Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 519: Please enter

But that's the way it is, Lao Li, they can't believe what Tang Luo said.

Someone looked at the monitor next to it.

The above "loyally" reflects Tang Luo's current situation, all indicators are normal, and there is no sign of lying.

Of course, this is just for reference.

People who claim to be "gods" may have special skills that can circumvent this level of testing.

For the time being, consider this person as a **** and Buddha.

Even if it isn't, the performance just now is enough to treat the entire god's gift as the most important thing.

For the first intimate contact, we need to go deeper.

Afna asked, "Have you been a Holy Buddha?"

"No, the poor monk does not belong to any party," Tang Luo said.

"The Honourable said just now that he was looking for an old man, what old man, other gods and Buddhas?" Old Li asked.

"Yes," said Tang Luo, "should some be the highest gift of the gods?"

Several people looked at each other and did not hide.

Now I say that I'm just a nameless pawn, and I want others to believe it.

I wasted so much energy, invested a lot, and spent so much to catch each other, and then told him that we are not the leader, our leader does not want to see you at all.

Liar ghost.

"Very good." After receiving a positive answer, Tang Luo praised him. "Then you can take the poor monk to see the gods and Buddhas behind you, right?"

"You yourself are gods and Buddhas, and you still need to meet through us?" Afna asked.

The identity of the other party is really confusing.

"They hid, the poor monk couldn't find it," Tang Luo said.

"Hide, you can't find it ..." Several people pondered Tang Luo's words.

Indeed, the gods and Buddhas behind the gifts of heaven have always been hiding.

So powerful gods, why hide?

If this "fighting over the Buddha" is indeed one of the gods and Buddhas, and based on this inference, many things will make sense.

The so-called deity is not the real deity.

I am afraid that they are just a group of relatively powerful people. Compared with the humans struggling on the wasteland, they have powerful and special powers.

So the humans who control the wasteland work for them.

At the same time, the strength of these people is not unmatched, but limited.

It is as if the fight over the Buddha in front of them will eventually be captured by them, and the rest of the gods and Buddhas will end like this.

This also explains why the "sacred Buddha" is high above and hidden above "nine days."

Because "the penalty is unknown, the power is unpredictable."

Even Lao Li and Afna, as "contacts", agents, and prophets of the gods and buddhas, have the general role.

There is no more awe for the gods and Buddhas.

What would happen if the gods and Buddhas actually stepped down from the altar and contacted them?

The captured victory over the Buddha is a good example.

God Buddha?

But it ’s more precious material in my laboratory!

Lao Li, they are all a little excited.

It's different! The world may really be different!

"Can you bring the poor monks to find them?" Tang Luo asked again.

"What do you want them to do?"

"Maybe it's narrating the old." Tang Luo told the truth, of course, there are many ways to narrate the old.

The specific choice of the old method depends on the situation at the time.

"Story ..."

Several people always felt that the word was strange to say from the fight over the Buddha.

"His Excellency," said Afna. "Is every deity as powerful as you?"

"No, every deity is different." Tangluo said, "There are strengths and weaknesses, and the direction of strength is not the same. Poor monks belong to the stronger ones, in terms of fighting."

This statement no doubt gave these people a reassurance.

"We need to ask God to see if we can see you, it is not up to us." Afna said.

It was impossible to meet and talk, and they took Tang Luo to the ruins.

They didn't go there to investigate, but unfortunately nothing was gained.

Now I have got a very precious specimen, or "channel". Through this "human" tube, you can peep at the leopard and find out the truth of the **** and Buddha as much as possible.

Affina, they will definitely keep Tang Luo in their hands and study it carefully.

Wait until the things that can be understood are clear, and then plan for the next step.

"Then go ask for instructions. Also, let go of the poor monk, and it will be uncomfortable to be **** like this," Tang Luo said.

"Not right now, after all, Your Excellency is a dangerous person. Please forgive us for your care. No one dares to let any unconstrained lion linger around." Afna refused openly.


In the small holes in the room, a colorless, odorless, and invisible hypnotic gas began to quietly spray out.

This is the supreme hypnotic gas of God's gift.

It has a certain degree of damage to the human body, and it is much better than that when Tang Luo was arrested.

But there are limitations and it is only suitable for this closed environment.

After catching Tang Luo, all his performances on the battlefield were sorted and collected and became important information.

Use this to analyze the opponent's upper limit, such as speed, strength, and various resistances.

The quantity released today is hovering around the analyzed upper limit and will be adjusted at any time according to the detected situation.

"You guys, I'm very distressed," Tang Luo said.

"This is for our mutual safety," said Afna. "Or, we can let your leave, just as if nothing had happened."

"Oh, I don't need to ask your **** this time?" Tang Luo said suddenly, with a smile.


Avrina's eyes sharpened, and she realized.

