Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 138: Case of missing room!

The victim is also very miserable, let alone the bad luck.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of compensation.

Of course, the biggest purpose of approaching science is to solve things and ensure safety. Even in the Internet age, it is not so easy to spread a thing.

"Let's go and interview with my sister."

After getting off the car, Qin Menglan said to Tang Luo.

"I'll go over to the dental clinic and get first-hand information," Tang Luo said.

"Who's telling you, I'm talking to the dog." Qin Menglan said, reaching out to Xiaotian Dog, "Come, sister hug."

"Meow." Xiaotian dog jumped into Qin Menglan's arms and climbed over his shoulder.

"Are you so unprofessional?" Tang Luo said, "A cat lying on the shoulder can also interview."

"What do you know? This is to reduce the distance between each other." Qin Menglan said.

"It's up to you. Atuo leads the way." Tang Luo said to the driver Atuo.

Approaching Science This time, a total of fourteen people including Tang Luo came, four of them were the demon walking, Tang Luo, Qin Menglan, the driver A Tuo and a strange cameraman.

The other ten belong to the "special department" and are responsible for providing various help.

On the surface, those ten people were the "task team" sent above, and the accompanying reporters were just incidental.

"Master, otherwise I'll stay in the car." A Tuo smiled bitterly at Tang Luo.

He didn't want Tang Luo to come again, "the hostages have been killed by me".

I still remember the last thing, and he has also been through the mission until the last time-the one that has failed, the strength has not been greatly improved, and he is familiar with the skills normally.

This is the rhythm and level of normal gods walking.

Tang Luo's task frequency is actually quite high.

Atuo felt that his strength had not been improved in any way, and it would have been bad in case of danger.

"Don't you think it's safest to follow me?" Tang Luo said, "even if you die, you can save it."

"I'm afraid Master, you think I'm dragging my legs, come directly to kill the hostage, and finally save it!" A Tuo secretly in his heart, helplessly followed Tang Luo and got out of the car.

Qin Menglan took the cameraman to interview related personnel.

Although most people have already spoken and formed a dialogue material on paper, it is necessary to contact again.

Atuo took Tang Luo to "Zhang's Dental", the door was closed, and two uniform men were guarded outside. When he saw the identification card hanging from Tang Luo and Atuo, he immediately opened and opened the door.

One of them also reminded: "Be careful."

The extraordinary powers are not immortal.

As an old member, he knows that there are more than twenty extraordinary people who are dead or missing.

This world is actually very dangerous.

It is this group of cute and great people who keeps danger out.

Tang Luo and Atuo who walked into the clinic did not realize that they suddenly became "great" people.

If Atuo knew it, he would probably laugh bitterly. What great people are just a group of bitter people who want to survive.

The clinic is a small three-story building.

The first floor is the external "office area". A total of two therapeutic chairs, one meter five high, are surrounded by a common office screen, separated by a middle, leaving an entrance and exit from a place close to the wall.

It forms a diagnosis and treatment area across the gate.

On the other side, there is a row of benches against the wall, so that patients can sit and rest while waiting.

There are business licenses and other permits on the top, and it looks like some years.

Further down is a small room for filming and the stairs to the second floor, and the innermost is the kitchen.

One of the rooms on the second floor is the office, and the rest of the room and the third floor are the "living area" of the family of three members of the Zhang Caiyi family, the masters of "Zhang's Dental".

Zhang Caiyi is usually called "Doctor Zhang" and "Dentist Zhang". He is 54 years old and his wife is Mao Haixiang. They both have a son named Zhang Ze.

Zhang Ze graduated from medical studies this year. Son inherited his father's business and helped his father run the clinic. Mao Haixiang was responsible for playing the role of nurse.

Life was fun and I bought two suites in the city.

Thinking about moving the shop away, he suddenly disappeared.

The three disappeared not together, but one after another, including the village official university student, who disappeared four nights.

At about eight o'clock that night, the college student village officer wandered near the clinic, and wanted to hear the voice of "great pain" said by the uncles and aunts.

At about eight thirty, I went to the barber shop opposite the clinic for a while and chatted with Master Barber Wang for a few minutes.

Then go out again.

At 9 o'clock, Master Wang sent away the last guest and closed the shop to sleep. He didn't hear the sound of "it hurts" that night.

However, Master Wang and his wife have always had good sleep quality, and they have never heard a similar sound.

At about 11 o'clock the next day, Master Wang was cutting his guests' hair. The township staff came to the door and asked if he had ever seen a college student village official.

Master Wang truthfully informed, and asked again, only to know that the village official who had seen last night did not come to work today, no one answered the phone, and no one had seen him.

