Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 139: How about you demolish the house?

Determined by Tang Luoqin, the panicked Atuo still looks like an old dog.

Tang Luo sat next to the information, he looked around the room, hoping to find any clues and complete the task early.

The driver who does not want to be a detective is not a good demon walking.

Tang Luo turned over the relevant circumstances of the case and began to look at the details of the missing four.

The first missing college student village official was named Huang Gaoyi. He came to work in this village for more than half a year. It was quite satisfactory and there was nothing special or conspicuous.

The home is quite far away from here. I usually talk to my parents for ten and a half months.

The parents have not been informed of the disappearance for the time being, but it cannot be hidden for a few days.

No matter if you have any clues, you should at least notify your family.

On Zhang's dental side, Zhang Caiyi was a rare and only child of that era, and his parents died a few years ago. His wife, Mao Haixiang, had her parents alive and had a few brothers, but her relationship with the family was not very good.

The idea of ​​patriarchy in the family is very serious. Compared with Mao Haixiang's whereabouts, several relatives are more concerned about how to divide the remaining family property if the three are gone, and they have also made noise.

After being stunned once by the rural cadres, they converged somewhat.

"Master, let's go upstairs to see?" Rotating the first floor over and over again, Atuo found nothing and asked.

"Well, you go," Tang Luo said.

Atuo said: "Master, don't learn the horror act of horror."

It is also the place where the disappearance case occurred. It is not a good thing to be separated, and it is the same for the demon walking.

"Wait, Master, aren't you really waiting for me to die, right?" After Atuo finished saying that, he suddenly "shocked" and thought of a possibility.

"How come." Tang Luo laughed abruptly.

He did meet the dead, but this was based on the death of others.

Even if it is for merit, Tang Luo cannot be someone else's nanny, and rub his **** behind. Similarly, he will not deliberately let others die for that little merit.

Fodu has a fate, everything depends on fate.

Fate is here, and no one can stop him from dying. Fate didn't come, he hugged Master Xuan Zang's legs tightly, and couldn't die if he wanted to die.

"They will come back with Qin Menglan and go up again. You can take a slow look and look like a horse. What can you see?" Tang Luo said.


When the night began to fall, Qin Menglan returned with the dog.

The videographer took the camera back to the apartment where he had arranged, so he had to sort out the interview data for today.

"Sister Blue, you are finally back." A Tuo, who was so anxious, greeted him immediately.

"Did you find anything?" Qin Menglan asked.

"No, the master looked at the information in the afternoon." Atuo "sues", not that I can't C, but the teammates are too mixed.

Tang Luoyang said, "It looks good."

Feelings he looked at these materials as a novel with pictures and texts.

"..." Qin Menglan was speechless, why was her attitude so negative, saying "I love work and work to make me happy"?

"God, it's over to you." Tang Luo suddenly stood up and said.

"Meow." Xiaotian dog responded, jumping from Qin Menglan's arms.

"What can this cat do?" A Tuo was aggressive, even though the cat was brought out of the mission world, could he still solve the case?

If it is a duck, it is possible.

"Look for someone." Tang Luo stood up and said, walking towards the stairs with the dog.

In missing cases, the most important thing is to find someone.

Tracing to find someone, of course, rely on the dog.

If you want to break your head here, it is not as useful as the nose of Xiaotian Dog.

Tang Luo wasn't working passively, he was just waiting for Qin Menglan to come back with his dog.

As for why she didn't go to Tiantian Dog from the beginning, but let Qin Menglan take her to interview everywhere, just to familiarize her with the environment in advance.

Workers must first sharpen their tools if they want to be good at it, so that they don't cut firewood by mistake.

Now the dog can start cutting wood.

First went to the bedroom of the three of Zhang family and walked around, Xiaotian dog remembered their "taste", started to sniff everywhere and walked around.

After a while, on the second floor, Xiaotian dog meowed towards the "office" desk.

This is Zhang Caiyi's study and guest room. In addition to a table, sofa, and chair, there is also a bookcase and a filing cabinet.

"Is there something underneath?" Atuo walked over and glanced down.

There is no gap between this desk and the floor. The stuff is in the drawer?

Atuo opened all the drawers, including the locked ones, and found nothing special.

"Kitty, I didn't find anything special, did you find it wrong?" Atuo said looking at Xiaotian Dog.

Xiaotian dog looked at this stupid human with a disdain and waved his paw.

Her desk was torn open, and the bottom of the desk was hollow.

The three saw a dirty rag doll lying on the floor.

Tang Luo squatted down, picked up the ragdoll and shook it twice, throwing off some of the dust from it.

"It hurts."

Suddenly, a voice came from the doll's body.

