Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 372: show weakness

Zhou Yu is also from a long time, and it is not easy for her to find an affair with Shen Huai.

Shen Huai's thing was messed up between her crotch, causing her to pant softly, her body overflowing with fluids, and it was too close to the door to not enter, making her heart itch. She thought that Shen Huai was inexperienced in doing this kind of gesture, and she moved away a little, but saw Shen Huai's mouth showing a wicked smile watching her good show.

She was so ashamed that she hugged his neck again, gnashing her teeth and clutching his earlobe. After all, she couldn't resist Shen Huai's teasing. She wrapped her arms around Shen Huai's neck and stretched her right hand under her to grab the tangled stem of the horned vine. Root, withstood the wet flower's lips, and slowly sat down.

Although I have stolen it a few times before, I still feel the hugeness of this thing every time I come into close contact with it.

Shen Huai sat side by side, she stretched her legs and sat on Shen Huai's body, the bottom should have been wide open, but when the arrogant head was squeezed in, it was still squeezed to the point of splitting her lips. From the stock to the heart, there was a strange and extreme pleasure, squeezing her brows and panting, and subconsciously bit Shen Huai's ear.

Shen Huai was in pain, he stretched out and pushed in all of a sudden, hitting Hua Xinzi.

Zhou Yu screamed "Yeah ah", and his right hand subconsciously grabbed Shen Huai's thigh tightly, as if he could stab her soul out if he moved even the slightest.

Shen Huai released his hand, holding Zhou Yu's plump and **** round buttocks, pinching and touching it.

Zhou Yu seemed to be sitting on a fiery fire hydrant. Just sitting like this, she felt indescribable pleasure and unbearable feeling that this arrogant stalk was pressed against and squeezed in her heart—she I was also afraid of venting too early, calling Shen Huai a joke, so they straddled and sat like this, put their arms around Shen Huai's neck, leaned on his shoulders, and pressed against his stubble cheeks. Enjoy the lingering lingering on the edge of the wild scorpion forest.


The two lingered, and drove back to the city from Yezizilin. They found an inconspicuous restaurant on the side of the road and hid in the box to order food. At this time, Shen Huai took out his mobile phone, and then called his sister-in-law. :

"Sister-in-law, I have also thought about it. Tan Qiping's actions are just because he is afraid that I will not go to the store. It is also because of this worry that he suspects that I have contact with Tian Jiageng in private. I have thought about it, the construction of Meigang's new factory, At the moment, I still cannot do without local support, so I don’t want to break away for the time being? I want to leave the place, but I have no intention of holding Meixi Town in my own hands. Others don't have the intention of taking me out of Meixi Town, and don't affect the construction of Meixi Steel's new plant. Even if Meixi Town has a major personnel adjustment now, I can accept it. Of course, I will adjust from Meixi Town. The people in the district can't treat them badly, otherwise, I can't explain to them."

"You really have no other ideas?" Song Wenhui asked on the phone.

"In this society, it is not the people who can clean themselves up, so being wronged by this is not a big deal," Shen Huai said, "Even if Tan Qiping still doesn't believe that Tian Jiageng's instructions were not something I did for him, this level is enough. Did he go down?"

Song Wenhui comforted him a few words before hanging up.

Zhou Yu looked at Shen Huai with big watery eyes and asked, "Are you really going to make up your mind to break away from the place?"

"The construction of Meigang's new factory must not be interfered with now, and I can only show the enemy's weakness," Shen Huai said with a wry smile, leaning his head against the back of his chair, "Speaking of which, I was also in great pain. There was a commotion in Xiyuan, and some things were passed on to those who were interested, but in fact, it had caused quite serious consequences. The two loans that were negotiated with the Provincial Bank of China and the Provincial Construction Bank changed in the middle. There was no reason, they just didn’t give them. As a result, in May and June, Meishan Iron and Steel's new plant could only get less than 10 million yuan in financing. Up to now, Meishan Iron and Steel's new plant has entered the key point of construction. Every day the construction period is delayed, the loss will be 100,000 yuan, and the funds have already started. It's tight. Now the project is a bit difficult, and the technical transformation project may be delayed temporarily. Even if a part of the equipment deposit will be lost, there is no way to do it. Now there are more steelmaking lines, and the equipment factory can't see the follow-up payment. If we call it, we will directly transfer the equipment we ordered to other factories. We can’t say anything. If I don’t show weakness, Tan Qiping will remember it for me at this time, or some idiot in the Song family will jump out and use me as a club to kill my relatives righteously. One, who am I going to cry for?"

"Then are you really willing?"

"It's not a question of whether I'm willing or not," Shen Huai said, "I can't guess whether Tian Jiageng is hiding any other thoughts, but if the city can really follow Tian Jiageng's instructions, the Bamboo Society will be The township and part of Huangqiao Town merged with Meixi Town into a larger economic new area, which is more conducive to rapid development and is beneficial to Tangzha District and Donghua City. I should do this. However, as long as I dominate Meixi Town without revealing any gaps for others to drill, how can Tan Qiping drag this matter down, so that the new economic zone will not have a real chance to take shape in my hands. Instead of stalemate , so that everyone can’t guess what the ending will be, and I’m worried all day long, why don’t I take the initiative to take a step back and let the new economic zone have the opportunity to be established as soon as possible…”

In addition to deducting land payments this year, Meixi Town may earn more than 100 million tax revenue. It is really necessary to combine Zhuxi Town and Huangqiao Town with Meixi Town into an independent new area, which will lead to Meixi River from Meixi Town. The development of the west bank will open up space for the westward extension of Meixi Port Industrial Park.

