Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 368: out of place

Song Wenhui pushed open the door and walked in. She saw Shen Huai and Sun Yalin sitting opposite to each other in the office, with their chins on the desk, with big eyes and small eyes without saying a word, smiled: "Why, drop the bomb When you go out, do you realize that you are sitting here to worry about it?"

Shen Huai sat up straight and said to the little aunt, "Little aunt, don't scold me, I was forced to do nothing; if I don't find something for them to do now, they will find something to do for me."

Song Wenhui smiled bitterly and said, "You lift the lid now, and Tan Qiping can't say there is no response at all. Can you really resign from your local positions?"

"How far should I go, in order to ensure that the construction of Meigang's new plant will not be interrupted, I can only resign from the local position," Shen Huai said, "When the time comes, will TEPCO take me in?"

"You are really addicted to officials," Sun Yalin said. "If you are not an official, you should learn from Song Hongjun and have a net worth of hundreds of millions. At that time, the local government will only beg you to invest, and there will be no harm or conflict. Are you at ease?"

"Everything has advantages and disadvantages," Shen Huai said with a smile, "I don't have the skin on my body, and it is impossible for Meigang to develop very fast. If everything has only advantages and no disadvantages, it is really perfect, but I can't expect so much. , isn't it?"

Song Wenhui was mainly worried that the various things that happened today would make Shen Huai pessimistic and depressed. Seeing that he knew him well, she didn't say much, but said, "You really want to get away from the place when you have such a quarrel with Tan Qiping. Come out, I don't even know who dares to take you in..."

"Tang monks learn from the west, and they still need Sun Monkeys who dare to fight, dare to make trouble, and charge ahead," Shen Huai said with a smile, "Besides, I'm not that difficult to serve, and I don't know that all the leaders in the world only need obedient and obedient subordinates. Now, there are still people under Mei Gang who don’t agree with each other, don’t agree with me, and lose their temper at me. So, now, subordinates who can do things and have a good temper are rare, and you can’t expect too much.”

"However, Gao Tianhe is a terrible person, and he is not a good collaborator," Song Wenhui also smiled bitterly, and had to admit that the fact was just as Shen Huai said, that is, within Dongdian, most of the people who can do things have a bit of personality, His personality was smooth, but it was not easy and uneasy to use it for practical work. He asked, "Are you simply trying to find something for Tan Qiping today?"

"No," Shen Huai shook his head and said, "I originally wanted to use the debt-to-equity swap to absorb the city forging factory into the Meishan Iron and Steel system, but now the Allen family is willing to make such a large investment, If I still want to hold the city forging factory in my hands, I would be too selfish."

Song Wenhui also knew that the city forging factory caused a debt crisis a few years ago, and she also knew that Shen Huai took advantage of the debt crisis to actually control the management of the city forging factory.

However, the current assets of the city forging factory add up to only 10 million yuan. If you hold on to the interests of 10 million yuan and refuse to invest up to 250 million yuan in foreign exchange, it will be too much to look at. , and it will also become a handle for Tan Qiping to accuse him of being wrong.

Shen Huai said: "If it is not a joint venture, and the city forging factory is directly sold, Zhao Yicheng and others can only become part-time workers of foreign-funded enterprises, and they do not have the opportunity to serve as senior management and get real training and growth opportunities. I sometimes reflect on it. , we spend so much effort to attract investment, give so many preferential conditions, and even give considerable privileges to foreign businessmen stationed in China. Why? Now there are a considerable number of conservative officials who think that investment promotion is the recovery of comprador forces and consumption. It is a traitor to the foreigners who have acquired resources and earned the money back for nothing. However, anyone with a little vision and a broad heart knows that we can give up some of the benefits, and the money can also be earned by foreign businessmen, and even consume a part of the resources, Sacrificing certain environmental interests, but after a few years, looking back, our region has achieved a certain degree of construction, the country's industrial system has been improved and strengthened, and batches of qualified industrial workers and managers have been cultivated. It is the most fundamental basis for whether a region or a country is strong. Therefore, when we are attracting investment, we can have a clearer thinking. We must know what we are giving up at this time, and what we want to get in the future, so as to find a win-win situation. the way……"

"What do you think is still a joint venture?" Song Wenhui asked. "A joint venture requires a certain amount of shares and the obligation to make capital contributions. The other party's first shot is 30 million US dollars. This is a minimum joint venture, except for In addition to the existing assets of the city forging factory, I am afraid that it will have to spend 40 to 50 million yuan. Now, where will Meigang or the city raise this part of the funds?"

"That's why I have to abandon Tan Qiping and find Gaotianhe," Shen Huai said. "Only Gaotianhe at this time can support the transfer of the city forging factory to Beijing Investment Corporation for free. Donghua has no potential. Excavated, Meigang is also the main insurance company for the construction of the new factory, but Chen Bing raised 40 to 50 million in Yanjing, and the difficulty will not be greater than imagined..."

The city made a promise that within the debt repayment period, the business activities of the city forging factory are subject to the supervision of creditors, but the assets are still state-owned assets of the city.

Donghua Beijing Investment Co., Ltd. is also a wholly-owned state-owned company under the municipality.

