Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 863: Kiris (4)

It was about 8 o'clock in the evening when I returned to the family, and the sky was completely dark. He looked at some of the information Lyle had collected, and wrote in his head all the events within the time he was away. Seeing that about one third stopped, after drinking a glass of wine, he closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair in coordination with the other information.

This has been a practice for many years, and I don’t know if it applies to others. The Hill family itself is famous for its agents and assassins, and the blood of the tribesmen contains similar components, and the subsequent growth environment also has a huge impact. They are exceptionally good in performances and various disguise. Sometimes, in order to hide themselves, changing their identity is an ability that they need to practice constantly in their growth.

Therefore, I am very good at thinking in different places, that is, bringing my own spiritual feelings to the target person as much as possible through limited information, so as to simulate the target person, obtain more reasonable inference and analysis, and master the current goal The more accurate information of the characters can also predict the next possible directions of action to a certain extent. The rest is to rely on the influence of human factors-which can be seen as a spiritual hint on hypnosis-and let the prey choose the direction that is most beneficial to him.

Hae is very good at doing this and likes to do it. It is also feasible to say that it is an important daily activity for him. He wanted to find out the general state of the people he was following and prepare for the next action plan.

Two or three hours after opening his eyes again, he walked to the window and stood still, ten minutes later, he sat back on his chair and continued his daily routine.


The area of ​​Samsung Academy has become relatively deserted, and most of the students choose to go back to their family power. While using the military school's library to learn more, Cassia took the time to exercise his basic abilities with Selmer.

Seeing that a week has passed, Cassia chose to leave the school in the afternoon, wrapped up some books and other things of Pekins in the house rented by Manoma, and came to the Imperial History School.

After patrolling for a few laps, it still felt like someone was hiding from the side. It doesn't have to be the person who is used to monitor Shake, Cassia thought, the history school is definitely not as good as the military school and the seminary, after all, the nature is completely different. But there are still some people worth watching.

Just after borrowing a communication machine to contact Shake around, Cassia paid for a stranger to hand over the book to Shake before returning to the villa base to meet Delya. Recently, several preparations for the perfect plan have been thought out, and Manoma’s factory here is one of them. Many people know that the industry traded for solid red mercury is tied to themselves.

Delya brought a few pieces of news, all related to Waters.

"With the help of quality and low prices, the transaction was quickly expanded in the Kyle Kingdom. Taking this opportunity, Waters also began to contact with higher-level forces. Want to obtain more reliable orders, and to attract the Kyle Kingdom. The investment of the local forces has been added to the construction of the factory there. The price is that the goods will be given priority to investors in the future, and the price can be lower. Now the factory at Manoma is restored, except for a few old customers in the empire. The amount will be flat soon."

"In addition, King Qi'er has always had big and small battles at home and abroad. Compared with the empire, security is much worse. Our entry has robbed a lot of people’s business, and the temporary base has been jointly attacked by some small workshop owners several times. , And three people died. Waters could only spend money to hire a lot of mercenaries to help, and was barely relieved. But judging from the voice when contacting, the pressure there was very high. Maybe among those mercenaries There are many people who have their own ideas."

Speaking of this, Delya stopped to look at Cassia: "My idea is to send more people to the past, so don’t worry about trust. The other is to ask Knight Commander Mr. Hesley to help. I think the environment there is He will like it very much. As long as it lasts for a period of time, after contacting the great local forces in the Chil Kingdom, relying on their background power, they will become a lot safer. Internal and external chaos will make it lack there, that is, there is no lack of losing work People. Don’t worry about the labor. The cost of wages is comparable to the goods we sell at a low price."

"I will contact Hesley, but don't expect too much. Recently, he has important matters." Cassia replied, "You can make decisions about the factory and business. Just a reminder that our power and them In comparison, it is not strong, it can even be said to be weak. Although it is only a small country with continuous internal and external wars. But don’t think that we can change the situation there with our entry. Once you pass the limit, it is very It’s hard to guarantee a retreat all over."

"Waters and I used to be people who wandered in the dark world and gray areas all the year round. Please rest assured, the leader. We clearly know that we are just a businessman who settled there. After making enough money, We will choose the right time to withdraw. It will definitely be unstable. It will either be torn apart by the strength of the Kyr Kingdom or swallowed by the forces that protect us. We guessed this result long ago."

"That's fine." Cassia breathed a sigh of relief. "When you come here this time, there is a very important thing to do."

Delya listened quietly and left the Brino area. This was the first time she felt it from Cassia with a commanding tone.

"The factory here in Manoma will be abandoned by me. The time left is only a few months. During the production and research, please quietly transport the important machines by replacing or transferring them in an orderly manner. You are careful to hide it, and you can also exhibit in the area around Manoma. Of course, I have no opinion if you choose to sell them. I will give you a specific time soon, as long as you let others know that these factories have nothing to do with us before then. , It’s done if you change the boss completely."

"Should be clear what I mean?" Cassia asked.

"Go into the dark completely?" Delya tried to ask.

"There are ideas in this area, but the result is cleaner than it. It is completely clear from Manoma's several factories, and even those old customers I think I will be forced to abandon in the end. Me and you Between you and the factory, you have to create a fault artificially. It is shaped like a gecko, which can cut off its tail in times of danger without leaving a trace. Few of us know the connection, and between you and the factory, you have to become so capable. ensure safety."

"I see." Delya nodded with a thoughtful look. Let's talk about other things-that batch of jewellery was also recently designed and processed by an outsourcing company, and they were all sold to several major jewelers in Manomane. The money obtained will be used for the purchase of raw materials in the next moment, and the daily operation of the two regions with nearly 30 factories combined is indeed not an easy task.

Afterwards the two of them simply filled their stomachs with long-term storage in the refrigerator, and left here by themselves.

Delya opened the wooden fence door in the garden in front of the house and looked at Cassia who turned and left with her head in her arms.

"Head, are you protecting us?" A question with a clear answer. Seeing Cassia standing there all of a sudden, Delya sighed with a smile and shook her head, but in her heart she thought of Cassia when she first met Brino. The changes are indeed great, but some things cannot be destroyed simply by the erosion of time, she thought. There was a sense of "uselessness" that Waters often talked about.

Cassia turned his head and glanced at Delya, then stepped towards the corner of the street: "It's almost time, go back quickly. Be safe on the road."

:. :...


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