Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 369: size basket

From the South Park, Pan Shihua and Liu Weili accompanied Tan Qiping in a car.

The driver, Huang Xi, stared intently at the road ahead and drove the car with all his attention, as if he was unaware of what happened tonight.

Pan Shihua sat in the passenger seat, and Er looked at Tan Qiping, who was sitting in the back row, through the rearview mirror.

In the summer when the early summer is approaching, the silent Tan Qiping is like a stone statue; Liu Weili spreads the folder on his lap, perhaps checking Tan Qiping's schedule for tomorrow.

The car was about to turn into the community, when Liu Weili's cell phone rang in his pocket, breaking the dull silence in the car that was about to condense. Pan Shihua also noticed that Tan Qiping's mind was attracted by the ringing cell phone, and seemed to be expecting something to break. The current impasse.

Liu Weili took out his mobile phone, looked at the number, and said to Tan Qiping, "It's Qibao's number."

Pan Shihua wondered, didn't Zhou Qibao accompany Gao Tianhe and Liang Xiaolin to accompany the British guests at the Peng Yue International Hotel, why did he suddenly call at this time?

Zhou Qibao, like Liu Weili, was a temporary cadre from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee to Donghua a year ago.

The two are about the same age, both are thirty-six years old. They came here a year ago. Now Liu Weili replaces Xiong Wenbin as the deputy secretary general of the Municipal Party Committee and the director of the Municipal Party Committee Office; Zhou Qibao is the deputy secretary of the Tangzha District Party Committee and acting district chief, which can be regarded as Donghua officialdom. The new backbone.

Looking through the rearview mirror, Pan Shihua watched Liu Weili connect the phone, said a few words, and quickly handed the phone to Tan Qiping: "Secretary Tan, Qibao has something to report to you."

Pan Shihua was puzzled: Zhou Qibao was in the middle of accompanying the British guests, what was the urgent need to report to Tan Qiping?

Pan Shihua has an opinion on Tan Qiping's transfer of Zhou Qibao to Tangzha District as deputy secretary of the district party committee and acting district head, and even has a sense of crisis in his heart:

If he can't suppress Shen Huai in Tangzha District, and one more Zhou Qibao will have no effect, then Tan Qiping insists that Zhou Qibao go to Tangzha District to serve as the head of the government, what does it mean? Don't you just want to transfer him away when the time is right and let Zhou Qibao control the Tangzha District?

In the past, Pan Shihua would not have much opinion.

Rotation of party and government officials in districts and counties is becoming the norm. Even if he is a direct descendant, Tan Qi and Tan Qiping let him stay in Tangzha District from district head to district party secretary for more than ten years, and other officials in the city will also complain.

As long as the position is not too bad, it is an acceptable choice for Pan Shihua to be transferred to other districts or counties or important bureau committees as the top leader, or, like Yang Yuquan, to be transferred to the city government to be the deputy mayor.

Just in front of him, seeing that the economy of Tangzha District is about to soar into the sky, and it is becoming a common practice for the top leaders of important districts and counties to serve as members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Pan Shihua is a little reluctant to move his nest.

Pan Shihua has been working in the government department for a long time, and he has a level above the passing line in managing the economy. He estimated that if the economic, financial and taxation data of Meixi Town were merged into Tangzha District this year, the indicators in all aspects of Tangzha District would be able to steadily surpass that of Beicheng District and become the first among the seven counties and three districts of Donghua.

For an ordinary official, to go from the main office to the deputy office with real power, he does not know how many difficulties he has to overcome and overcome. Even before that, Pan Shihua had never thought that he would be a member of the Standing Committee of Listing before retiring.

Without thinking about it, a golden shortcut suddenly appeared in front of him. When Pan Shihua first thought of this possibility, he was so excited that he didn't fall asleep for a few days.

Although there is such a thorn in the Tangzha District as Shen Huai, who can't be flattered no matter what, it makes people feel very embarrassed, but seeing the opportunity to be promoted directly to the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and to transfer, such a good opportunity is given to others in vain How could Pan Shihua be reconciled?

However, given the precedent of Xiong Wenbin, what can Pan Shihua do if he is not reconciled?

Pan Shihua now understands that Tan Qiping still doesn't trust the local officials. It's just that he needs to replace the disobedient officials with obedient officials in the local area first, so as to free up the seat so that he can install his real direct line, step by step, link by link, exactly the same. With a cage and a bird...

Pan Shihua pondered things in his heart. Before scanning the rearview mirror, Err put on a smiling face to avoid colliding with Tan Qiping's sight in the rearview mirror.

I don't know what Zhou Qibao was reporting to Tan Qiping on the phone, Tan Qiping just listened, and no more information was revealed after Er's "hmm", probably Zhou Qibao guessed that he was with Tan Qiping, even in the quiet car. , and couldn't hear what Zhou Qibao was saying.

Pan Shihua frowned slightly when he saw Tan Qiping.

After a long time, Tan Qiping closed the phone and returned it to Liu Weili, caught Pan Shihua's eyes through the rearview mirror, and said, "Qibao thinks that the Meixi Port Industrial Park has already met the conditions for applying for a provincial industrial park, what do you think? "

Pan Shihua's mind was a little stuck, he turned around, and said doubtfully, "Meixigang Industrial Park and Meixi Town used to be a team of two brands. It can be said that they are not separated from each other, and the industrial park has not officially demarcated the scope. It is only developed in the area under the jurisdiction of Meixi Town. Now we have to formally declare a provincial industrial park, so we can't be so vague, then there will be conflicts between the industrial park and Meixi Town in terms of regional division..."

