Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 514: I really like your style

Low houses gather together, and sewage flows from the front and back of the house, emitting an unpleasant odor, forming a narrow, aggressive living area.

This is a human settlement, barely a medium size.

Leaning against the cliff, in front of it is a dried-up river bed with a depth of ten meters.

A soil bridge or soil ridge that is a little more than one meter wide forms the only entrance and exit that can be seen nearby, with a distance of three meters in the middle, and an iron plate is used as a pathway when needed.

Across the river bed, there are two lookouts that are overwhelmed by the wind and make people feel that they will collapse at any time.

The entire periphery of the settlement is made up of a "city wall" that is about one and five meters high with a variety of things that can be used, such as soil, stones, useless iron, and so on.

The defense is pretty good.

Many of the dangerous elements wandering in the wilderness have no way to penetrate the earthen walls with their weapons.

Including the river bed in front, such "natural danger" actually exists to resist the same kind on waste soil.

Although Tangluo met a giant rat frenzy, it was the consequence of their rushing into the other's nest.

It's not just humans who struggle to survive in waste land.

The weird mutant creatures on the wasteland, in most cases, have little intersection with humans.

Both sides have their own territories and activities.

The place where settlements can be established is naturally a relatively safe place away from those mutant creatures.

If we say that the danger to humans on waste soil is 100 points, the points occupied by those mutant creatures are at most about 10 points.

However, these 10 points will rise sharply under special circumstances and become a disaster.

At that time, this kind of "natural danger" and the earth wall doubled several times did not help.

The harsh roar of the engine disappeared on the other side of the river bed, the Black Raven caravan stopped, Zhou Black Raven got out of the car and walked to the front, pointed at the black Raven on the clothes on his chest and shouted, "Rock, come out and do business. ! "

In addition, a row of fierce little brothers with weapons in their backs, the words of "coming out to do business" are more like shouting "robbing and handing over the money!"

The response on the other side is not slow either.

After a few moments, several people walked up to the dirt bridge and pushed the iron plate over to form the road.

This is not the first time the Black Raven Caravan has dealt with this settlement called "Hope".

The two sides have traded many times.

Although the role of a caravan can easily be transformed into a robber on wasteland, it must be acknowledged that the existence of a caravan and trade is a necessary condition for many people to survive.

Without caravans, some settlements are difficult to sustain.

The caravan itself rarely swells in settlements, and both sides need to survive each other.

Of course, if the stranger suddenly encounters on the wasteland outside the settlement, please refer to the response of the Black Raven Caravan.

There must be some order in the settlements, but not outside the settlements.

The black crow took the lead, strode forward, hugged the leaders on the opposite side, laughed at each other and patted each other's backs.

Seems very intimate.

The leader who hoped to personally come out to greet him, although Locke hugs the black crow intimately, as if a pair of cheesy men are in the wasteland, this is nothing at all.

But all his attention was focused on a white-haired man in the team.

Not because of white hair, but the man was too clean. His clothes, face, fingers, nails, and even the ... dog?

They are all very clean.

Not to mention the incompatibility with the Black Raven Caravan who runs outside all the year round. Locke himself is not as clean as this white-haired man.

To be honest, hopefully, no more than ten people can be so clean, not including Locke himself.

And these people were able to wash it before getting into bed with Locke, and it was so clean.

Big man, there is much to come.

After Black Rook and Locke separated, he noticed his gaze and immediately said, "This is Master Xuan Zang, the real big man, our noble guest in the caravan.

"Oh." Locke responded with an elegant manner toward Tang Luo. "Welcome, distinguished master."

The master is not the exclusive title of a saint.

Anyone who has achieved something in some way can be called a master.

At any time, talent is a scarce resource.

Moreover, the "monk" in this world, except for the bald head and the believer, has nothing in common with regular monks.

Of course, Tang Luo is not a monk.

Tang Luo nodded indifferently.

Locke was not at all displeased and smiled and invited the Black Raven Caravan to come in.

In addition to the big trucks of the Black Raven Caravan, three of the eight vehicles are also modified vans, which contain a lot of goods.

Several people were left to guard the caravan, and Tang Luo and some of them walked into this medium-sized settlement called Hope Land.

