Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 367: back in color

The time for the economic and trade delegation to stay in China is limited, and the form of a cold meal meeting allows investors to have more communication time and opportunities for in-depth understanding with interested project parties.

After a brief exchange of opinions with David Allen, Shen Huai nodded to Gao Tianhe who was standing not far away talking to the guests.

Gao Tianhe was slightly startled. If Shen Huai had something inconvenient to contact Tan Qiping, he could go directly to his immediate bosses Pan Shihua and Zhou Qibao, and nodded to him, what did it mean?

Gao Tianhe hesitated for a moment, then apologized to the guests he was talking to, holding a glass of wine, he walked towards the small circle composed of Shen Huai, Zhou Zhibai, Sun Yalin, David Allen, Zhao Yicheng, and Yang Haipeng, polite and courteous. Raising a glass to David Allen, he knew a little bit of English, but when communicating, he still had to rely on Shen Huai to help him translate, so it seemed that he, David Allen, and Shen Huai had an extraordinarily close conversation.

In the eyes of the vast majority of people present, Shen Huai and Gao Tianhe are characters who will never get together. When Shen Huai was in Meixi, it can be said that he was standing on the "corpse" of Gao Xiaohu, the son of Gao Tianhe. Wei, including Ge Yongqiu and other cronies who were directly promoted by Gao Tianhe, were all enemies to Shen Huai.

In addition to Ge Yongqiu personally in charge of investment promotion in Xiapu County, as the president of Wanhu Group, Gao Xiaohu was also invited to participate in today's cold dinner party. It's just that in front of Song Bingsheng and Tan Qiping, Gao Xiaohu kept a low profile and didn't dare to publicize.

Seeing his father suddenly walking with Shen Huai, Gao Xiaohu's hair stood up, he and Ge Yongqiu stood together, looking over, he didn't know what happened to his father and Shen Huai.

Others quickly noticed this anomaly. They looked there from time to time, and saw the expression on Gao Tianhe's face, which changed from surprise to surprise, and then focused on listening to what Shen Huai and David Allen were introducing. He also raised his wine glass and gestured to Mark Allen who was seven or eight steps away.

Tan Qiping and Song Bingsheng were puzzled, not knowing what happened, so Gao Tianhe congratulated each other.

Gao Tianhe walked over to Song Bingsheng and Tan Qiping and said, "West Umins Industrial Group and Smart Technology are interested in cooperating with Meigang and the city forging factory to invest in the production of metallurgical equipment, metallurgical spare parts and section steel in Meixigang Industrial Park. The factory that produces the product hopes to start relevant cooperation negotiations with the city as soon as possible, and the initial investment is estimated to be around 30 million US dollars..."

This was originally to be announced to the public and reported on the results of the economic and trade negotiations. Gao Tianhe reported to Song Bingsheng and Tan Qiping in a low voice, and would not deliberately lower his voice to avoid suspicion, so that people around him could hear what he reported to Song Bingsheng and Tan Qiping. .

Another thirty million dollars!

Those who responded faster turned their faces towards Song Bingsheng, waiting for Song Bingsheng to officially announce the outcome of the negotiation. They were so excited to clapp their hands to cooperate.

Song Bingsheng was startled and suspicious, and glanced at Shen Huai, but Shen Huai only gave him and Tan Qiping the back of his head, and seemed to be chatting happily with David Allen and others with his chest folded, as if this matter had nothing to do with him at all.

Tan Qiping was also extremely embarrassed, but had to squeeze out a happy smile.

The joint venture plant jointly established by Fuji Steel, Municipal Steel Plant and Meishan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is the largest contracted foreign investment project so far in Donghua City, and the scale of direct and indirect foreign investment will reach 60 million US dollars.

Tan Qiping is very proud of having contributed to this project first-hand. With just such an achievement in attracting investment, he can overwhelm Gao Tianhe in the city.

