Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 378: It's okay, don't tease

The official seminar will wait until tomorrow, when the provincial government secretary Chen Baoqi, the deputy director of the provincial party committee general office Li Gu and other key officials will attend. This afternoon, Sun Qiyi, Xie Haicheng and others will take the plane to Donghua first. Tan Qiping expresses his importance. , specially held a small symposium in the meeting room of the Municipal Party Committee.

Shen Huai walked into the conference room. In addition to Su Kaiwen's preparations for the materials before the symposium, he saw that Xiong Wenbin was also there. He sat down and asked, "Why, are you also pulling over to be a strong man?"

Xiong Wenbin smiled bitterly. He is the director of the Political Research Office of the Municipal Party Committee and is responsible for drafting various documents for the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government. The preparation of Meixi New District could have been undertaken by Tangzha District, but Tan Qiping must take command personally to show his importance. The arrangement and writing of relevant materials are naturally the work of the Political Research Office. How could he escape this errand?

This symposium is mainly to welcome and attach importance to Sun Qiyi, Xie Haicheng and others for coming early before the official seminar. In addition to Xiong Wenbin and Su Kaiwen, Zhou Qibao, Liu Weili, Zhou Ming and others are also present along with Tan Qiping and Gao Tianhe.

From Shen Huai's point of view, it was basically a prelude for Tan officials to join forces with Xie Haicheng and Sun Qiyi. She thought that Sun Yalin would rather hide at home and watch bubble dramas in the afternoon than show her face, which is really prescient.

Shen Huai was about to lean over to chat with Xiong Wenbin when he saw Xiong Wenbin looking behind him.

Without looking back, Shen Huai knew that Xie Zhi was sitting behind him after smelling the fragrant femininity.

"Our side is a smoking area, so your delicate body is not afraid of being damaged by second-hand smoke?" Shen Huai took out a cigarette from his trousers pocket and placed it on the table with a lighter, watching Xie Zhi sit down like a maggot, brows slightly Whew, he doesn't think this **** is sitting here to show affection.

"I heard that the president and director of the credit department of any bank you see are like grandchildren. I came here to ask, is there such a thing?" Xie Zhi asked with a smile.

Shen Huai glanced at Xie Zhi, who had a beautiful face but a vicious mouth, grinned and ignored her.

"What are you talking about, so happy?" Song Hongyi walked in with the others and saw Xie Zhi smilingly looking at Shen Huai, but Shen Huai turned his face away, leaning over?? He came over and asked.

"Isn't our company going to complete the investment quota of 20 million in the third quarter? Is there almost 4 million left to find a home?" Xie Zhi watched everyone walk in, and smiled sweetly, "I think Shen Huai is The financing of Meigang's new factory ran so hard, and he pretended to be a grandson like a headless fly, and asked him if it would be too little for our company to pay four million."

Seeing Xie Zhi gloating at Shen Huai as soon as he came up, Song Hongjun could only shrug his shoulders, saying that he couldn't help Shen Huai in this matter, and sat on the other side of the conference table with the others.

Song Hongjun knew why Xie Zhi hated Shen Huai. He heard that when he was in Paris, if Sun Yalin hadn't blocked him, Xie Zhi would have been able to use a metal club to knock Shen Huai out.

Song Hongjun was always one of those women who seemed to be weak and beautiful on the outside, but actually had a strong determination ? If you really can't, just kiss and kiss, it can't be a bad thing.

Song Hongjun knew that if he wanted to say this, he would definitely ask Xie Zhi to take the porcelain teacup on the table and smash it in the face, so he could only keep his mouth shut. It is difficult for an honest official to break up housework. Shen Huai can turn against his father if he disagrees with his father. Can he come together and blame someone?

"I heard from Zhou Ming that Meishan Iron and Steel's new plant has encountered some difficulties in financing, and the construction period may be extended later," Tan Qiping heard the conversation here, sat down at the other end of the conference table, and looked over with concern , and asked, "How is the financing situation of Meigang's new factory? If it is really difficult, Xie Zhi is willing to take 4 million to invest in Meigang. No matter how much or little, it can always relieve the pressure of capital for Meigang. You Nor should she reject her kindness."

