Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 373: pressing step by step

For the secretary of the direct line of the secretary of the municipal party committee, if you want to go to the local government, you usually start from the deputy position of the county or district.

This is the normal way of career advancement for people like them.

If you dislike Meixi Town's low administrative level and are unwilling to "submit", it is definitely short-sighted.

To classify political power from the perspective of organizational structure, it is nothing more than financial power, administrative power and personnel power.

The administrative level of Meixi Town is insufficient, resulting in insufficient personnel power, and it is restrained by Tangzha District. However, only from the level of finance and taxation in Meixi Town and the work of attracting investment, the party and government system of Meixi Town is determined. , are far more than ordinary districts and counties.

Especially for those officials who travel thousands of miles just for money, they would rather have the grass of Meixi than the treasure of Yushan.

Yushan County, the poorest in Donghua City, has a total annual financial expenditure of less than 20 million yuan, and only a few factories and enterprises are half-dead.

The construction of the Zhuxi Bridge in Meixi Town will cost 30 million yuan; the renovation of Xuetang Street will cost nearly 40 million yuan in a single town; a random piece of land will be sold for one million, ten million yuan...

In 1993 and 1994 in Donghua City, the total amount of foreign capital introduced in the city's three districts and seven counties was only 20 to 30 million US dollars, and Meixi Town's investment in this year alone may exceed 100 million US dollars.

The work of attracting investment in other districts and counties in Donghua has completely covered the halo of Meixi Town this year, turning it into darkness.

Meixi Town's selection of the top ten towns in Shanghai Huaihai this year is almost a certainty.

Su Kaiwen is only twenty-eight years old, and being able to take up a leading party and government position in Meixi Town will add brilliance to his career history, which is far more beautiful than going to ordinary districts and counties for three or four years.

If Zhushe Township, Huangqiao Town, and Meixi Town are merged to form Meixi New District, although the new district will be temporarily merged into the jurisdiction of Tangzha District, the secretary of the Party Working Committee of the new district will directly serve as the standing member or even the deputy secretary of the Tangzha District Committee and the Municipal Party Committee. Members, it's normal.

If the new district is further developed within three to five years, it is normal that it is separated from the Tangzha District and is directly under the jurisdiction of the city, and the secretary of the Party Working Committee directly concurrently serves as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.

In other words, Meixi New District is the sweetest and sweetest fruit in Donghua City.

Tan Qiping sent Su Kaiwen to Meixi Town at this time, and planned to use Su Kaiwen to take Shen Huai's seat, which can be said to open up an open career channel for Su Kaiwen.

Liu Weili saw the sweetness in Su Kaiwen's eyes from Tan Qiping's beautiful daughter, and when he thought that Su Kaiwen had an Lao Tzu who was a member of the provincial standing committee, he knew that there were some things he couldn't envy.

Of course, he is already the real power in Donghua City at this time, and there is no need to envy anything. In the future, Donghua will never lack his seat.


Shen Huai called the district the next day to discuss the personnel adjustment in Meixi Town.

Although Tan Qiping couldn't wait, since Shen Huai made the decision to show weakness, he didn't care about their pressing situation.

He Qingshe was transferred to the district government as the deputy head of the district, taking over Shen Huai's current responsibility for investment promotion and education; Li Feng was transferred to the district commission for discipline inspection as deputy secretary and director of the supervisory committee.

Such an arrangement can't be regarded as a bad treatment for He and Li.

In addition to Su Kaiwen who will replace He Qingshe as the deputy secretary of the town party committee and mayor, Pan Shihua recommended Luo Bi, the director of the district government office who has followed for many years, to replace Li Feng as the deputy secretary of the town party committee responsible for the work of the party and the masses.

In addition, they hoped to transfer Liu Weiguo to the District Public Security Bureau as the deputy director, and the director and instructor of the Meixi Town Police Station.

They also plan to have Su Kaiwen and Robi take over the posts of the town party committee secretary and town mayor after Shen Huai breaks away from the local party and government system, so that they can basically suppress Huang Xinliang, Guo Quan, Yuan Hongjun and other Shen Huai from staying in. The old man in Meixi Town.

