Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 518: First intimate contact

"Hey!" Lao Li slaps the table angry. "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, I remember happy things, my son's birthday today."

"Did you guys watch the video you sent!" Lao Li stared with a beard. The three idiots didn't understand what it meant.

"The video wasn't sent." Someone laughed. "Lao Li, is it true, isn't it you're dreaming again?"

"Dart a dream!" Said Old Li. "I repeat, I'm not kidding or dreaming."

A few people's faces were a little more serious, seriously: "Isn't it really a joke?"

"Of course not!" Said Old Li. "Come on!"

A clerk hurried up outside.

"Why the video wasn't delivered?" Lao Li asked politely.

The flight attendant was sweating, and he didn't know what happened.

"Don't be in a hurry, let me take a look first." A voice came, and another scientific research technician from the committee came over.

"How! The door to the new world is really open!" Old Li met his colleagues who could really communicate with each other, and his face became enthusiastic.


The visitor was a woman with a cold face, and the expression seemed to owe her ten million all over the world.

It looks cold and gorgeous, has a bumpy body, and a pair of long legs, like public relations, is better than scientific researchers.

In Afna's own words, dressing up a little like this can increase the efficiency of the staff members to 200%.

Although Avna is over forty years old this year.

But from the appearance alone, it can't be seen at all.

The two approached the conference room, and Afna took out a USB flash drive and connected it with the computer in the conference room.

There is a lot of important information in this computer, naturally it will not be connected to the Internet, even if it is only the internal network of this building.

There is a video in u disk.

The flames, smoke, tragic cries, and vagueness shuffled across the "battlefield."

The figure in the picture is more like the strongest individual soldier on the wasteland than the hand of God.

Powerful, quick reaction nerves, and amazing ways to fight.

The hands of God fell down one by one. At the end of the picture, a smiley face and long white hair fluttering slightly in the flames.

"Transformation of people!"

Lao Li said, "He doesn't have any armor, even if it does, it can never reach the height of our God's hand! But so, there is only one possibility! He is a transformer!

On waste soil, mechanical technology has reached a decent level.

Even the Warframe at the level of the hand of God has been developed and has been fully put into actual combat.

However, progress in biological and genetic technology has been extremely slow and difficult.

Even with the gift of God, the biggest achievement is "Afna".

This woman has developed an anti-aging drug that can keep you young for a long time, but that's all.

The results that can improve the human body and make humans become "Little Superman" have always existed only in imagination.

Projects such as mechanical prosthetics are also extremely slow, and the results are far from being expected.

For Lao Li, Tang Luo's appearance seemed to suddenly open the door to the new world.

"He is the gift of the **** of heaven!" Lao Li said excitedly. "Send someone, send out all the hand of God, we must catch him alive!"

"Maybe a trap," someone frowned.

It's weird.

A person enters the city of gaze, and then conflicts with the gifts of their gods, demonstrating non-human combat effectiveness.

There must be conspiracy behind this.

"Even if it's a trap, you must step on it!" Lao Li was stubborn. "And in terms of technology, we have always been ahead of the curve. We haven't made good achievements in terms of" human strengthening "and" gene warrior ". , I do n’t think it would be a bait if I could get such a person, even if it was a fluke? ”

"So, he may not be human." Someone cried.

Old Li Yizheng, his face even more excited: "God Buddha? You said he is a God Buddha ?!"

The gift of the gods, in addition to a few of the committee, has a very small number of people, so everyone thinks that the gift of the gods is closely related to the gods and Buddhas.

But actually?

Other strengths, such as the Da Ri Yuan, the Huang Pao Society, and the Red Lotus Society, the real situation is not even clear with the gifts of the gods, hidden in the mist.

The situation of God's gift to himself is clear to the committee.

Gods and Buddhas are quite far away from them.

The only thing that can be determined is that the deities and Buddhas, which are very similar to humans, really exist, whether it is some image data or the remains that have been passed down to show this fact.

But the gods and Buddhas are paramount, far from the wasteland on earth.

In the gift of the gods, the gods and Buddhas are gifted in the way they dream.

Some important researchers, including Lao Li and Afna, will have blurred images of gods and Buddhas in their dreams.

On-demand, let them suddenly cut through, and sometimes even directly instill high-tech.

They will also be demanded.

Transport something to the place of pilgrimage (remains).

The place of pilgrimage is the possible residence of gods and Buddhas. It has a different name. It is a place where human beings can approach, but they cannot step on.

Even members of the committee have never really entered the place of pilgrimage and saw the true face of God and Buddha.