Within the municipal government, as a hero who participated in the project negotiation from beginning to end and directly promoted the successful launch of the project, Executive Vice Mayor Liang Xiaolin, with the support of Tan Qiping, is also justifiably responsible for industrial development, municipal construction, planning, commerce and other economic categories. Taking the affairs into his own hands, he competed with Gao Tianhe in court.

The current working model of the municipal government has become that Liang Xiaolin decides everything that can be decided within the authority in charge, and what cannot be decided will bypass Gao Tianhe and go directly to the Municipal Standing Committee meeting for collective discussion.

Liang Xiaolin is responsible for several important tasks of the municipal government. Once the mayor of Gao Tianhe cannot interfere in economic affairs, he will gradually become a decoration.

What was the meaning of Shen Huai's move when Gao Tianhe was suppressed to pieces?

Tan Qiping looked at Shen Huai, and could only see the cold back of Shen Huai's head.

If Shen Huai reported the matter to him or Song Bingsheng, he could of course instruct him directly that Liang Xiaolin would be directly responsible for the promotion work related to the project at the municipal government.

However, Shen Huai did not directly report to him or Song Bingsheng, but reported the matter to him and Song Bingsheng through Gao Tianhe, so he had no way to take this project from Gao Tianhe and hand it over to Liang Xiaolin or other deputy city Long to be responsible for promoting.

Is it so soon to return the color, or is Shen Huai reciprocating for Gao Tianhe's support for Huaineng to cooperate with Xiapu County Power Plant?

No matter what intentions Shen Huai had hidden in his heart, or if he wanted to publicly state that he was going to stand up to Tan Qiping in Donghua from now on, Tan Qiping could only restrain his suspicions and raised his arms to Mark Allen and David. Allen signaled his congratulations, and Song Bingsheng officially announced the news to everyone in the banquet hall.

Liang Xiaolin's face was also a little stiff. He was staring at Gao Tianhe's mayor's throne. He also wanted to have a triple jump from ordinary deputy mayor to executive deputy mayor, and then to the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor. Who knows Shen Shen Huai suddenly did this?

Liang Xiaolin didn't know about the quarrel between Shen Huai and his father, so he was even more puzzled. He knew how deep the rift between Shen Huai and Tan Qiping was. Zhou Ming had an accident after the Spring Festival. He also knew the details from beginning to end. So eased, where would he have thought of suddenly making this scene?

In 1993 and 1994, Donghua City's actual utilization of foreign capital was around 20 million US dollars. The joint venture project between Fuji Steel and the city's steel mill and Meishan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is a major breakthrough in Huaihai Province. If you make a special trip to Donghua to get a piece of the pie, you can see the weight of the foreign investment project with an investment scale of 30 million US dollars.

Just like the reason why Tan Qiping chose to protect Zhou Ming when he caused the peach incident, if Gao Tianhe is directly responsible for promoting such a large-scale foreign investment project, as long as no serious problems are exposed, the province usually does not consider adjusting Gao Tianhe. job.

In other words, if this project is delayed for more than half a year, Gaotianhe's mayoral throne will be secure; if this project is negotiated by Gao Tianhe, what excuses are there to call Gaotianhe to be a good person?

At the same time, Liang Xiaolin thought: Everyone is not optimistic about the Meishan Iron and Steel new plant project now. If everyone takes a wrong look and finally let Shen Huai build the Meishan Iron and Steel New Plant, what will be the consequences?

After Liang Xiaolin served as the deputy mayor, he was in charge of the planning committee and the economic and trade committee for a long time. He could imagine the blueprint drawn by Meishan Iron and Steel in the entire industrial layout, and also knew that Fuji Steel had insisted on Meixi Power Plant and Meixi Port Wharf. In fact, the joint venture factory is actually used in the entire industry chain; now this investment of 30 million US dollars will be used to build a heavy industry enterprise that produces metallurgical equipment, spare parts, and section steel products. It is relatively independent, but it is actually similar to Meishan Iron and Steel has connections in the industrial chain...

