Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 876: Cooperation between gentlemen (5)

Bophita squinted her eyes, and the happy mood she had always maintained was no longer there. He knew the importance of that item better than anyone, especially when the family was cleaning up. His identity is destined to prevent him from appearing in this kind of thing, but many people in the family are waiting to use it to make a series of actions against him. After being exposed, what awaits him is not only the punishment of the family, but other people are likely to be involved. As a member of the clean-up team, something like this will definitely have a bad effect.

But fortunately, it is only a small branch of the special operations agency, and it is only the mood of Bofei Ta.

"The branch to which the woman belongs should also be brought into your control. The news must be kept tightly sealed, and no one else wants to know about it. You know what I mean?" Pofeta reminded, "There is also From the collector, you can tell him the prepared news. Recently, pay close attention to Ye Jielin’s whereabouts. According to the situation, you can provide some information appropriately. The purpose is to let them take the initiative to find Ye Jielin about Cassia The news cannot be disclosed. The later collectors know it, the better."

"Where is the student from the Imperial History School? He is a very careful person. After a few days of contact and conversation, she didn't know anything from her. He didn't mean to cooperate with us, and of course he didn't intend to tell us the strange words. What is it."

"My patience is limited, so I put the document directly in front of her. If she still refuses to cooperate, it means that the current method does not work. I think she is not the only one in the empire who can translate these things, right? Don’t agree to Sister Elna’s invitation for the time being, tell her that I have to think about it. It’s not too late to cooperate when these things are coming to an end."

"I know what to do." Lahualar nodded and said, "I will finish these things as soon as possible."


More than a week has passed since he was locked up in the house. On this day, Eric received the news that he would let himself go back to work, but he was not excited. According to the words of several team members later, the investigation team left the office the day before yesterday, and several superiors left behind ";; Captain Rosa’s matter is still under investigation", as usual, rarely appeared.

Knowing that it would eventually evolve into this kind of result, Eric originally thought he was used to it. In the past, too many things turned into more than a dozen pages of paper filled with ink, which were permanently locked in the data building and could not get out. Rosa used to laugh about it, but she didn't expect that she would become like this in the end.

The desk was piled up with random materials. During Eric's absence for more than a week, everything about him was searched carefully, and no details were overlooked. The freezing air made Eric stay in the office like being in prison. After finishing packing his own things, until noon, there were only three or four people left in the office. Except for him, the other captains are out. The late notice informed Eric that the area around the tavern had been removed from their mobile branch and would no longer have any relationship with them in the future.

After finally staying up until the evening, Eric did not eat and went straight back to his house. When the sky darkened, someone knocked on the door, and the sound of "Boom Boom" was like a direct knock on his heart.

"Hello, Mr. Eric? The golden bank mail service. This is your door-to-door mail. Please sign for it." A young man with a pale green hat, carrying a bulging bag, printed The light yellow imperial sign of the golden bank, and a pile of undelivered mails in the bag on both sides, probably belonged to this building.

"Thank you." Eric said, looking at the postman in front of him. He watched the young man disappear at the top of the stairs to the upper floor before closing the door and opening the bulging mail.

A thick stack of photos, two simple printable Zhilian, and a storage mechanism on a recorder. There is also a piece of paper full of words, and Rosa's handwriting is undoubtedly.

"I said that I had to do something, so I did it. Of course, I don’t know the result. In order to prevent accidents, I have this mail delayed for more than a week. It is the worst plan. I don’t want my results to be lost. Put it into your portfolio and wait in the dust for the day when it will be burnt down."

"Didn’t you say that'I just can’t get used to it" that day? It’s actually not the case. I spent a few years in the special operations agency, from the initial excitement to the later numbness, and finally to the loathing of my incompetence. In just a few years It’s as if I have changed everything from beginning to end. It’s a very uncomfortable process, but fortunately, meeting someone like you Eric is comforting. At least I know that people like myself have not completely disappeared. And there are some, but that’s enough.”

"Originally, my thoughts were the same as you, because I knew that even if evidence was obtained, there was a high probability that there would be no news and follow-ups. I was not prepared to carry out this operation, but one of the dead people caught my attention. I didn't believe it very much. I’m sure, it’s my friend. I was in a school since I was a child, and then separated, I came to Manoma to continue my and she went to the area around my hometown because of her poor overall grades . Since then, there has been very little contact. Until now, I have not seen each other for nearly seven or eight years. Only recently did I know that she had come to Manoma for several years, and she was married and her daughter was born. Probably to make a living. So I chose to work as a waiter in a place like a tavern, earning money quickly, of course it’s a clean one. I can guarantee her character and personality, but it’s useless now."

"After undergoing an operation, people often tell me that the operator has been out of the scope of human beings, and the more they are going to be, whether it is themselves or ordinary people, they will definitely repel each other. Time has shown that this is indeed the case, but there is something wrong with it. Maybe it’s because the operation stage is not high, and there are still many human things. Feelings should be the most indelible thing among them."

"I'm very impulsive, and there is also the reason why the squeezed emotions in the past few years have been vented after finding a breach. Anyway, I don't regret it, and I feel that I should do this, so I start planning and action. But incompetence is incompetence, and if you don't, you can't , I have to rely on you for the next thing, Eric. Although you refused to take part in this operation that day, you were still pulled in in the end. I'm really sorry, after all, this is a dangerous thing."

"In the end, this is a natural result. If you can receive this email, I must be dead. Maybe the body cannot be found."

Eric sighed for a long time. Like Rosa, he thought he really should do something. It might not work, but he had to take action.

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