Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 379: $30 million

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Without getting Tan Qiping's consent, Shen Huai closed the door and left.

Hearing the door slam shut, everyone in the conference room woke up and looked at each other.

The so-called targeted bond investment usually refers to the fact that a company entrusts a financial institution to issue bonds to specific investors for financing.

Different debt-issuing companies require specific assessments of their creditworthiness and their ability to repay their loans. Under normal circumstances, investors will choose dishes based on the situation of the bond-issuing company; it is impossible to say that it is impossible to entrust a financial institution to invest without a purpose, and just find a company to invest in bonds.

If Shen Huai's words are true, this 30 million US dollars of directional bond investment is naturally directly invested in the new plant project of Meishan Iron and Steel.

Where did $30 million come from?

The people sitting around the conference table all had such doubts in their hearts, or Shen Huai was just talking nonsense and bluffing everyone to play this kind of trick to gain face for a while, what good would it do to Shen Huai?

Where did that thirty million dollars come from?

30 million US dollars is not a small amount, equivalent to nearly 250 million yuan.

Song Hongjun's current net worth is almost the same, but when he pointed out that he should take out 30 million yuan in cash now, he felt that he was a little stretched. He needed to raise several days, not to mention 30 million US dollars. .

Song Hongjun was also very puzzled. Where did Shen Huai suddenly get the 30 million US dollars? He had no way to leave Tan Qiping, Sun Qiyi, Xie Haicheng and others behind to chase Shen Huai. He could only hold back his curiosity and sit where he was. He calmly paid attention to the extremely delicate atmosphere in the meeting.

Someone once used circles to describe factions in officialdom.

The contradiction between Shen Huai and Tan Qiping, as well as the corresponding disposal methods of the Song family, can be explained by the circle theory.

There can usually only be one core person in a circle. Shen Huai was unwilling to be subordinated to Tan Qiping, and publicly lifted the lid, indicating that he had broken away from the Tan clan, indicating that the Song clan officially formed the Meigang clan headed by Shen Huai and the Meigang clan headed by Tan Qiping in Donghua. The Tan Department of two circles.

The Song family wanted Shen Huai to get out of place. In addition to balancing the relationship between the Mei Gang clan and the Tan clan, the more important purpose was to demarcate the sphere of influence for these two circles. In terms of the development of the enterprise, the relatively complete local party and government system is left to Tan Qiping to master.

Although the Song faction does not prohibit internal competition, it also believes that only by adjusting and dividing the sphere of influence in this way can excessive internal friction be avoided.

On the other hand, most people in the Song family have little confidence in the Meishan Iron and Steel new plant project. This adjustment is also to prevent the Meishan Iron and Steel new plant project from being frustrated and to minimize the negative impact on the Song family.

Song Hongjun knew that Tan Qiping had a conversation with his second uncle Song Qiaosheng in Yanjing in early July. His mother was also present, so he knew the details of the conversation.

During the conversation, Tan Qiping did not hide his concerns about the Meishan Iron and Steel new plant project. Even if it runs reluctantly, it will cause serious losses due to frequent accidents due to the defects of obsolete equipment imported from abroad.

Tan Qiping does not agree that the limited financial resources in the local area will continue to fill the bottomless pit of Meisteel's new factory, and secondly, when it is impossible to force Shen Huai to change his mind, he hopes to slow down the Meisteel's new factory by shrinking loans. Build speed so that big problems can be delayed by a year or more.

Song Hongjun knew that Tan Qiping had persuaded his second uncle to follow him

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Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 novel recommended reading: war chick

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Mom, he was afraid that Shen Huai would be impatient, so he didn't tell Shen Huai about it.

Tan Qiping formed this consensus with most of the Song family, and with the Xie family fanning the flames behind the scenes, it was a miracle that Meishan Steel's new factory in Huaihai Province and Donghua City could still get loans.

It is not unimaginable that Meishan Iron and Steel's new plant project has been dragged on for a year due to the accumulation of profits from enterprises such as Meigang and Pengyue, and the difficult financing of Sun Yalin overseas. .

Shen Huai delayed the construction of Meishan Iron and Steel's new plant for one more year, which means that Tan Qiping can have one more year to eliminate Shen Huai's influence on Meixi Town.

Song Hongjun secretly said that in one more year, Tan Qiping will probably be able to pick all the peaches that will be built in the Meixi New District in the future.

Song Hongjun is also quite dissatisfied with Tan Qiping's behavior of Kameigang and Shenhuai's neck. In the new factory of Meigang, Hongji invested 40 million Hong Kong dollars, half of which was his personal direct investment, but the situation was stronger than that of people. Within the Song Dynasty, Tan Qiping's weight at this time was much heavier than Shen Huai's, and it was also much heavier than the 20 million Hong Kong dollars he invested.

Song Hongjun did not expect that Tan Qiping had caused so many stumbling blocks to Shen Huai in the past two or three months, and at this moment, the sudden 30 million US dollars was smashed.

Xie Zhifan's face was also hot. She just knew that Meishan Iron and Steel's new factory was struggling with financing, and that Shen Huai was running around for help, so she deliberately ran on him when she saw him.

She couldn't see Shen Huai's success, only the more embarrassed Shen Huai was, the happier she would be in her heart, she even imagined the situation when Shen Huai was so angry with her that she threw the cup and left, she would be so happy that she couldn't sleep at night, where would she be? Thinking of it, Shen Huai was really a villain, and even took her face and threw it on the ground to trample her hard.

Saying that you can only be the master of 4 million, Xie Zhi was so angry that Jian Zhi's nose was about to burst into flames. It takes a few hard grips to get rid of the hatred in my heart.