Let Qin Menglan and Atuo instantly feel amazed. Found the culprit so quickly? !!

Fortunately, in Tang Luo's hands, nothing should happen.

"It hurts." The ragdoll in his hand made a sound again. "It hurts, it hurts."

At the scene of the disappearance of this secret room, it seemed extremely strange.

"What is ...?" Qin Menglan asked.

"A ragdoll that can make a sound." Tang Luosai gave Qin Menglan.

Qin Menglan took it in doubt, glanced twice, and found that there was a hard thing in the doll's torso. She pressed it— "It hurts."

The same voice came from inside.

"..." Qin Menglan said, "Is it just an ordinary vocal doll?"

"Not necessarily, at least the breath of the three Zhang family will be contaminated before they can be found out by dogs." Tang Luo said, looking at Xiaotian Dog again, "tell you to find someone, get me a ragdoll. Just want to make a difference? "

Xiaotian dog shook his head and started to search again.

"I'll find out the origin of this doll." Qin Menglan said.

"Let me go, too," said A Tuo, and it would be nice to hand it to Master Xuanzang here.

The two took the rag doll to the barber shop where Master Wang Cunkou was opposite.

"This baby ..." Facing Qin Menglan's question, Master Wang thought for a while and gave the answer, "Isn't Dr. Zhang used it for patients?"

"Used?" Atuo couldn't think of how small and realistic the doll would be.

"Yeah." Master Wang said, "I opened my mouth and couldn't speak while he was treating his teeth. Doctor Zhang gave a doll and felt painful to click so that he would know."

"..." Qin Menglan not only remembered a paragraph he had seen.

"Later, Dr. Zhang came and felt annoyed and stopped using it." Master Wang said, "Is this doll not related to their disappearance? What accumulates the patient's resentment and the like?"

"... Master Wang joked." Qin Menglan said, "We have to believe in science."

"Don't think I haven't watched your show, it's obviously not scientific at all." Master Wang said.

"It's very scientific." Qin Menglan argued reasonably. "Look, what you hear is so painful."

"You can pull it." Master Wang, "I have not heard of it, how can it be so loud."

Qin Menglan was speechless and approached the scientific routine, which became increasingly difficult to use.

"It hurts."

Suddenly, several people heard a voice coming.

"Not me ..." Qin Menglan said, and the ragdoll in her hand made no sound.

The sound came from Zhang's dentistry!

At this time, there was no regard for confidentiality, and Qin Menglan immediately turned and walked towards the clinic.

"It hurts so much ..."

Continuous sounds came from the clinic, which was very infiltrating.

"I ..." Master Wang rolled his throat up and down and said to Atuo, "What, isn't it really haunted?"

"Where's the ghost? Believe in science." Atuo said.

"Brother, don't hold your fists so tightly when you say this." Master Wang said.


Two members who are standing outside the clinic, such as the enemy.

"A cordon is drawn around here. Don't let people approach. We will notify you before we come out an hour later. Also, no matter what happens, don't come in and be ready to evacuate at any time." Qin Menglan Lei was very popular.

"OK." The two nodded.

Approaching the clinic, Qin Menglan took a deep breath and closed the door behind her to isolate herself from the outside world.

"It hurts, it hurts ..." The voice kept coming, the source seemed to be in the kitchen!

"Xuan Zang! Master! Master! Are you there?" Qin Menglan stood at the door and shouted.

No one responded to her, only "It hurts, it hurts."

Reaching for a virtual grip, an ice-blue spear with a chill appeared in his hand. Qin Menglan held the magic ice-breaking gun and slowly walked towards the kitchen, step by step.

At the same time, reached out and pressed the light switch on the side wall.

A "click" ~ ~ The light bulb flickered and did not light up.

The night was already approaching, and now the door was closed again, the visibility in the clinic was not high.

All items were cast with a black shadow.

Especially the two treatment lounge chairs, at a glance, looked like someone was lying there.

Qin Menglan did not venture, but chose to pierce the reclining chair with his spear.

A chilling hollow was left on it, but nothing stabbed.

Just with her stab, the sound of "It hurts" suddenly became loud.

"Effective ?!" Qin Menglan stabbed his gun again, accompanied by a bit of painful voice, the chair and the nearby instruments were destroyed by Qin Menglan, and eventually scattered on the ground.

"It hurts."

Qin Menglan stepped back because she heard that voice had reached the treatment area.

Right there!

A figure stood at the entrance of the aisle, staring silently at her.

"It hurts……"

Mixed with pain, the voice of weakness slowly came out.

Qin Menglan fisted with his left hand, and Long Quan was ready to attack.

"Where do you demolish the house?" Tang Luo stepped out of the dark shadow.

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