If you can't do it yourself, you will be the last person to meet him.

This evening, even Master Wang and his wife, who had a good sleep quality, faintly heard the sound of "It hurts," and they did not know if they were having nightmares.

The college students haven't found it yet, and they haven't waited for the villagers to discuss it.

Patients who came to the dental clinic during the day discovered that "Doctor Zhang" was gone.

When I asked Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang's performance was very strange. He said that he didn't have a son.

On the evening of this day, Master Wang and his wife determined that they were not dreaming. It seemed that there was a "sound of pain" coming from the clinic.

During the day, Dr. Zhang was still absent, and Mao Haixiang, who usually helped, was gone.

Zhang Caiyi was too busy, his face was rather ugly, and the patients did not dare to touch the doctor's brow, and did not dare to ask more.

That night, there was no sound. Neither Master Wang nor the grandmother and grandmother who had difficulty finding the government did not hear the sound of "it hurts."

Instead, the clinic was closed after waking up the next day.

This is obviously not a normal phenomenon.

Because treating the teeth is a troublesome task, I often have to run several times. Many patients have made appointments with Dr. Zhang to see the teeth today.

Suddenly closed the door for no reason. Is it overslept?

Knocking at the door is useless, yelling loudly is useless, making phone calls, and no one is answering.

Everyone realizes that something's wrong, it won't be gas poisoning-or maybe there's a quarrel at home, something's up!

Someone called the village staff.

After a while of discussion, they chose to break through the door forcibly.

There was no gas poisoning and no trace of anyone.

The next is the regular alarm, and finally from notification to approaching science, they take over the entire incident.

To this day, the missing four have never appeared.

"The secret room is missing, it's interesting." Tang Luo sat in a chair and looked at the information.

The clinic is a case where the doors and windows are tightly closed and completely locked from the inside.

It is impossible to enter from the outside. Similarly, if you go out, at least one door or window must not be locked from the inside.

But including the door that was knocked open, all were anti-locked.

Atuo couldn't help but ask, "Master, why are you watching here?"

"It feels like it here," Tang Luo said. "Atuo, do you know what the truth about a murder in a secret room is usually?"

"I know." Atuo has some interest, but he has seen hundreds of people from Conan. "Either the murderer has never left, and he was in the back room, but he chose to mix in when everyone entered. The illusion of a secret room. "

"Either, the murderer did not enter the back room at all, but completed the crime by special means outside."

"Nice, what kind do you think?" Tang Luo looked like "I test you".

"This ..." A Tuo groaned for a while. "If it is us, I think the second case is more likely. Master, you joined the opportunity to approach science, isn't that dish fairy, a similar case of a murder in a secret room?"

"But this is missing," Tang Luo said.

A Tuo said: "To make a few people completely disappear, it is not difficult for us, as long as they are just 'professional counterparts'." It means that it is easy to have just the right skills.

"Do you think it was a demon walking?" Tang Luo asked, lowering his voice.

Atuo shook his head: "How do I know that you didn't find the murderer last time? How did you do it? Just do it again."

"That time." Tang Luo recalled that time. "The guy was so bad that he found me to be a kind of person. I came up to warn and show off. I didn't hold back, so I went well-well, that time was Deliberately saved each other. "

"Ah?" Atuo's eyes widened, and this stupidity = forced? In fact, that one is not stupid, but A Tuo is the vision of God and the onlookers are clear.

Being in it, the puzzle is hard to understand.

Wait, that person sent you to the door. Does this mean that Master Xuanzang is actually not the wise man who can imagine the truth and find out the truth?

"That master, what do you think will happen this time?" Atuo asked.

"I don't know." Tang Luo said with a smile.

"Is there any clue about that master?" Atuo carefully.

"No." Don Lowe was straightforward.

"... What did the master find?"

"I came with you. Did you find anything?"

"No ~ ~ A Tuo shook his head.

"You don't have it, how can I have it? Poor monks are not good at this," Tang Luo said.

Atuo opened his mouth and asked, "What the master is good at is--" I felt he knew the answer vaguely.

"Of course it's to save people, to save the charm," Tang Luo stood up and patted Atuo's shoulder. "So don't worry, even if you die, I will save it. I have already experienced it once. You should be a mature adult. "

"No, Master, why do you always think that I will die?" A Tuo thought that this was wrong.

"No, I just think you are too dishy, ​​and in danger, it is likely to be the first violent." Tang Luo told the truth.

"..." Atuo wanted to say that he didn't eat vegetables, which was the basic and average level of the demon walking.

The real dishes are already dead in the mission world.

"Master, don't be so admired, you are so admired, I'm panicked."

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