To say that 30 million US dollars is not more than 40 million Hong Kong dollars is really maddening

Xie Zhi sat there and could not wait to stomp his feet. Seeing Song Hongqi sitting there dumbfounded, he stretched out his feet and stepped on his leather shoes. here

Song Hongqi was also bitter and couldn't tell. He knew that Shen Huai had a temper and was acting like a rogue. No one would take him. Xie Zhi went to tease him when he was okay.

"It's not that Shen Huai can't hold back his face, just brag." Song Hongyi looked at everyone looking at each other, and seemed to be intimidated by the thirty million dollars Shen Huai blurted out. He couldn't help but reveal the dull loneliness.

Song Hongjun didn't believe that Shen Huai's two eyes and two arms were stronger than him.

This is 1995, and the money is not so easy to make.

Song Hongjun went to the south to develop in 1986, and spent almost ten years in Hong Kong and other places before and after saving up a fortune of 30 to 40 million US dollars.

Among so many tài dǎng who went to sea to do business in the capital, Song Hongjun's net worth could not be regarded as the highest, but he was definitely at the middle and upper class level. Shen Huai answered the phone, and he could receive 30 million US dollars.

Song Hongyi absolutely refused to believe that Shen Huai had this ability, so he naturally thought that Shen Huai was lying, and that Shen Huai was too embarrassed to run on Xie Zhi, and was bragging.

Gao Tianhe, Tan Qiping, Xiong Wenbin and the others did not think that Shen Huai was lying.

In any case, the Sun family's Evergreen Group is the largest foreign shareholder of Yexin Bank. Even if the investment in Yexin Bank should not be managed by Sun Qiyi, as the senior executive of Evergreen Group in charge of the Asia-Pacific business, Sun Qiyi directly called Yexin Bank. , it is not difficult to understand relevant information.

Everyone looked at Sun Qiyi, only Sun Qiyi could know about this

-0--0--small--say--this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 novel recommended reading: war chick

--0--0---Small--says---this is gorgeous dividing line-

Where did the money come from.

Sun Qiyi's face was gloomy. He was so angry with Shen Huai just now that he couldn't even teach Shen Huai a lesson. As the person in charge of the Asia-Pacific affairs of the Evergreen Group, he still couldn't make an investment decision of 30 million US dollars.

At this moment, Sun Qiyi also expected that Shen Huai was just bragging, so that he could save some face, otherwise the whole thing would not be as simple as 30 million dollars.

Sun Qiyi leaned back in his chair, took out his cell phone, turned to ask the secretary who was sitting against the wall, and said in a hoarse voice, "Give me Yao Ronghua's phone number, and I'll call Yao Ronghua to check if this is the case."

Everyone thought in their hearts: Since Shen Huai said that the call just now was from Yao Ronghua, Sun Qiyi directly contacted Yao Ronghua, so he would be able to directly pierce his lies.

Song Hongyi said to his brother with a relaxed and disdainful look: "Look, Shen Huai is so powerful in his mouth, and I think it will be his mouth that he will suffer a lot from in the future: telling lies. There is nowhere to come, so it's no wonder that everyone dislikes him."

Xie Haicheng and Tan Qiping didn't say anything, but waited quietly for Sun Qiyi to call Yao Ronghua directly. Sun Qiyi's face was gloomy all the time, and there was no change, so they couldn't judge the content of the call between Sun Qiyi and Yao Ronghua.

On the phone, Sun Qiyi put his mobile phone on the table and said, "The creditor's rights investors require Yexin Bank not to disclose relevant information."

Song Hongyi, who was waiting to show off his foresight to others, seemed to give another loud slap at this time, and his face froze: Debt investors require information to be kept secret, doesn't that mean $30 million in directional bonds? Investing is real

how is this possible

Shen Huai made Meigang's mess, how could someone be willing to borrow 30 million US dollars to go in, not afraid of killing Shen Huai?

Song Hongyi didn't want to believe it.

Seeing the worried look on Sun Qiyi's face, Song Hongjun's mind moved. Is there anything worth scrutinizing the source of this money?

Song Hongjun couldn't sit still for a moment at this He wanted to chase him out immediately, grabbed Shen Huai and asked, where did this $30 million bond investment come from?

"" Gao Tianhe laughed and said, "I really should congratulate Secretary Tan. Secretary Tan, you came to Donghua to preside over the work. Donghua's investment promotion work is booming. I am afraid it will be able to rank with Xucheng this year. New district preparations Before the seminar started, another 30 million US dollars of foreign capital came in. The seminar will be officially held tomorrow, and this achievement should be well publicized. Use this to inspire people. It is Secretary Tan, your leadership. Well done"

Foreign direct investment is one aspect; this kind of targeted foreign exchange bond financing is also a part of investment promotion.

In 1994, Donghua City attracted only over 20 million US dollars of foreign capital, and the total amount of foreign capital introduced in Huaihai Province was only over 300 million.

And from this moment on, Donghua City's achievements in attracting investment this year have exceeded 80 million US dollars through the hands of Shen Huai; even if the investment results of the joint venture steel mills are counted as Tan Qiping's, it is only 60 million US dollars.

Gao Tianhe's words holding his left hand and slapping his right hand made Tan Qiping's face turn blue and white, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

Zhou Qibao and Su Kaiwen stood by, not daring to say anything: Gao Tianhe is also the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, not a smiling Bodhisattva.

The plan of dismembering Meixi Town was directly rejected by Tian Jiageng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. In fact, it has been revealed that Tian Jiageng is dissatisfied with Tan Qiping. Under such circumstances, Gao Tianhe and other members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee will naturally no longer curl up and be cautious as before, daring not to offend Tan Qiping in the slightest. 00 Novel Network collects and organizes, and the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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