information will not be spread out." Hongman Emilia replied solemnly. Seeing this, Li Suman didn't pick up what she had left to say, and she went to sit on the sofa after her doubts disappeared. At the same time, Crow Bradley breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'll watch. After the negotiation is over, you will explain the research progress of the uranium-gold bomb." Li Suman sat down and set the meeting procedure. The seven people in the organization nodded, and instantly felt an invisible perception spread out, wrapping the villa. One's own spiritual perception is confined within this narrow range, and there is no way to find a gap for breakthrough.

No one tried to find the point to extend the perception, the seven people converged the perception, and the collection of all information returned to the direct and effective vision.

"There are very few things I want to negotiate, and it will be finished in a few minutes." Cassia told Hongmang and others not to worry about the long time. "It's more like a transaction. I need some materials and information from the organization."

"I will try to provide it as much as possible. There is a corresponding list for all the items in the organization. It may be better to choose from it." Green Tree, who was still standing in the middle of the living room, answered the conversation naturally, and retreated to his seat while speaking, And looked around, "I forgot to introduce myself, Mr. Cassia should be meeting the rest of us for the first time."

Cassia nodded, but Li Suman sat upright on the sofa, and stated the facts with a serious face, "Green Tree Ovitona, a newly appointed person in charge of the organization, mainly manages the purchase of raw materials for captive dragons and Transportation. It has only been a few years since I took office. I remember that the last green tree,,, was cleaned up by McGerry with a few people. If you are interested, you can ask him directly.”


"Thank you Mr. Altona for your kindness. I have a preparation list and I will give it to you later." Cassia saw that Green Tree didn't want to answer, so she spoke.

"Thank you very much. UU Reading" Green Tree finally sat down, feeling a lot more relaxed.

"Since it's a deal, I brought what the current organization wants." Continuing the interrupted words, Cassia cut open the skin with the second-generation holy sword, took out a piece of uranium gold stored in the body, and the detonating core . Both the uranium gold and the detonating core, which are the same cylinder, have a metallic luster, entering everyone's pupils.

The uranium-gold radiation spread out, and was controlled by Li Suman's unleashed power in the living room, only felt by the few people present.

"A complete piece of raw material, as well as a device that may be the core of the detonation, come from the Theocracy."

"Detonate the core?" The question came from Hongmang.

Cassia nodded, "For information about it, you can ask Ms. Li Suman, she knows more details. Or, Mr. Bradley the Crow should also know some information about it."

Seeing that he could not keep silent, Hei Ya nodded in agreement, "Master Sacrifice, is this the trading item that the Holy Emperor said?"

"There are two in total, both in the hands of Cassia. The other one should be handed over to you soon. You have also received the information about Hilary. The red star will come faster than expected, and the decision in the alliance is to speed up The progress of all matters, and the uranium-gold bomb is the key point. As for other reasons..."

"With Cassia here, the alliance already has all the conditions to manufacture uranium-gold bombs by itself, but for more complete preparations, it is still necessary for your organization to provide the last layer of protection."

"Has the Avalon Agency agreed to come up with technical information?" Black Crow knew some news.

"Are you sure you want to know why?" Li Suman looked over and asked.

The black crow put away all the emotions immediately, and returned to the appearance of a quiet old man who didn't know anything in the blink of an eye. "I didn't ask anything." He looked at Cassia, "Mr. Cassia, please continue."

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