Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 864: Kiris (5)

It was at about 11 o'clock in the evening when he returned to the military school. After taking a bath, Cassia read the information about the surgery for strengthening the body's self-healing ability for a while, and then began to rest. I wanted to start an operation to control body temperature immediately, but Cassia calculated that the time could not meet the demand anyway. Wanting to use his existing things to achieve the same effect, Cassia remembered that after swallowing the red crystal in the uninhabited volcano, there were other additional reactions when using the giant whale method.

White lines appear on the body, it will automatically release cold. Cassia believes that if it is properly controlled, it may be possible to adjust the body temperature and achieve the same goal.

In the afternoon of leaving, a new notice came out about the notice to advance the year-end assessment for the second school year slightly by one month.

"It should be a change made to adapt to the knight attendant assessment soon." Cassia thought. The rules have not yet been laid out, and for the first time the empire has launched such a large-scale task. The preparations started early, but the day to finalize the results has not yet arrived.


Shake blushed, and the few books in front of her made her feel a touch of excitement. I have always wanted to get something since I came into contact with "Experiences of Strange Creatures", although it is a bit easier now. After opening the books, Shaco smiled unconsciously when she looked at the familiar text inside.

"Two identical books?" Weirdly muttering to herself, Shake picked up the two books with the same name in front of him while thinking. The weight was a bit beyond her expectations, and there seemed to be other things inside.

Opened one by one, one of the books hid a small and exquisite pistol and an additional magazine, embedded in most of the hollowed-out books, reflecting the faint cold light. Breathing was a little uncomfortable immediately, Sha Ke closed the book, sat on the chair suddenly, rubbed the white but hot cheeks with her hands vigorously.

Her heart was beating violently, and Shake was panting. She looked at the book where the pistol was hidden, as if to make sure that the sight she had just seen was true. In her eyes, the closed book became very ordinary, and a few pages of obviously irregular paper caught her attention.

In a panic, Sha Ke looked at the windows and doors as if remembering. The curtains were closed tightly, and the door did not leak any gaps. Only then did she carefully take out the pages of paper, which was the tone of Mr. Tussos familiar to her.

"Please don't doubt and consider my identity. I will take the initiative to tell you something when it's just right. As the story will gradually become more cheerful after reading most of the story. Apart from a few books, I thought about it for a long time this time. I decided to add a few more things in the package. Of course, if possible, I hope they will never play a role in your hands. But these are not for you and me to decide. We all like reading books and learning about history and paleontology. People who are interested in the site may be a little older than you and have more contact with things."

"What I want to talk about is a few months ago. It is not an accident. I hope you understand the meaning of this sentence. There is a great possibility that the same thing will happen in the future, and the protection cannot be provided forever, so I thought of this. This is a very inappropriate practice for you. In the past few months, I think you should also understand the value of strange words in your heart. They are like rotten pieces of meat that attract

A lot of annoying things come. So I hope you have a certain degree of self-protection ability, but definitely remember one thing-the image you present to people will make people less vigilant when encountering danger. That is your biggest reliance..."

"The caliber is very small, twelve bullets in one magazine. The recoil is not strong, so you can't completely ignore it. So there is a request, starting in the past few days, you can exercise moderately, and take care of your arm strength. If you have the opportunity, you can also use some cover to experience several times at some shooting range businessmen in Manoma. The next few pages of paper are about how to use the pistol, and I will give you an item Short-term exercise program."

"Finally, I hope you don't mind."

After reading what Cassia had written, Sha Ke exhaled a few sighs, but her heart couldn't calm down yet, and her heart was beating even harder. The scene when she met Cassia appeared in front of her, and Sha could not think of the reason why "Mr. Tuxos" would be a bad person. I don't know why I defended Cassia from the beginning. In her opinion, even "Mr. Tuxos" is a good and bad person. After reading the next few pages, Sha Ke quickly crumpled them into paper **** and threw them into the trash can.

In less than a few seconds, she picked up the ball of paper from the trash can, looked around very uneasy, and then unfolded, then tore several pieces of paper into pieces and rushed into the sewer together.

Coming out of the bathroom, Sha Ke picked up the book with the pistol, opened her suitcase, and took out all the clothes. It feels very inappropriate. There was no such situation before, and I don’t know how to deal with it. After putting it on the pillow, Shake felt a sense of peace of mind.

Just doomed to sleep tonight. Perhaps with this in mind, the light in the small room stayed on until the sky turned white, and Shake lay in bed sleepy.


"How's it going?" The man came out of the bedroom and sorted his clothes. He let the people on the side go in and deal with the things in the room, and while he went downstairs to the lobby, he asked the waiting assistant, "It's a few days, I should be able to draw a conclusion."

The assistant nodded respectfully, saying hello, and replied: "Master Lahualar is continuing to follow At present, apart from knowing that the strange characters and symbols were found from ancient ruins, we still don’t know exactly. What is the meaning. I have asked history and archaeology scholars and professors in several schools, but they are not quite sure. They say that it takes time to verify and research, and we will be notified as soon as there is news."

"Isn't there any comments and explanations in the two's database? It must be of extraordinary importance to be stored in their two's secret database."

"Master Lahualar and I have checked the information left by the two, and there are no additional parts."

"What about that book?" Strange Creatures Seeing and Hearing", the things in the book are not fabricated stories, I am very interested. There should be several other books, you help me collect them. And about his author Pekinz ? Kiris, it is impossible to have only that little information. It was deliberately hidden and eliminated. Put more energy on this, and there will be more research and research on other materials that are put together with this book, maybe there are clues in it. I hope you can give me results as soon as possible."...


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