Going inside, close to the cliff, the scene in the slum shantytown improved a lot.

You can also see some cars parked in the open space.

Obviously there are other entrances that are unknown to outsiders.

In terms of quantity, the car has surpassed the Black Raven Caravan, but it is a little worse in size and the style is exactly the same.

Show off the wildness of the wasteland.

The word exquisite has nothing to do with the 99% of people and things on the wasteland.

Close to the cliff, you can see two water pipes extending from the cliff. The outflow is not so clear, but at least there is no smell, and it is a clean water source that can be used for drinking.

Water flowed into two small reservoirs below the cliff, and two teams were waiting in line to fetch water.

Each cistern was guarded by two men with guns.

The earthen guns in their hands seem to be more likely to fire and blast than to kill the enemy.

Between the two cisterns, there is a gatling.

The shape of the early Gatling, hand-cranked, mounted on a two-wheeler, the kind that can be seen in western cowboy movies.

The Black Raven Caravan also has a Gatling.

Installed in the cab of the "Black Raven" monster, it can be moved out, much higher than this Gatlin.

But rarely used.

In Black Crow's own words, the bullets are too expensive.

The rough gun is matched with the rough bullet. The finer the bullet is, the more expensive it is.

The high price of high-end high-end firearms is not only reflected in itself, the consumption of bullets, and maintenance and repairs all cost money.

The price / performance ratio is far inferior to those guns that look shabby and seem to explode at any time.

That Gatling is more a symbol of strength and decoration.

Locke took the Black Raven and Don Lawy and they came to the pretty two-story cottage by the cliff.

The hut was just the place where he met.

His real place of residence should be inside the cliff.

Clean water is undoubtedly the foundation of hope, and Locke masters the water and the entire hope.

The black crow caravan's first priority is naturally the "special" water resource of hope.

It is about five days away from the next settlement, and the existing drinking water is enough, but in order to prevent accidents, we must prepare more.

Fortunately for Black Crow, this mysterious Xuanzang has no requirements for food and water.

He has never seen each other drink or eat since he met.

After the two talked about the price, Black Raven brought the topic directly to the most critical question: "Do you know where I can get a pass?"

"Your Black Raven Caravan still lacks a pass?" Locke was a little surprised.

"A pass," said the Black Crow.

Locke said, "Do you have such a big business now?"

"No." The black crow shook his head.

Locke glanced at Tang Luo, who was sitting on the sofa next to him, and he knew a bit. I'm afraid this VIP needs an A-level pass.

"A pass, I actually have it," Locke said.

"Huh?" The Black Crow was a little surprised.

Locke has more power than the Black Raven Caravan. The leaders of such medium-sized settlements have the ability and channels to get A-level passes.

But the Black Crow did not expect that Locke actually had it.

You know, the leader of the settlement is no better than the caravan, and needs to run outside often.

"I didn't use it by chance," Locke said.

"Then ..." The black crow didn't say a word of "send me", and heard Locke continue to say.

"So what are you going to exchange for?"

"Don't you use it?"

"If you don't use it now, you don't need it forever," Locke said. "Staying is a retreat."

"Come on, one day you really can't do it, you still have a chance to go to those places to take refuge?" Said Black Crow.

People like Locke, once they fall, are basically dead.

"That's why I'm willing to sell it to you." Locke said, he looked more like a shrewd businessman than Black Raven.

"What do you want?" The black crow saw that Locke's dwellable attitude, knew that it was going to bleed this time.

No way.

The Xuanzang, who was suspected of being a god, behind him, glanced at him from time to time.

"Delise," Locke said.

"Hah?" The black crow froze. "What the hell? New weapon? I have never heard of it."

"No," Locke said. "It's a woman."

The black crow frowned: "Woman, I remember bringing a few over last time."

"The few can't have children!" Locke growled, his face grim.

He is already in his forties, this is not a small number in the wasteland, and he needs blood to continue his kingdom.

But she couldn't give birth, and Locke had changed many women back and forth, and she was a successful one.

But he was born a dead baby.

"Well, where's this Alice, who is it?" The Black Crow asked.

