Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 875: Cooperation between gentlemen (4)

The flow of people is increasing, and it is the most prosperous time here between 9 pm and 12 pm. Eric got out of the saloon car at about eleven o'clock and entered the tavern opposite. The smell of all kinds of alcohol and perfume was mixed, and the air seemed very dull to him. Asking for a glass of wine, Eric sat in a position with a slightly wider field of vision, quietly observing everything around him.

In what way will it attract the attention of the prey, or why is Rosa so convinced that evidence can be obtained? Eric has been thinking since he came out of the special operations agency. Or is it because I seem to be too impatient, tonight is only the beginning of the action, and it will continue for some time in the future, before Rosa will throw off the net for those she thinks is the murderer?

When the wine entered the throat, there was no taste. The noise around him disappeared gradually over time. When the music gradually overwhelmed the other sounds, Eric stood up and paid for the counter, and walked out of the tavern step by step. The team members also came out and joined one after another, but none of them brought good news.

"It's like disappearing out of thin air, even if they can disguise, but a few of them have been with us for a few years, and it is not difficult to recognize them after a little identification." The team members said, they were still tainted with alcohol.

"It's better to patrol the surrounding area carefully. Don't go back tonight, and consider taking a rest tomorrow." Eric looked at the time and looked at the high-end taverns that lined up under the dark clouds without any influence. speak.

It was light, and Eric was on his way back to the office of the special operations agency. Let the team members go back to rest first. He waited until noon, the communicator was not connected from the beginning, and it remains the same now. It was confirmed that there was no special situation within Manoma, especially the location of the tavern, so Eric left with a heavy heart.

After arriving at the rented house, he immediately lay on the bed. Unable to sleep, Eric looked at the ceiling and thought for two or three hours, carefully reviewing all the details that he might have noticed, and then barely closed his eyes.

Until he was awakened by the harsh buzzing sound, Eric almost ejected from the bed, stood by the bed and smashed his eyes a few times. The wall clock on the wall pointed to nine o'clock, and the curtains that were drawn were revealing a thin light.

"Sleep for one night?" Eric rubbed his temples, thinking that he was really tired recently. Picking up the communicator, a strange sensation was transmitted to the body through the touch and sound of the hand at the moment of contact, he breathed out slowly, and he pressed the connect button. It is the dispatcher of his office, and he coordinates the work of the weekdays. The voice was dry, as if he hadn't drunk water for a long time to wet his throat: "Captain Eric, there is news from Captain Rosa, I hope you can come here as soon as possible."

Eric arrived at the office, where several superiors were already waiting. Accompanied by several other captains of the same level as him. The top manager here only said "keep up" and walked straight to the back of the office building. Without speaking, Eric closed his mouth and walked in the end. Guessed the result, behind the office building is the weapon storehouse and garage, and there is a separate small building for storing a lot of information. In addition, the basement there was used as a cold storage room to store the bodies of unknown operators who were consigned from work.

He looked at the upper-levels in the front, and he suddenly felt a sense of disgust that was overflowing from the deepest part of his body. It is also mixed with unwillingness, not to oneself, but simply to feel unworthy of Rosa's actions. I regret that Rosa didn't stop her directly when she said this. But at that time Eric did not notice Rosa's determination, or in his opinion, the same team leader, Rosa is also very aware of the helplessness and restraint at the bottom of the special operations organization.

In the end, it turned out to be what he least wanted to see. Three new corpses were brought into the cold storage room. Without Rosa, they were all his subordinates, who had already lost their temperature. Eric can expect that there will be an extra corpse bag here soon, and after opening the zipper, you can see Rosa's face turned white and blue from the cold. Or, the body would never be found, and disappeared everywhere in Manoma.

"There was a communication from Rosa's residence in the morning. It was a man's voice. Let us move back some things." A superior said, "So we moved back to these things. We are still investigating the specific reasons and it is impossible to end there. This is a provocation to our special operations agency. It has been notified to the head of the headquarters in charge of our area, and the next actions will be..."

"All of his subordinates will be fully responsible, and you should not interfere in this matter. As soon as there is a result, I will inform you..." Eric said the next words silently in his heart. After hearing it many times, it became an assembly line. .

"At noon, there will be a team specially set up for this purpose to come over and collect basic information for us. Captain Rosa’s recent anomaly, is there any hint in her speech, and who has been in close contact with someone before noon, hope Everyone think about it, this may provide key clues to help the team find out the cause of Captain Rosa’s death."

He was stopped on the way back, and Eric knew there would be such a process. After all, there were records the day before yesterday showing that he was concerned about Captain Rosa's whereabouts.

"Elirik, we want to know the detailed direction of the matter. Rosa and you are both very good captains here. Regarding her death, in addition to regretting her death, we have to do what she has not finished. End. After all, it was an action that made her give her life..."

Prisoner-like inquiries lasted from morning to night, and everything I knew was said. Eric knew that if it weren't like this he probably couldn't get out of the room. When I left the office of the special operations agency, it was already around three in the morning. Going back to the office, Eric learned from his colleagues in the evening shift that his team members were also called back one after another, but it was not long to ask.

"Thank you." Eric took his coat and drove back, but changed the route halfway and went to Rosa's residence. Seeing the light in the room far away, Eric turned the steering wheel and laughed, "It's getting more and more unclear who is the criminal and murderer."

The next few days were given a long vacation, and I could not work for a week or two. The rare break did not cheer up Eric. He stuffed himself in the room, and Rosa's words kept echoing in his head-just couldn't bear it, I felt I had to do something.

"If I followed along with me, would it be better?" Eric asked himself. He walked to the window and looked at the Manoma Center where the lights were shining outside. He had an answer in his heart, "At least he died. There is no need to guard this pitiful sense of responsibility and justice." But he knew that even if he lingered, he would live. It's not only that there will be no success after death, but he feels that someone like himself should always have some talents, maybe it won't do much, but it's okay for some people to be sick.


"Master, the matter has been handled, all relevant materials have been burned, and there will be no more follow-ups."

"You can't just relax and follow it for a while. If you are sure that there is no copy of the document, the most suspected people will disappear."

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