The transfer of the municipal forging factory to the Beijing Investment Corporation for free, there is no transfer of the nature of the assets, and there is no possibility of the loss of state-owned assets. Whether it is feasible or not is just a matter of the municipal government.

This plan is obviously impossible to get the support of Tan Qiping; and Gao Tianhe does not have many options if he wants to get the investment of 30 million US dollars.

"..." Only at this time did Song Wenhui sort out Shen Huai's thoughts. She thought that he would be troubled by today's affairs, worried that his future work thoughts would be disturbed. Her temper was much tougher than she imagined, and she couldn't help laughing. After thinking about it, she said, "If the joint venture company also produces the structural parts required for power plant equipment in the future, Huaineng can also contribute some funds... "

The purpose of Tepco's capital injection to establish Huaineng Group is to invest and operate power assets in the Huaihai Bay area and extend to the relevant upstream and downstream industrial chains.

As long as it can meet this theme, it is reasonable for Huineng Group to invest and hold shares within its existing capabilities, and there will be no resistance.

Song Wenhui said again: "The reception is coming to an end, so don't hide here all the time. No matter how much you struggle behind your back, you can't tell outsiders to see jokes, right?"

"Yes, I didn't say a word anyway, slapped me, and put my face close." Shen Huai stood up and said with his hands on the table.

"What nonsense," Song Wenhui slapped him with a smile, and said, "You are now at stake in all aspects of interests, you have to be a leader, you have to endure some grievances, and you can always take advantage of your heart. good thing..."

Seeing that Sun Yalin was sitting still, Shen Huai reached out and dragged her up, and said, "Okay, okay, don't be more stubborn than me."

Sun Yalin glared at Shen Huai, but she couldn't resist, so she had to go back to the banquet hall to perfunctory things on the scene.


After the banquet was over, everyone else left.

The guests of the Birmingham Economic and Trade Mission all stayed at the Pengyue International Hotel, and were accompanied by Gao Tianhe, Liang Xiaolin, and Zhou Qibao on behalf of the urban government; Tan Qiping and Pan Shihua accompanied Song Bingsheng, Song Wenhui and others to return to the Nanyuan Hotel to rest.

Although Shen Huai was with him, he had no intention of going in when he went downstairs of Nanyuan Hotel No. 1, so he said to his aunt: "It's getting late, you should rest early. Old Allen is the one who makes up his mind. , but I can't stay in Donghua for much time, I want Peng Yue to see the situation again, talk more, and take advantage of the presence of people who can make up their minds, I still have to fight for more..."

Shen Huai also understood David Allen's plan at this time.

After West Ummings Industrial Group's steel plant in Birmingham was withdrawn, David Allen had no suitable position within West Ummings Industrial Group. Therefore, he advocated the family's large-scale investment and construction of factories in Meixi Town, so that he could jump out of the West Ummings Industrial Group and find a new goal in his life.

However, David Allen is only in his early thirties at this time, and he can only be regarded as a junior in the family. Such a large investment can only be said to be promoted from the side, and he has no position to participate in decision-making. This matter is still old. Allen, that is, Mark Allen made up his mind.

If you want to talk about more results, you need to take advantage of the old Allen's presence. Song Wenhui has no way to ask Shen Huai to stay for a little more time to ease the relationship with the fourth brother. She just helped him straighten his collar and said, "You too Take more rest..."

Tan Qiping saw that Song Bingsheng was also in a moody mood tonight, and there was nothing to chat about. After chatting for a while, he said goodbye to the brothers and sisters Song Bingsheng and Song Wenhui and left.

Song Wenhui sat still and saw the gloomy expression on the fourth brother's face, so he asked the other escorts to rest first, and persuaded: "Shen Huai is a twisted temper, fourth brother, you know it well, so don't think there is anything ugly in face. He is your son after all. Even if you say a few words to you in front of outsiders, there is nothing to make people laugh at. The old man made it very just let him be in Mei Steel tossing. If there is a good result, it is naturally better; if he falls, it will also be beneficial to Shen Huai. He is still young, if he is destined to fall, it is better to fall back sooner-fourth brother, do you think so? This reason?"

"You are in Dongdian now, and you are developing very well. If you fight for another one, you will be able to take charge of the overall situation of Dongdian. If Meigang really has a problem with the new plant, it will have a great impact on you. Prove myself, I can understand, but I can't let his temperament fool around." Song Bingsheng said.

"I only have a daughter of Song Tong, and my nephews are Hongjun, Hongqi, Hongyi, and Shen Huai," Song Wenhui said, "What can I hope for, not just that their future life path will become wider and wider. Can you go further, can you host Dongdian, and don’t take it too seriously.”

Seven sisters have said this, and Song Bingsheng has nothing to say. He sighed and said, "I don't care about Mei Gang, I just let him toss it. However, he can't let Tan Qiping step down today. , we can no longer protect the shortcomings, otherwise the Song family will really not be able to win people's hearts. You persuade him to see if he can break away from the local area now, and he should manage Meigang well, which can also give Tan Qiping a step down. "

"I'm afraid it's inappropriate now," Song Wenhui said. "Should we wait until the new Meigang plant is completed before we can consider this issue?" (83中文网)

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