At this time, Liang Xiaolin thought that he really wanted Shen Huai to build the new Meishan Iron and Steel Plant. By then, including the joint venture of Fuji Steel, the entire industry with assets of more than 2 billion and an annual output value of 5 to 6 billion. The chain group is under the control of Shen Huai.

In any case, this is a major achievement of this economic and trade negotiation. After Song Bingsheng announced it, Liang Xiaolin could only put on a warm smile and applaud to express his congratulations.

As a courtesy, Tan Qiping also asked Gao Tianhe to invite Mark Allen, David Allen, and related people from the city forging factory and Meigang to Song Bingsheng's side, and Song Bingsheng would further pay attention to the details of the project. The emphasis on the project in order to facilitate the advancement of the project.

Seeing that Shen Huai pretended to say a few words to the staff at the entrance of the banquet hall, and left the banquet hall directly with Sun Yalin, Tan Qiping saw Song Bingsheng's face tense, and he had to think: Song Bingsheng is really capable Suppress his son?

Song Wenhui is very confident in the new project of Meishan Iron and Steel. It can be said that she has a kind of doting on Shen Huai, but even these foreign businessmen in Birmingham have begun to invest heavily in Meixi Port Industrial Park. A kind of recognition and affirmation from the factory?

At this time, Tan Qiping's mind was somewhat shaken, and he was no longer sure that Shen Huai would make a big mistake in the construction of the new Meishan Iron and Steel Plant.

Tan Qiping went to socialize with Yamazaki Nobuo and other senior executives from Fuji Steel who participated in the construction of the joint venture in Donghua and was also invited to attend the negotiation reception today. Then he came back to meet Song Bingsheng, he motioned Zhou Ming to follow him, and asked in a low voice, "Nobuo Yamazaki What do you think about the Meishan Iron and Steel New Plant Project?"

Tan Qiping believed that only the opponent could understand the opponent. He thought that Yamazaki Nobuo's evaluation of the new Meigang project might be more accurate.

In front of Tan Qiping, Zhou Ming would not have anything to hide, and said: "There is no specific comment on the new Meishan Iron and Steel plant, and today is also very silent; but Yamazaki Nobuo and the others commented that Shen Huai is a bold and imaginative person... …”

What kind of evaluation is this? Tan Qiping secretly said.

Tan Qiping knew that he couldn't blatantly suppress Shen Huai and Mei but he also knew that if he really wanted Mei Gang to form his own family by the couch and become deeply ingrained, it would seriously weaken Song Wei's treatment of him. attention, thereby weakening his position in the Song Dynasty.

Tan Qiping took a deep breath and found that the problems he faced were more difficult than he thought before.

Nobuo Yamazaki is very entangled in his heart. Putting aside his personal grievances, he hopes that Shen Huai can complete the industrial layout of the Meixi Port Industrial Park based on the interests of Fuji Steel, so that the joint venture can also have sufficient and cheap power supply and shipping guarantees. The prospect of the joint venture can be expected.

When the entire iron and steel industry structure in Meixi Town has begun to take shape, and then use the joint venture factory and a large amount of new investment to reverse customers and change owners, Fuji Steel will be able to complete the key overseas layout faster and easier than imagined.

From this point of view, Fuji Steel should not think of any tricks to interfere with Shen Huai's pace in Meixi Town. However, Nobuo Yamazaki couldn't help but worry that if the Meixi Power Plant, the second phase of the Meixi Port Wharf Project, and the new Meishan Iron and Steel Plant were all built in a leisurely manner, would it be possible for Fuji Steel to fight against customers here?

As a steel output value of more than 10 billion US dollars, Fuji Steel does not care whether the joint venture can achieve profitability in a short period of time, but more about the profit and loss of the entire industrial layout... (83中文网)

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