Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 515: God's wrath?

Crude guns have low accuracy but great power!

Within a certain range, very fierce!

Now Tang Luo is in the range where these guns are very fierce, and does not evade.

Zhou Hei was very resourceful, immediately lay on the ground, rolled aside, and rolled behind the thick table to avoid being hit by a stray bullet into a sieve.

Although everyone is aiming at the master Xuanzang, the bullets will not obediently run to the target because of their aiming.

The sound of gunfire was loud, and it came and disappeared as fast as possible.

The six people rushing in, six guns, each had only one shot to fire, and their heads were smashed by bullets from "retribution".

Lie down on a large piece.

The black crow took a careful look, and after confirming that there was no danger for the moment, he grabbed Locke's body and threw it out forcefully, shouting: "Rock is dead. Are you planning to fight desperately with our black crow caravan? ? "

The voice came out.

The approaching group of people was a little slower.

But there are still a lot of people indifferent.

There are still a few of Locke's loyal friends.


The black crow shouted loudly, and he saw a black slippery stuff thrown in from the door.

Earthen fragment grenade.

The imaginary explosion did not occur. This one was a dumb cannon, but the next second, it was thrown in several more.

Sound and vibration, the black crow felt his ears were deaf, and he was faint for a while, and couldn't stand up at all.

Fortunately, there was no other pain in his body, and Locke's table was solid.

If he hadn't fired, he might have lived a little longer.

Probably anyway, there is no way for Black Crow to see how powerful the "Xuanzhang God Buddha" is.

He couldn't even understand how the other party did those things, but it came down to the power of God and Buddha.

It is similar to human beings, but it cannot be expected to exist at all.

Slightly calmed down.

The black crow leaned out of his head, and saw Tang Xuanzhang walking out the door, turning the whole room into a messy grenade and not even hurting his horns.

Just like the bullets at the beginning of that day, all were blocked by invisible power.

Taking a deep breath, the black crow understood why many people on the wasteland would become fanatical believers in the gods and Buddhas.

In waste land, power is everything.

Tang Luo, representing strength, walked out of the house. Soon, the chaotic sounds outside, gunshots, shouts, and growls completely subsided.

The black crow walked out of the house.

When I saw a person lying down outside, there were still a dozen people around, holding guns in my hands, and dared not move.

Gatlin, beside the cistern, has also been pushed over.

The gunman standing next to him looked grim-faced, gritted his teeth, and dared not shoot.

Among these people, naturally, is Tang Luo.

He had white hair, unblemished, a cat-like, but a cat-like creature squatting on his shoulders, his hands hanging naturally.

The expression on his face was careless.

Anyone who sees this will feel that this person is not a wasteland.

He should be in the depths of the city of steel and steel fortresses established by the great forces, even higher and farther away, such as the "land of gods and Buddhas" that no one can reach.

The outer circle of this group of people is the residents of Hope Land.

Some people are numb, some are uneasy, and some are frantic with smiles that can explode anytime, anywhere.

The atmosphere on the court was very dignified.

The corpse on the ground and the blood stains reminded those who hoped that it would be extremely painful to act lightly.

"We're not here to destroy hope, it's just a misunderstanding," Black Raven said.

The two men he brought were killed immediately after the sound of gunfire.

Their counterattack also killed two people.

"Rock can't have a child. He wants Dellis, the woman of the Black Oil Camp leader. He wants us to use this woman for the A-class pass of God's gift."

The black crow said loudly, "You know this is impossible, we refused, and Locke intends to kill us and it's that simple."

"Now it's your turn to choose whether to die in this hopeful place with our Black Raven Caravan, or just stop there and live together."

There were already gunfire coming from outside.

Accompanied by some screaming.

"I'm fine! Don't kill anyone!"

The black crow roared loudly, and the voice went all the way.

The sporadic gunfire there suddenly stopped, and the Black Raven Caravan continued to approach, but it had not continued firing.

Before long, the men of the Black Raven Caravan came with weapons.

"Boss ... why kill you?" Someone asked.

"Kankou, he thinks we will leak the news to the black oil camp exchange benefits." Black Crow said.

Locke was never found to be such a lunatic before. It seems that he can't give birth to a child for a long time, which distorts this guy's heart.

After all, this guy's family really hopefully needs the "throne" to inherit.

"Can't you?" Someone asked back.

"It will be a fart!" The black crow took a sip and spit out a thick sputum. "As long as I have a pass, I will go now after I get the pass. Why bother with it?"