Tan Qiping glanced at Liu Weili, but Liu Weili reacted quickly and said, "There seems to be no problem in changing the streets in Meixi Town."

"Qibao also suggested the same," Tan Qiping glanced at Pan Shihua and said, "But if it's possible, let's discuss it in your district first."

Pan Shihua noticed that there seemed to be a hint of dissatisfaction in Tan Qiping's eyes, and was startled. He went downstairs to Tan Qiping and watched Tan Qiping enter the courtyard. He didn't dare to ask Huang Xi to send him back with Liu Weili, but said that he lived not far away. It was not late at night just to take a walk and go back.

Thinking about Zhou Qibao's strategy along the way, he secretly felt that Zhou and Liu were not very old, but their immersion in the organization was not shallow.

It is said that Meixi Town is currently a deputy director-level town. The Meixi Port Industrial Park has successfully applied for a provincial-level industrial park, but it is only a deputy director-level. It does not seem to have any special significance for the time being, and the preferential conditions may not be given much - Tan Qiping At this time, the jurisdiction of Meixi Port Industrial Park will not be directly taken over from Shen Huai, but in order to adjust the jurisdictional conflict between the industrial park and Meixi Town, the area to the east of Meixi Town must be taken over. Officially included in the scope of the industrial park, after most of the rural areas of Meixi Town are taken away, it can only be turned into a street administrative area with the same administrative level.

The biggest difference is that in the past it was the big basket of Meixi Town, and the small basket of Meixi Port Industrial Park; once the Meixi Port Industrial Park was upgraded to a provincial industrial park, and Meixi Town became Meixi Street, the basket's The order of size will be reversed.

Even if Shen Huai is concurrently the secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Industrial Park and the secretary of the Party Committee of the Meixi Sub-district Office, it can actually be called the official dismantling of the original party-government system in Meixi Town, where the park and the sub-district office are officially formed. Team:

On the one hand, it can cause conflicts within Meixi to fight for power and profit;

On the other hand, after the industrial park is upgraded, even if it cannot be regarded as an independent administrative region, it will not set up a complete set of four teams, but it must have a relatively complete party and government system and subordinate institutions, which will create dozens of vacancies and vacancies. The personnel authority of the Risei lies in the district.

Pan Shihua secretly felt that Zhou Qibao was decisively a vicious character, but Shen Huai openly lifted the lid today, and Tan Qiping decided to beat him hard. Pan Shihua also knew that he could not stop this matter, so he had to think about it: Meixi Port Industry After the park was officially upgraded, what benefits would so many vacancies bring to him?


Shen Huai proposed to Gao Tianhe that the city forging factory should be transferred to Dongtou Company, which would be jointly invested by Beijing Investment Company, Meigang Group and Huaineng Group, and jointly invested with the Allen family to set up production of metallurgical, power equipment and spare parts and Large-scale heavy industrial enterprises of steel products.

Gao Tianhe didn't have much choice and couldn't ask for much.

The Allen family wants a controlling stake.

The total assets of the city forging factory are converted to 20 million yuan. If Meigang wants to share the equity with the Allen family equally, it will have to take out more than 200 million in cash. This is obviously a task that Meigang, Huaineng and Beijing Investment Co., Ltd. together cannot accomplish now.

There is no ability to fight for this controlling stake at all, it is better to fight for some other preferential conditions.

After Mark Allen returned to the UK with the economic and trade delegation, David Allen stayed to discuss specific plans. In early June, a preliminary joint venture plan was formed and handed over to the city for study and discussion.

At the same time, the district also reached a consensus, and soon submitted the materials for the declaration of the Meixi Port Provincial Industrial Park to the province.

Shen Huai had expected this for a long time, and he also knew that he could not take all the advantages. Since he chose to lift the lid, in exchange for the opportunity of Beijing Investment Corporation's great development, he had to endure Tan Qiping's actions against him in other aspects.


The summer in Xucheng is extremely hot, and the low air pressure often makes people breathless.

Li Gu walked into Tian Jiageng's office and saw that the window was open, Tian Jiageng still didn't look like the secretary of the provincial party committee, and his trousers were rolled up in the office, revealing two hairy legs.

He couldn't help complaining: "Secretary In the office, you have to pay attention to your image. The secretaries here are complaining. If any guests come over, you must first make sure your image is good. Good. The salary hasn't increased, but it's just an extra errand..."

Seeing Li Gu closing the window and turning on the air conditioner, Tian Jiageng put down the pen in his hand and said, "I haven't run anywhere in the morning, and I've been blowing headaches from the air conditioner in the office, so I opened the window to let in the air. I didn't expect the air pressure outside to be more stuffy. How is the tracking of the Kusang River dam in Xinyi going?"

"Xinyi City gave a reply, but the truth is not necessarily what Xinyi City said," Li Gu said, "but I think that if you really want to send someone to investigate, you may not be able to find out anything..."

"Hey," Tian Jiageng shook his head, there were many things that were deceived and concealed locally. Even the secretary of the provincial party committee might not be able to lift off all the covers he thought might exist, watching Li Gu with a document in his hand. He didn't put it down when he entered the room, and asked, "What is this?"

"By the way, Donghua is going to formally apply for Meixi Port Industrial Park this time. The document has just been sent to the provincial government, and I will show it to you." Li Gu handed the document up.

Tian Jiageng took it over and opened it, his brows became more and more wrinkled. When he saw the end, he couldn't help throwing the document aside and said angrily, "Donghua is going to mess around!" (83Chinese website)

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