Sitting in Pan Shihua's office, Shen Huai looked at the elm branches and leaves outside the window, and scattered patches of light. Sitting in an air-conditioned room, people do not feel the heat outside.

"Now the city is determined to implement the instructions of Secretary Tian of the Provincial Party Committee, and to merge Zhushe, Huangqiao and Meixi Town to establish Meixi New District. For the preparatory work, Secretary Tan personally takes the lead in the city, and the specific work in the district is handled by Mayor Zhou and Comrade Xiao Su, who will come to work in Meixi Town, are in charge. Shen Huai, you are Secretary of the Party Committee of Meixi Town, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Industrial Park, and the deputy mayor of the district. The preparatory work of Meixi New District, you It is also my responsibility..." Pan Shihua said.

Shen Huai didn't know how Pan Shihua slapped Tan Qiping with a sap yesterday, how he feels now, how many insincere words are in his words at this time, he looked at Zhou Qibao who was sitting next to him, and said:

"My main job now is to ensure that Meishan Iron and Steel can operate normally in the future in addition to the construction of the new plant. I am too busy with other affairs. After He Qingshe arrived in the district, I want to focus on the investment promotion and education work in the district. Leave it to him to take charge; for the preparatory work of Meixi New District, you must pull one person, then pull He Qingshe." Shen Huai said.

"Meixi Town rose up in your hands," Zhou Qibao said with a smile, "your experience is invaluable for the establishment of the Meixi New District. When planning the new district, I will pull you over to check it out."

"If you really want me to say it, then I'll say something," Shen Huai said, "then don't worry about when the Meixi New District can pass the provincial approval. Tangzha District needs to build another bridge at the mouth of the Meixi River. When the riverside roads on both sides are connected, the general pattern of the new district can be basically formed, and then the detailed work can be slowly pondered.”

Zhou Qibao heard Shen Huai's words and couldn't help but want to refute.

A bridge is built at the mouth of Meixi River, with a span of more than 400 meters.

To build a high-grade highway bridge with such a large main span, how can it be built without a capital of 100 million yuan? Where did Tangzha District take this money?

But thinking about it, if Shen Huai really wanted Saburo to do it all, maybe he could make it, Zhou Qibao swallowed and didn't say a word.

Pan Shihua was banging on the table, thinking about building the bridge, and hated in his heart.

If it wasn't for Shen Huai's arrogant closure of the Xiamei Highway Reconstruction Project, why would it have caused so many troubles? However, considering that Shen Huai planned to spend 40 million to build the Zhuxi Road and Bridge, who could imagine that Shen Huai could accomplish this with the strength of Meixi Town?

Pan Shihua has worked in Tangzha District for a long time, and he knows more about the local situation than Zhou Qibao. He really wants to combine Zhushe Township, Huangqiao Town and Meixi Town into a new district and build a bridge at the mouth of the Meixi River. It helps to connect the three townships more closely geographically.

It is just too expensive to build a bridge at the mouth of the most open Meixi River. With this money, the first bridge across the river can be built in the upstream direction.

Seeing the expressions of Pan Shihua and Zhou Qibao, Shen Huai also knew that they didn't have the courage, so he just smiled, spread his hands and said, "Then treat it as if I didn't say anything; I still have something to do, so I'll go back first..."

If he can stay in the place for two more years, Shen Huai is determined to build a bridge at the mouth of the Meixi River.

This bridge can not only connect the southern part of Meixi Town with Zhushe Township, but also make Zhushe Township an extension of Meixi Industrial Park's westward expansion. The Meixi New District, which will be established, can directly pass the Yanjiang Highway and directly connect with the Xudong Expressway, which is about to start construction.

At that time, the city will spend more money to widen and reconstruct the highway along the river, which will directly form an expressway channel close to the north bank of the Zhujiang River in the southern part.

Although the entire project will cost 200 million yuan or more, the courage to invest in this is not enough. In the southern part of East China, how about a faster expansion of the development environment?