When Tan Qiping's words blew past his ears like a breeze, Shen Huai completely ignored the eyes of others, took out a cigarette and lit it for himself, and threw the cigarette and lighter on Xiong Wenbin's desk, motioning him to kill himself. Pick.

Xiong Wenbin smiled bitterly. He took Shen Huai's cigarette at this time. Tan Qiping might not be angry with Shen Huai, but he would definitely kill him if he found a chance. ...

Fortunately, the cell phone in Shen Huai's pocket rang suddenly, which shocked everyone and made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, all watching Shen Huai sitting there answering the phone.

Shen Huai answered the phone and didn't say much. He just hung up the phone after a few "um, oh, um". Others couldn't see the change in his expression at all, so he didn't know who was calling Shen Huai. say something.

Shen Huai put the phone in his pocket without any extra expression. Seeing that Tan Qiping was still looking at him, he seemed to have suddenly woken up and asked, "Secretary Tan asked me about the financing of Meigang's new factory just now?"

Tan Qiping's chest was churning with blood, and Shen Huai just took his words as a deaf ear and ignored it. At this time, he suddenly came back to the topic of financing, as if he was a sleepwalker who was slow by fifteen or six beats. In the same way, making him angry is neither, nor is it annoying.

"Tell me about it," Tan Qiping said with a calm face, he only thought that Shen Huai would cause Xie Zhi a big mess, he could only put on such a nonchalant attitude, but he said to him patiently, "President Sun, President Xie and Hongjun, They are all investors who I hope they can contribute to Donghua's economic development and local construction. Meishan Iron and Steel has difficulties in financing the new plant. If we don't say it at this time, when will we say it?"

"Well, let me talk about the financing situation of Meishan Steel's new plant since its establishment,"

Shen Huai stood up, put half a cigarette on the ashtray, walked over and dragged the writing board in the corner to the conference table, and wrote down the main points while talking.

"Meisteel's new plant now has four financing platforms, namely, Zhujiang Investment, Zhongxin Investment, Hongji Investment and the accumulation of Meisteel's own development funds. are similar in nature. Among them, Zhongxin and Hongji mainly attract foreign investment in France and Hong Kong, while Zhujiang Investment finances local enterprises in Donghua, and jointly injects shares into the new Meishan Iron and Steel Plant. Up to now, the four financing platforms have jointly raised funds. The total amount of domestic and foreign funds converted into RMB is 230 million. According to the investment policy of the domestic steel industry, the total investment of the new Meishan Iron and Steel plant project is 600 million. Our self-raised capital almost reaches the statutory requirement of 40%. In terms of loan from the bank for the new steel plant. According to the most ideal state, we should lend 370 million to the bank for project construction. We once raised 180 million from various banks. However, in the past two months, due to various banks successively reducing the credit line to Meishan Iron and Steel, the actual amount of Meishan Iron and Steel's financing from banks has dropped to 140 million. Therefore, we will build a new Meishan Iron and Steel plant, at least We still need to raise 230 million in funding.”

Shen Huai put the pen on the pen holder under the writing pad, walked to the conference table, stared at Xie Zhi with bright eyes, and said:

"If Miss Xie said today that she can take out 210 million and invest it in Meigang to build a new factory, I can be your grandson right now. Miss Xie, this may be the only opportunity in your life to take advantage of me. How about it, do you have the courage to take out 210 million and make my knees go soft?"

Seeing Xie Zhixing glaring angrily and refuting Shen Huai without saying a word, Song Hongjun showed a thumbs up to Shen Huai hiding in his sleeve:

No matter how savage the girl is, she is afraid of hooligans.