Perhaps in these places, the relationship between humans and deities may be more "intimate".

But this is the gift of God.

The deity and Buddha is a powerful image that is real but vague.

"Do you think it's possible?" Someone looked at Afna.

"Perhaps?" Afna said. "No one can judge until there is real contact."

"Since it is a deity, then do we still catch it?"

"Catch! Why not!" Lao Li said, "Hurry up!"

In his eyes, there was only fanaticism and no respect. He only had a thirst for the knowledge of the gods and Buddhas, and had no awe at the gods and Buddhas.

Even if there is, it is a little respect for the ignorant by the ignorant.

God's gift of propaganda and belief is for better governance, not from the heart.

At least the top is not.

Orders were issued quickly and executed with great efficiency.

The inhabitants of the watched city began to be evacuated, vacating the battlefield, and the hands of God were put in. Gunships and drones completely blocked the sky.

On the ground is the newly developed "Mechanical Combat Bug", which uses remote control to sneak in, invade, destroy, and assassinate.

Cooperating with the hand of God who is constantly in the battlefield, it can play a very strong role.

Everything is to catch the white-haired man named Xuan Zang, who is suspected of being a “god”.

The entire battlefield was surrounded by pungent white smoke, and even an elephant could fall on the spot if it could not support it for a minute.

The visibility of the line of sight is less than two meters.

The hand of God is naturally unaffected.

So they could clearly perceive that their surrounding companions had fallen one after another, like horses that had fallen under the bullet storm.

Such a scene, the hand of God can be said to be very familiar, but this time the fallen people changed themselves.

"Where? People!"

"At eleven o'clock!"

"Damn! 065 Fall!"

As a result of the order for live capture, weapons with high lethality were replaced.

The stun gun, the armor, and the steel cable net are the current weapons of the hand of God.

Although the opponent looks strong, God knows if he can resist the bullet, and its speed is amazing, and the hand of God is not sure that I will never hit his left leg if I want to hit him.

In case the other party can't bear the damage of the bullet, and his life is whimpered, the hand of God will also be buried.

Such a fight is undoubtedly quite aggrieved.

Fortunately, there are limits to each other.

With no loss involved, the battle lasted for four hours, when the sky was completely dark.

The steel cable net finally caught the white-haired man, and the powerful electric current paralyzed him and failed to break free.

The hands of the gods rushed around, crushing them completely under the pile of people.

Fifteen minutes later.

A hand of God was placed, locked in a cart similar to a restrained mental patient, and pushed into a white room with one-way glass.

It wasn't anyone else who was wearing the armor, it was Tang Luo.

Instead of wearing a helmet, the head is wearing a quirky metal mask, which covers the lower half of the face while opening the mouth only slightly.

Ordinary restraints or restraints are certainly not very effective for this person.

The gift of the gods will not develop a restraint device that targets the human body but is effective enough to suppress the tank.

In this case, the locked hand of the hand of God has become the best "restraint."

It seems that the effect is okay.

At least the opponent has no apparent resistance.

The Gatlin used by the other party has long been taken away by relevant departments.

On the other side of the glass, Lao Li frowned and looked at the report in his hand.

That Gatling is completely ordinary Gatling, and it is a little poorly maintained ... not the special creation they thought of at first.

It seems that being able to shatter the Warframe of the Hand of God is really the ability of the opponent.

"Hello Mr. Xuanzhang."

Glancing at each other and nodding slightly, Afna began her first contact with the "exotic".

The camera and recording staff next to it will faithfully record everything and become extremely valuable information in the future.

"Hello." Tang Luo's voice came out through the mask, a little dull.

"I'm really sorry to meet you in this way," said Afna. "But please understand, after all, you have caused us a lot of damage."

"You've seen gods and Buddhas, do you know where they are?" Tang Luo went straight to the subject.

Several people looked at each other. Is this tentative or tentative?

"I've seen ~ ~ for a moment of silence," said Afna. "The **** and Buddha will shed glory on his people. We are lucky. "

This is not to say, she has indeed seen in dreams.

"That's great. Can you take me to them?" Tang Luo said with a smile.

Afna asked, "I'm going to ask, who is Mr. Xuanzang, where does he come from, and what is his purpose?"

"The poor monk fights over the Buddha."

"From a distant unknowable place, I'm here to find the old man of the past."

Don't slang Tang Xuanzhang, the sentence is true.

"Admit it!"

Several members of the committee were shocked and glanced at each other.

In an instant, the brain made up a 100,000-character "history of God and Buddha's grudges and enmity."

The first intimate contact with the gods and Buddhas!

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