"Maybe you can join the Black Oil Battalion ..."

"Go to you!" Black Raven raised his gun. "To kill you, I still need to join the Black Oil Battalion? Our Black Raven Caravan is dead, Master Xuan Zang can bury you all in the ground alone! "

A long silence.

Everyone is remembering what just happened.

It was a one-sided kill, and the killer didn't even move.

Gift of God and Buddha?

Some people think of a situation in which only gods and gods can give this terrible power.

A class pass is needed ...

This master Xuanzang is really a big man from the "Iron City"!

He has the "super weapon" bestowed on him by God and Buddha.

saint? God makes?

Or a higher level, closer to the Buddha?

"You killed a lot of people."

"Are these people valuable? Aren't they talents?" Said Black Crow.

In the wasteland, talent does not refer to any powerful combatant. After all, everyone is almost the same after losing their weapons.

The real talents are "technical personnel", those who have mastered the knowledge and technology of others.

There are also special arms developed by large forces, such as sniper sharpshooters and the like.

It was just a group of thugs who died on the ground, and thugs were very cheap.

The death of these people, hopefully, has not affected the guns in their hands.

"Take the A-Class Pass and leave." Someone lowered the gun in his hand.

First one, then the second, the third, and soon most people drew their muzzles down.

Only a handful of people are still holding guns in hidden places.

"Release," said the Black Crow.

The Black Raven Caravan also lowered their guns.

The possible slaughter disappeared, and it took a little time for the black crow to find the A-level pass of the gift of the **** of heaven, take the water that was said at the beginning, and left.

Of course, paying "money" is impossible to pay, so it is regarded as a little compensation.

The people who hoped for this did not have any opinion. It was just a little bit of water and it didn't hurt at all.

Someone hinted to the black crow during this period, hoping that the black crow would help him grab the position of the leader.

He was justly rejected by Black Raven, and jokingly, he couldn't command Tang Luo.

The Passport from the Gods is made of stainless steel, which is about the size of a business card, and the four corners are rounded, so it won't hurt your hands.

It's printed with ranks, "gifts from the gods", and numbers.

This kind of technology belongs to the "core technology" on waste soil, and extraordinary forces can imitate it.

There is also the relationship of numbering, and there is basically no possibility of fraud.

Tang Luo glanced, stowed the pass at will, adjusted the seat back to lie down, and seemed to have fallen asleep with his eyes closed.

In fact, they are in contact with Zhu Bajie.

The situation investigated on the other two sides is similar to that of Tang Luo.

Except for the King Huang Yi, the emperor of the yellow clothing, and the two gods, the Great Buddha of Light, which Tang Luo knew about.

There are also seven or eight deities such as the Great Red Lotus.

These gods and Buddhas live on the "top" of the wasteland. They only hear about it, but they don't see their people, but it is difficult to see its shape.

But it is not a way to become a **** of incense. Quite weird. It makes people wonder who it is and what it is doing.

Ao Yulie became a great wasteland man, dedicated to the "hero saves the beauty" activity.

Why only save the United States?

Because there is a saying in the wasteland "There is no good man on the wasteland."

Even a seemingly naive child can kill you for food.

Therefore, to save people, of course, they must save themselves. As for backwashing, Ao Yulie saved people without asking for reward and was not afraid of backwashing.

Pig Bajie completely disappeared, followed by Tang Luoqin's Quotation Quartet.

After the four people got out of the giant rat's lair, their luck got better.

Now that it is developing well, it has gathered a group of younger brothers to form its own forces, and hastily rushed to the big forces to find ways to complete the task.

This development did not exceed their expectations.

You know, although these four people met on the spot, they were not weak, but Tang Luo was too strong.

All four are third-order upwards.

This strength is already quite good enough to walk in most areas of the wasteland.

With their strength, it is also easy to attract a group of followers.

Even if you encounter an unsolvable problem, depending on the situation, Pig Bajie will secretly help.

At present, the situation is uncertain. In order to prevent those ghosts and gods who have been sneaking away from running away, they can be low-key.

Ao Yulie's heroes only saved the United States to a certain extent.

Instead of turning into a dragon directly to the Thunder.

"Can this be removed?" Opened his eyes, his eyes fell on Gatlin in the cab, Tang Luo asked.


The black crow driving was stinging.

The black crow king's cabin is relatively quiet. Unlike other cars, there is no glass. Thick glass separates the outside noise a lot.

No need to speak loudly.

"I said this Gatling." Don Lowe said.