"Shen Huai, what are you kidding me? The financing for the construction of the new Meishan Iron and Steel plant will be done step by step. You are short of funds, discuss with us, we are all family, do you think you are stuck in this project and will not be saved? ?" Xie Haicheng opened his mouth and said to Shen Huai with an air of earnest teaching, "Xie Zhi also cares about you. With four million votes of Meigang, she will help you to the best of her ability; Now, you can't force her to be difficult."

"Secretary Tan asked me to talk about Mei Gang's current difficulties, and I said it shyly. Uncle Xie and Uncle Sun, you are my elders, you are all here, and you see that I am in trouble. , how do you say?" Shen Huai pointed at Sun Qiyi and Xie Haicheng, and asked unceremoniously.

"Whether the Meigang new plant project should continue to invest more, or stop the loss immediately, we need to have a study," Xie Haicheng said slowly, "If I go with the Changqing Group, I will take 210 million now. If you give it to you, it will make you fall deeper into this project, that is not the love we should have for you as elders, do you understand this truth?"

"...Uncle Xie's teachings, I have learned," Shen Huai smiled and said, "Secretary Tan, for the sake of local development, has been thinking hard and invites you to participate in the development and construction of Meixi New District. Uncle Xie, Uncle Sun , you treat me like a child, it's nothing to send four million, probably not four million to send Secretary Tan?"

"What are you talking about?" Sun Qiyi suddenly changed the topic of Shen Huai, and brought Tan Qiping into it, and asked unhappily, "We came here this time, naturally with investment intentions. The new Meigang plant project cannot be Give us confidence, but the construction of Meixi New District presided over by Secretary Tan gives us a lot of confidence..."

Shen Huai cursed in his heart, if he is really a scumbag, the Meixi New District will be entirely attributed to Tan Qiping. He was indifferent to Sun Qiyi's words and continued to ask:

"Then how much are you going to vote this time?"

But seeing Sun Qiyi's sullen face and Tan Qiping's unhappy face, Shen Huai smiled and said to Tan Qiping,

"Secretary Tan, don't use me to disrupt the situation. My two uncles—it's not appropriate to call them uncles, but I should actually call them 'uncle'—they don't want to be soft or hard, and they're just going to be aggressive. This is also for Meixi New District, to get more construction capital, and to motivate my two uncles to pay more. Secretary Tan, do you understand my painstaking efforts?"

Gao Tianhe and Xiong Wenbin were sitting there watching a good show, thinking that Shen Huai was playing a hooligan on the spot, what else could Tan Qiping do to him?

Tan Qiping said neither, nor did Xun his stomach was about to explode. He really didn't let Shen Huai down at this time, thinking that if he knew about this situation earlier, he shouldn't have come over.

Xie Zhi couldn't stand Shen Huai's arrogance, and said, "Our investment in Donghua this time will not be less than 40 million. I think this should be explained in the past, right?"

"GBP, USD, HKD, or RMB?" Shen Huai asked, staring at Xie Zhi's beautiful eyes for a while, then smiled, "By the way, I forgot that you can only be the owner of four million, I should ask this question My two 'uncles'..."

Xie Zhi turned pale with anger, and said, "Do you think that 40 million Hong Kong dollars is too little investment?"

"Forty million Hong Kong dollars really can only send beggars. Let's not talk about it. Zhonghuai Heavy Industry, a joint venture established by British Flying Flag Industries, Meigang and Beijing Investment, has a total investment of 40 million US dollars for the first phase of the project," Shen Huai laughed. He said, facing Tan Qiping again, "I forgot to report to Secretary Tan on the phone call I just received. The call just now was from President Yao of Yexin Provincial Bank, saying that Yexin Bank received a call a few days ago. A foreign exchange fund that can be used for directional bond investment business, and asked me if I was interested in taking over. The amount of this fund is not large, not more than 40 million Hong Kong dollars, but only 30 million US dollars. For the next symposium, I would like to invite a Leave for a while, because Miss Xie can decide to take out four million yuan, and it really won't solve Mei Gang's problem..." (83中文网)

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