Perhaps within two years, the fiscal and tax weight of Meixi New District in the entire Donghua City will likely reach one-third, or even higher. Outside the steel industry chain group, control such a core area?

"In Meixi Town, how do you arrange it?" Zhou Yu asked.

"There should be no problem with He Qingshe being transferred to the district as the deputy head of the district. Li Feng can also be transferred to the district. Huang Xinliang, Guo Quan, and Yuan Hongjun must stay. In this way, at least two key points can be freed up. The seat is out. Besides, I don’t want to intervene in the preparation of the new district. I don’t have the energy. Tan Qiping wants Zhou Qibao to be responsible. Even if Zhou Qibao is directly served as the secretary of the Party Working Committee of the new district after me, I have no opinion - I Thinking of me making such concessions, they shouldn't be dissatisfied, right?" Shen Huai said.

In the party and government system of Meixi Town, He Qingshe and Li Feng can be said to be the two most important people under Shen Huai. When they are transferred to the district for other appointments, they can vacate two key positions - a formal area is established. The division of new districts is not something that can be accomplished in one or two days. After reporting and reviewing the reports layer by layer, it is fast to be officially listed within a year.

Since Shen Huai wanted to make it clear publicly that he would not take up the post of secretary of the Party Working Committee after the official establishment of the new district, when Tan Qiping directly appointed others in this position, Shen Huai would have nowhere to cry.

With Shen Huai showing weakness like this, Zhou Yu couldn't imagine what else Tan Qiping would be dissatisfied with.

Although Zhou Yu was somewhat worthless for Shen Huai, he didn't worry too much. Even if Shen Huai broke away from the local government, it would only remove his direct affiliation with the local party and government system.

Others will continue to stay in Donghua, and it is possible to take charge of, build and develop Meisteel, and even take charge of Huaineng Group; Pengyue and Zhujiang Construction and other enterprises can still surround the periphery of Meisteel and become the core strength of Meisteel. .

The biggest difference is that in the future, although the Meigang Department will mainly develop in Donghua, it is difficult to have the convenience and privileges of the past if you want to use the local resources of Donghua.

Seeing that Zhou Yu's eyes were somewhat dim, Shen Huai gently stroked her cheek and said with a smile, "This time, Tan Qiping has been a little out of proportion, and I want to give him more chances to make mistakes. Don't worry, I There will always be a day when Hu Hansan will be killed again..."

"It's good if you know how to show the enemy's weakness," Zhou Yu said. "I'm like a mini rampage, but I'm still a little worried."

"I used to be a bachelor in Donghua, and if I didn't go on a rampage, why don't I pretend to be a grandson?" Shen Huai said with a smile, "There is no way now, Mei Gang has gradually grown into a large scale, and the family has a big business, which means that the eggs in the basket are starting to change. Too much, it was all smashed all at once, which is a pity. However, my feelings for this land will never change."

"Why?" Zhou Yu asked, holding his chin in his hand, staring at Shen Huai.

"For you." Shen Huai said.

"Damn, only the devil will believe you," Zhou Yu said even though he knew that Shen Huai was talking nonsense, and he said angrily, "Apart from me and Chen Dan, who else is willing to lie to you with nonsense, Who else believes that you are reluctant to part with this piece of land to fight with Tan Qiping like this?"

"I'm afraid you don't believe it?" Shen Huai asked.

"Yeah, I don't believe it," Zhou Yu said. "You've only been here in Donghua for so many years, and you've been born and raised here. It's like there are countless people who care about you living in Donghua."

"It's really true." Shen Huai said.

"You're bullshitting," Zhou Yujiao said angrily, "there are too many women to worry about, I believe in that."

Shen Huai spread out his hands, expressing speechlessness.


Tan Qiping came home and saw that his daughter Tan Jingjing had come back from school vacation—the summer vacation in colleges and universities is much earlier than that in primary and secondary schools—seeing this daughter, Tan Qiping felt a little more cheerful after a gloomy day. He pressed her head and asked. Said: "Why didn't you call before you came back?"

"I came back by boat with Xiong Dailing, and there are many classmates, so I don't want you to send a car to pick me up." Tan Jingjing said.

Hearing that his daughter mentioned Xiong Wenbin's second daughter, Tan Qiping narrowed his eyes and wanted to say something, but he didn't say it. On the contrary, Tan Jingjing noticed the change in her father's face and felt a little depressed.

"Jingjing is back?" Liu Weili walked in with Su to greet Tan Jingjing, handed the phone to Tan Qiping, and said, "Vice Governor Song's phone number."

Su Kaiwen and Tan Jingjing were standing in the living room talking, and Tan Qiping went to the study to answer the phone.

Liu Weili saw Tan Qiping answer the phone through the gap in the door, then pushed the door and walked in, asking if Tan Qiping had any other instructions at night; Su Kaiwen then walked in.

"Shen Huai agreed to open his mouth on the personnel appointment in Meixi Town; I also want to leave the establishment of the new district completely to others." Tan Qiping said.

Liu Weili was a little surprised, and asked in a low voice, "This desperate Saburo is really willing to take a step back? So, the instructions of Secretary Tian of the Provincial Party Committee really have nothing to do with him?"

"I'm afraid it's not necessarily," Su Kaiwen said aside, "Maybe he was warned, and now I think about it and want to clear it up."

Tan Qiping was also considering Su Kaiwen's words, but in any case, since Shen Huai showed weakness under the internal pressure of the Song family and gave him a step to go down, he really couldn't be more aggressive.

Tan Qiping thought of Su Kaiwen: "Would you like to go to Meixi Town?" (83 Chinese website)

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