"Yes." The black crow nodded.

"Can you give it to me?" Tang Luo continued to ask.

"Ha? Good." The black crow nodded like garlic.

Although he didn't understand what the other party wanted Gatlin.

Half an hour later, the black crow saw Tang Luo holding Gatlin with one hand and completely ignored the terrible recoil leaving a scary bullet mark on the ground, and he understood.

"Is there such a small number of bullets?" Tang Luo, who planned to keep a low profile and appeared as an "assault fireman", asked after the test shot was finished.

"There are still a few, and we don't have much stock."

The black crow's heart is dripping blood, and these shots are not his bullets, but his life.

"Well," Tang Luo said, "buy more next time, not enough."

"... Okay." The black crow smiled very hard, but fortunately his hair was thick and he couldn't see it.

The caravan continued on the road.

The detached Gatlin was placed in the back seat, and the dog was lying beside him.

After half a month.

A black caravan's car crossed a clear sign on the side of the road.

That sign is a hand with the palm facing up and a flower floating, which is the sign of "the gift of heaven".

That flower is the flower of hope given by God, that is, all kinds of powerful weapons.

Only weapons can allow human beings to gain a foothold in the waste land.

Truth is only within the firing of the cannon!

Survival is even more so.

Although in most cases, the purpose of these weapons is to kill similar species, not to destroy mutant creatures on waste soil, and to open up new territories.

As mentioned earlier, the gods and Buddhas are divided into two camps: "Tenjin" and "Holy Buddha."

The relationship between each other cannot be said to be an enemy or a friend. The representative of the Tenjin camp is the King of Yellow Clothes Haotian Yudi.

His Majesty's forces formed the Yellow Robe Society.

The representative of the Holy Buddha is the Big Sun Bright Buddha, and the human power is the Big Sun Temple.

There are often frictional battles between the Huangpao Society and the Day Sun Yard, and sometimes they also cooperate.

A gift from the gods, this name sounds like being close to the gods camp, in fact they are very neutral.

As arms dealers, they will sell weapons to anyone as long as you can afford it.

As for who is the **** and Buddha behind the gift of heaven, apart from the high-level inside, no one else knows it, it is quite mysterious.

Shortly after entering the territories of God's gift, a roar came from overhead.

The black crow immediately stepped on the brakes, and the entire caravan stopped.

Looking into the sky through the glass that is not clean, fear and envy appeared in the black crow's eyes: "God's wrath ..."

The wrath of God in his mouth was flying in the sky, leaving a clear white mark under the thick clouds.

"God's wrath?" Tang Luo's tone was strange.

"Yeah," said the Black Crow. "This is the gift of a true deity. Human beings cannot create something that they can master."

"Really?" Tang Luo said indifferently.

This so-called God's Wrath, he could see clearly, it was clearly a black fighter!

"It shouldn't be that simple ..." Tang Luo secretly said in his heart.

If the so-called deity is just a group of people who have mastered the core technology, then he will be disappointed.

Don't forget, the location of the mission was changed this time, and the coordinates provided by the Jizo Bodhisattva told him that there were "clues" here, perhaps from the old knowledge of the past, or from previous items.

Tang Luo certainly hopes that the more powerful the deities here are, the better.

If it is really the kind of guy who has mastered the core technology and hides in a ghost, the gain will definitely be much smaller.

"Is this god's wrath the greatest gift of heaven?" Tang Luo asked.

"No." Watching the wrath of God completely disappeared from sight, the black crow returned to the road, shaking his head and said, "The wrath of God is an important sign of the gift of God, this thing, they will be sold!"

There is no doubt that this shows that the gift of God has more advanced weapons.

So ~ ~ From this point of view, most of the gods and Buddhas will be a bit more advanced.

After all, it is a progressive relationship.

"So it is." Tang Luo nodded, slightly relieved, and looked forward a little.

"Well, Master, we'll take you to a nearby settlement later, and then we'll be separated." The Black Raven was careful.

This is already the scope of the strength of the gift of the gods, and the place where the wrath of the gods inspects is their territory.

The Black Raven Caravan is no longer needed to send Buddha to the West.

Holding an A-level pass, you can easily find a settlement, whether it is a gift of heaven or not, there are a hundred ways to further contact the gift of heaven.

Zhou Heiya was very careful, he could not wait to clear the relationship with Tang Luo immediately, he didn't mean to hold his thigh at all.

God knows how deep the vortex behind this is.

I don't know how to get involved.

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