"The woman of the Black Oil Camp leader."

"Are you crazy?" The black crow rose sharply.

He hadn't heard of Dellis, but how could Heiyouying not know?

The size of the population there is only the level of small settlements, but the armed forces far exceed that of medium-sized settlements.

Because the specialty there is oil.

The essential oil to want to act on waste land.

Without oil, the most important car of the Black Raven Caravan is better than scrap iron.

"That woman is very capable, and I know she gave ten children to Galle, and eight of them were raised." Locke's tone revealed envy and jealousy.


The Black Crow was speechless for a while, and he wanted to say that it wasn't necessarily that Dellis could give birth, maybe it was Galle, the leader of the Black Oil Camp.

There are more than two dozen women who talk less. They gave birth to one and died, so why not find yourself?

The black crow was in his heart, and when he said it, he would turn his face.

He was mostly out of hope.

"My Black Raven Caravan can't beat the Black Oil Battalion." Black Raven said.

To be true to the armed forces, the Black Raven Caravan is more than hopeless, and it is less likely to be an opponent of the Black Oil Battalion.

The black oil battalion has few people, but their weapons are fierce.

Many of the weapons of the Black Oil Battalion come from the gifts of the gods, and the weapons of the Black Raven Caravan are not a level.

Wasteland or civilized world, who sell oil are very rich.

"Of course you don't need to attack you head-on," Locke said. "You have a business relationship with Black Oil Camp. Find a chance to steal Dellis and bring it to me. The A-level pass granted by God is yours."

A-level passes from the gods are relatively common, after all, it is an arms dealer organization.

"That won't work," said the Black Crow.

The two are just different ways, and the difficulty is extremely high.

"It's yours, bring people, I'll give you a pass." Locke said, and finally looked at Don Luo.

Waiting for his answer.

"Is that black oil battalion terrible?" Tang Luo asked.

"Like the Gatling in my car, they have at least ten." Black Raven used a very intuitive statement.

"Oh, if they are so powerful, then they should also have a class A pass." Tang Luo said.

"Uh," the black crow froze and smiled, yeah.

Why hang on a tree of hope? It also offends forces like Black Oil Camp.

The Black Crow takes Tang Luo's request as the most important thing to do, hoping to get rid of this dangerous element of unknown origin as soon as possible.

That eager attitude opened the mouth of the equally eager Rock Lion.

Calm down now. In fact, they don't have to be so anxious. They can go all the way to their destination, even if it is useless.

Finally, you can also complete the mission of the big forces to obtain a pass.

Passes were originally created to be issued to others.

"Then go, go there." Tang Luo stood up.

The black crow said with a smile: "I'm sorry, Locke. This is too difficult. We can't take it. Please be smart."

Locke's face was extremely gloomy: "Want to leave?"

"Why?" The black crow turned around, his eyes glowing. "We can't go yet?"

"You know what happened ..." Locke knocked slowly on the table. "You said I should let you go?"

"Do we have a brain for trouble?" Black Crow said.

"You need a pass," Locke said. "You're not asking for trouble."

Selling the black oil camp is a good one, which is quite beneficial to the Black Raven Caravan who needs a level pass.

"You're not afraid to cause trouble?" Said the Black Crow.

Locke looked at Tang Luo with a sneer: "It's your own choice, and now only death can solve the problem!"

The quiet guest who died silently was no different from the horse.

While talking, Locke yanked out the gun under the table.

The black crow was a bit slower ... The gun at his waist was handed over in good faith, leaving a sneaky dress in his arms.

When he looked up at the muzzle ~ ~ and was not anxious to point at Locke, Locke had already pulled the trigger on Tang Luo.

This is wasteland, and the collapse of order is only a moment.

Death came very suddenly.

Locke's head burst like a watermelon smashed by someone.

The gun in his hand fell to the ground, went out of the fire, the sound of the gun sounded again, and the bullet passed against the ear of the black crow, burning.

"To be honest, I really like your style. It's straightforward and saves time and effort."

Tang Luo retracted the hand that bounced the bullet and said to the crowd behind him who opened the door and rushed in.




The sound of gunfire echoed above the sky of hope.

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