Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2335: Negotiation (below)

"Thank you." Cassia responded politely.

The episode caused by Black Crow and Li Suman did not affect the progress of the meeting and negotiation, but afterwards, Hongmang and the others obviously had no doubts, and they never asked Cassia any questions from the beginning to the end, they were all quiet And serious listener.

"The method of use, as well as all the prerequisites and precautions, Ms. Li Suman will answer them one by one later." Cassia walked forward, placed the column of uranium gold and the detonating core on the table near the fireplace in the living room, and organized the discussion of several people. All eyes are focused on the past. Since Li Suman was at the side, those who wanted to probe with their perception could only suppress their spirits completely, pretending that they were not very interested in it.

Cassia returned to the suitcase, packed the second-generation holy sword, zipped it up, and sat down on the sofa beside Li Suman, "The next thing is my needs. I thought about the corresponding value when I came here, and Compared with the preciousness of uranium gold and the detonating core, it may be more troublesome to transport.”

"Transportation is also within the scope of my responsibility, and there will definitely be no problems." Green Tree Altona said with assurance. In the world of ordinary people, he would definitely be an excellent salesperson. Even though Li Suman was in the living room, he still moderated the atmosphere here.

Cassia cast his gaze over and thanked, "Thank you in advance, Mr. Green Tree. The demand is mainly divided into two directions. The actual supplies are indeed closely related to you, Mr. Green Tree. They are all basic reagents for low-level operations. It’s just that the number will be relatively large, and please ask Mr. Green Tree to gather as quickly as possible. After all, according to Miss Hillary’s news, the time for the sky to appear red is within a month. I hope that before climate change comes, things Can arrive at the designated place and be accepted by the designated personnel.”

"In addition, there are some weapons in the material demand, including all kinds of pneumatic weapons, and the number of no more than ten ultimate alloy cold weapons. They are all in the actual material list. After the meeting and negotiation, I will Leave it to you, Mr. Green Tree."

"Afterwards, I hope to have the opportunity to discuss the list of supplies with you in detail."

"That's what I want too." Cassia answered positively, and then looked at Hongmang, "Miss Hongmang, the other direction of demand is some information. I don't know who should I ask?"

Following Hongmang's gaze, when Cassia tilted her head, the orange light Mi Torris had already looked over, "Mi Torris."

After greeting each other friendly, Cassia directly stated the information he wanted, "For the theoretical information about the uranium-gold bomb, what the organization currently has is fine. It does not include uranium-gold purification, how to make it, etc., it is just pure How to release the energy contained in uranium and gold under the condition that all the conditions are pretended to be complete. It is like a formula, if it exists, you only need to tell me this formula, and you don’t need to disclose other information to me.”

"Of course, on the premise of not harming the organization's own interests, it is the result I want to be able to provide."

"Mr. Cassia's needs, I have understood." Mi Torris nodded, "But regarding the research on uranium gold, anything related to it belongs to the secrets of the organization, which requires..."

"Agreed!" Before the explanation was finished, the unison of the other six people interrupted the words of Chengguangmi Tolis.

"I also agree." She did not forget to add, "After the negotiation is over, the information should be in your hands within a few hours."

[In view of the general environment,

"Thank you." Cassia looked at Hongmang again with a smile, "The last need is to provide some strength and team help from the organization. Miss Hongmang should be very clear about my own knight order. No I know I should,,,"

From the corner of his eyes, a thick hand raised up, but it only stood upright for less than a second, and then bent down to touch the back of his head, "Well, Yafu. Except for other members such as the person in charge and his own adjutant, the organization's Most of the team and fighters are arranged by me. I have shared your information, Mr. Cassia, within the organization. If it is the Knights, I can say a few words to my subordinates. However, regarding the help to the Knights, in fact, Huang Shi If Miss Heraser joins in, the effect will be multiplied.”

"Compared to simple battles, Miss Heraser can

It would be easier to directly contact the relevant members of the coordinating country, whether it is help in strength, or the development of the knight order among the small countries afterward. "

"This is just my little suggestion." Zidian Yafu's thinking is very inconsistent with his rough appearance. Perhaps this has something to do with the fineness and capacity of thinking required for high-intensity battles. Small inattention and mistakes, all have the risk of failure or death. Therefore, his considerations are relatively complete and will involve many aspects and angles.

"It's just a matter of a few communications, and it can be completed immediately after the negotiation." Huangshi Helaser politely responded, "The organization has a very deep foundation in many small countries. If you don't mind, I can introduce the specifics of these foundations in detail later. appearance. Maybe from it, we can find the most suitable way to help.”

"Thank you, Ms. Huangshi, there is a need for a detailed conversation. UU Reading" Cassia replied, "The part about me ends here, and Miss Li Suman is next."

The slightly relaxed atmosphere in the living room became solid again, and the seven people including Hongmang fell into silence. After a few breaths, Hongmang Emilia said, "I will review the research progress of the uranium-gold bomb from the following A few aspects, please explain to Ms. Li Suman and the alliance,,,"


In a prosperous area along the coast of the empire, the heavy rain for several days finally stopped, leaving only less than a day's buffer time. The snow flakes mixed with salt-like ice particles fell without any conscripts, and continued to follow the erosion of the sea wind. Large buildings flashed .

Holding a white-gray umbrella, he walked on a road where the street lights and surrounding building lamps were all extinguished. He stopped at a corner more than ten meters away, looking with interest at the corpses that had piled up in several small piles ahead.

There was a team on the side, wrapping up the corpse and moving it to several frozen food transport vehicles that stopped not far away.

"Mr. Hai, I didn't expect you to come here in person. It's surprising and unbelievable." With the sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the hard ground, a woman with long hair stood beside Hai. Wearing a gray-black long windbreaker, which completely conceals the curves of the body, only a not-so-protrusive pattern of roses intersecting with roses can be seen on the left shoulder of the windbreaker.

"The third cleanup still produces so much food. It seems that the "factory" that was destroyed not long ago is not all, nor is it even the core. The woman continued, "Mr. Hay will come here, there should be interesting information. There is also a contact from the headquarters of the Manoma Knights. I think we should have the same news."

"Miss Ariel is going to evacuate back?" He said, the umbrella he held slanted over to cover Ariel's head, blocking the falling snow and ice particles.

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