Shen Huai couldn't estimate for a while, how much his concession this time would hit the hearts of Meixi Town, and he was somewhat disheartened, and he didn't want to talk to He Qingshe and Li Feng about personnel transfer today.

Sun Yalin said that an important guest would come to Meixi today and asked him to receive it in person.

However, when the phone call yesterday, Sun Yalin was still in Hong Kong. Shen Huai called Sun Yalin, but she couldn't get through to the mobile phone she used in Hong Kong and China, and she didn't know if she was on the plane.

Shen Huai ate lunch at the district government cafeteria, hid in his office in the district government building at noon and took a nap, and woke up with a phone call from Qian Wenhui at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

"The City Construction Bank just sent someone to send a letter. They lent too much in the first half of the year, and the capital was under great pressure. There is no way to complete the line of credit granted to us this year. I hope we can agree to move the remaining line of credit to next year." Qian Wenhui reported the sudden situation to Shen Huai.

In order to build the new Meishan Iron and Steel Plant, the Municipal Construction Bank has provided Meishan Iron and Steel with a line of credit of 25 million yuan. Within this limit, Meishan Iron and Steel needs funds for the construction of the new plant, which can be withdrawn from the Municipal Construction Bank at any time, and there is no need to do any more. Cumbersome loan procedures.

The new factory of Meishan Iron and Steel has already loaned 10 million funds from the Municipal Construction Bank. According to reason, another 15 million funds can be loaned from the Municipal Construction Bank this year - but this letter from the Municipal Construction Bank means that the new factory of Meishan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. This year's construction funds were suddenly reduced by 15 million.

Shen Huai held the phone against his forehead, it was really a headache.

City Construction Bank breached the contract. In the future, Meigang can only say that it is not cooperating with City Construction Bank. Now there is really no means to restrict City Construction Bank.

Shen Huai took the car keys and wanted to go back to Meixi. As soon as he walked out of the office, he blocked Yu Jie, the district education director.

"District Chief Shen, Director Gu of the Municipal Education Commission came to our district to inspect the work. Would you like to accompany you?" Yu Jie asked.

"Gu Peiying, director of the Municipal Education Commission?" Shen Huai asked, thinking to himself that when Gu Peiying came down, he should be received by the deputy district head in charge of education.

Gu Peiying is the uncle of Zhou Yu's husband, Gu Xinwu, and currently the Gu family's highest official position in Donghua. Thinking of having an affair with Zhou Yu at Tuzilin yesterday, Shen Huai somewhat wanted to hide from the Gu family.

But thinking that if Gu Peiying thinks he looks down on him, he will not show up, and if he wants to make trouble, he will make Zhou Yu difficult to be a person. Shen Huai asked Yu Jie: "Where did the district bureau arrange for Director Gu to inspect?"

"In the past two days, primary and secondary schools are organizing final Director Gu came down to see the organization of final exams in each school. They will randomly choose a few schools to walk around."

Shen Huai explained his whereabouts to the district government office, and when Gu Peiying came down from the city, he took Shao Zheng, and Yu Jie and other district education bureau officials went down to inspect the school work.

I first went to two schools to see the flowers, and the Municipal Education Commission finally chose Sanli Street Primary School, focusing on listening to the school's report on final exams and summer vacation arrangements.

Although Shen Huai is the deputy head of the district, he doesn't have the time and energy to manage too many things. He doesn't know much about the education situation of primary and secondary schools in Tangzha District. Sitting in the old meeting room of the school, he still thinks about the city China Construction Bank's reduction of the credit line.

The conference room of Sanli Street Elementary School is a one-story house. The conditions are very difficult and there is no air conditioning. I temporarily use a fan from the office to blow it on people, and then open the window to make it less hot.

Shen Huai vaguely heard a muffled sound of "thump". At first, he didn't know what was going on. Then he heard someone shouting from the playground outside the conference room: "The toilet has collapsed, someone fell into the toilet..." He couldn't care less Thinking too much, I called people to run to the toilet at the other end of the playground. (83 Chinese Network)

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