Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 874: Cooperation between gentlemen (3)

Staring at the communicator for a long time without speaking, Eric lies down again, looking at the ceiling and thinking a lot. Once had the same idea as Rosa, but soon after submitting the documents, the superiors took turns to teach him a lesson. It's all empty words, but there are many hidden meanings. I didn't learn anything, the only thing I knew was that I just handed it over to the superior when I encountered tricky things. Whether it is executed in the end, whether the submitted things are effective, or whether they are burned after turning around, has nothing to do with him.

After all, in the conversation between the superior and him, there was a sentence Eric remembered very deeply—you know that before we entered the special operations agency, all professionals conducted detailed investigations of our identity. The agency treats you and your family generously. Eric, have you ever thought about such a thing? While your family members are enjoying this treatment, their identity information is actually entered into the archives of the special operations agency at the same time.

It was then that he became much "smarter", and Eric did not see people who retired or left suddenly. I used to think that it was in a normal process at that time, when someone came in and someone left. But from then on, he was unconscious in his thinking, and he was forced to add many other considerations.

After taking a few heavy breaths, Eric contacted Rosa again. As a colleague who had been working with him for several years, he didn't want to have even an acquaintance by his side in a year or two.

I tried a dozen times, but no one was connected. Eric only realized Rosa's determination this time. Forced to end the rare break early and put on his clothes, Eric contacted his teammates and drove to the office of the special operations agency.

When he was on his way, Eric contacted Rosa's men one by one, but no one was connected. It may already be during the mission operation. After inquiring about the call information of the weapons and vehicles, Rosa's record ended on the day she began to rest. During the period, I got another news that Rosa's group of people started their vacation on the same day as him.

"Bad situation." Eric returned to his desk and said to himself. There were no people in the whole room, and the circulating heating made him feel more irritable.

"Put on your daily clothes and start the investigation from the neighborhood of that street. As soon as you see Captain Rosa, you inform me in the communication in time, and her men, I think you have the ability to bring them back here, even by force. , I will personally explain to Rosa afterwards." After making simple preparations, Eric gave the group their respective tasks.

One and a half hours later, I went to the street where the high-end taverns gathered. It was close to noon, and there were not many vehicles parked on the side of the road. As the car drove slowly past, Eric observed the surroundings carefully and found nothing suspicious. Can only stop around, looking for Rosa while waiting for the night to come. At that time, it was time for Rosa to act, and Eric hoped that with his luck, he could find Rosa before acting.


"Molimoya, a very good name." Putting away the brand-new identity badge and the corresponding authorization letter, it was rare for Cassia to feel a sense of relief in his body. Even if there is no signature, but through the network of connections known to the coach, Cassia knows who prepared it for him.

Picking up the passcard of the Military Academy, Cassia went to the library to take away theoretical materials on acoustics and related surgical development examples. When he returned to the dormitory, Selmer and Mond were waiting for him at the door, and the three of them matched their information within a few days of leaving the school.

"Eldest sister Lin said that there will be new plans after this operation, and they will be implemented immediately and need help." Selmer just watched, and Mond took out the written detailed information and handed it to Cassia. A very accurate timetable is easy to adjust the time and personnel distribution of follow-up actions. Sister Lin went back to the Webley family, and Ato Ring has been processing countless intelligence materials. Recently, the operation of the alliance has been handed over to Cassia. "

"There was a temporary emergency not long ago. I left for a few days. What was the result of the action?" Looking through the bound booklet, Cassia was a little worried about Ye Jielin's situation in the family. When Hesley left the empire and went to the Chil Kingdom, he told him about the current situation of the Webley family. The most scrupulous thing during the handover period was what Yejielin did now.

Think about it carefully, Ye Jielin's consistent style is like this, she won't change anything because of the external environment, except to make her action plan more perfect.

Three days later, in the main residence of the Weber family, Ye Jielin came out of the room prepared for her by the investigation team, followed by the heads of the four teams in different aspects. The rest of the members were packing up the records on the long table in the room. .

"Thanks for your hard work, if you still need it, I am willing to answer your questions at any time." Ye Jielin turned around, very polite, and looked at the four with a smile.

"Is it okay at night? I want to talk to some details on my own?" One of the men immediately replied, with a smile of another meaning on his face. While speaking, she looked up and down Ye Jielin several times, "Don't think that there are no traces, everyone knows that. But if you are willing, I can help you." The woman beside the man laughed, but the other two. People have always remained serious, as if these words did not reach their ears at all.

"Of course." Ye Jielin was serious. "But in the family residence, the atmosphere is a bit inappropriate. If it is outside the family, a random location within the Manoma I would like to go there. ——Just tell me the time and location in advance, and I will find the best route and arrive on time."

The other two intervened at this moment and interrupted the three who were gradually deviating from the topic: "Thank you Miss Ye Jielin for your understanding. If necessary, I will notify you. These information will be immediately handed over to the family's special organization for verification and inspection. I believe Ye Miss Jerin will know the result soon."

"Can I go out of the main family residence during this time? There are still some things to deal with in the school."

"Of course, this investigation did not receive a ban on your going out. According to the family rules, you are free, Miss Ye Jielin, until the results come out and the final conclusion is reached. But personally, I think It would be better to stay in the family, so as to prevent us from re-examining your future trail."

The five separated in the aisle. After a few steps, the man's words sounded: "Miss Ye Jielin, I am looking forward to a separate conversation between us."

"The content will definitely not disappoint you." Ye Jielin didn't turn her head back, and went straight back to her room.


The mixed colors of light dyed the streets into colors where no adjectives can be found. Eric changed several limousine cars and wandered slowly in front of a row of high-class taverns, while observing the entrances of the various taverns that people came and going, waiting for information from his teammates.

"We won't find Captain Rosa and her men within an hour. All the staff will disguise themselves and go to the tavern to look for them." Soon after, the beating second hand on Eric's mechanical watch gave an order. .

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