"As long as we are willing, we can meet again at any time," said Afna. "The safe area of ​​the wasteland is shrouded in the glory of the gods."

It sounds like a dedicated believer.

"Oh." Tang Luo chuckled, no more words, his head drooped slightly, and seemed a little tired.

After a while, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

The hypnotic gas worked.

Everything is the same as the result of data analysis.

After leaving the staff for 24 hours to guard, after the other party has completely fallen into deep sleep, blood, hair and other samples can be collected for further in-depth analysis.

The five Affina regrouped in the conference room, their faces were dignified and excited.

Especially Lao Li, walking around the room, from time to time, he was thinking about something, and it seemed that he had begun to study the deity.

"If, what do the gods know?" Someone asked a core question.

"I repeat once again that the gods and Buddhas are never omniscient." Affina said, "Don't forget that we have tried to explore the ruins a few times before. Although there was no gain, it did not attract any counterattack or countermeasures. Measures. "

"They are not as powerful as we thought!" Lao Li turned sharply and said, "Half a month, give me half a month, I can thoroughly study him thoroughly!"

"Through him, really find those so-called gods and Buddhas, and dig out the rats in the ditch. By then, we will be gods and Buddhas on the wasteland!"

"So you don't know much?"

A sudden sound was completely closed, and a guard with a live ammunition was guarding it outside, and even a mosquito could not fly in. The conference room sounded.


The three young men, who were close to old age, reacted quickly and immediately pulled out the gun they were wearing.

Aiming at all parts of the room, they didn't have the ability to listen and identify.

Go and press the siren at the same time.

Affina and Lao Li's response was much slower, and they stood still in surprise and blankness.

A gust of wind swept across the room.

All of a sudden, everyone lost control of their bodies and was caught by invisible forces and pressed against the wall.

The siren in his hand fell with the firearm.

It landed on a thick, soft carpet without making any noise.

The conference room is not monitored, and the sound insulation is very good, which means that if the visitors come in, they do not alarm the guards outside.

What is happening in the conference room now will not be known by the guards outside.

This is the oldest nest of heaven's gifts, one of the safest places, none.

Even the commission will not come up with a security mechanism that will report to the foreign exchange every few minutes and rush in to save people without movement.

Bringing a siren and a gun is enough.

When the two fail at the same time, it also shows that their life and death are no longer in their own hands.

"It's you!"

Old Li next to the wall saw the raider clearly and was surprised.

Not others, it was the white-haired man.

But shouldn't he be trapped in a Warframe and be in a deep coma now?

There is indeed a Tang Luo with closed eyes in the research room, but that is his stand-in wooden man.

From the beginning, these people caught Tang Luo's stuntman.

Tang Luo himself followed the crowd with an invisibility, covering it with the invisibility of the meritorious Yulian when needed.

"I hope you won't let me down again." Tang Luo grabbed one of them and cast his soul directly.

This performance, after all, has to be a little rewarding.

A few minutes later.

In the conference room, two people were lying, two were kneeling, and one was standing.

The two lying down have lost their voice.

To be honest, Tang Luo did not expect that the leaders of the great forces on the wasteland would be so fragile.

Originally thought that all the waste soil were ruthless.

Kneeling two, one was Afna, the other was a man.

The one standing was Lao Li, who was pale and nearly collapsed, but resisted the soul and was beaten to death while still being unyielding.

"God and Buddha, what are you exactly?" Lao Li stared at Tang Luo, his voice intermittent.

"It's hard to say, it should be a very strong 'person', but we are all the same," Tang Luo said.

"Sure enough, you are also human!" Lao Li laughed silently, and blood continued to flow from his mouth and nose.

He is dying.

But it doesn't matter. From the other two people who put down the butcher knife and converted to Buddha, Tang Luo has got what he wants.

"Different, at least I have no interest in studying you," Tang Luo said.

"The world belongs to us. Sooner or later your rule will end, humanity will rise, and the world will open up ..." Lao Li said very hard.


Tang Luo smiled, "Don't say so righteously, it's the same."

The spirit of God and Buddha, the ambition of man, and the ambition of Lao Li are the same.

What this old guy wants is to replace it and become a new deity. Where does it open up the world?

Rather, Tang Luo's mission requirements this time were "to find a way for the resurgence of human race."

But to be honest, what to do specifically, Tang Luo himself has no clue, find the gods and Buddhas first.

The gods and Buddhas must be obstacles blocking the way forward for human beings?

Also missing.

He took the gun over there and blasted Li's head with a shot. Tang Luo stood up and said, "Let's go, we will go to the ruins."

The ruins have no name.

The specific location is in a valley, which is shrouded in thick mist all year round.

Once you get into it, you will quickly lose your way.

Any entry of electronic equipment will also fail and cannot be probed with something like a drone.

The gift of the gods will transport a lot of materials here and place them on the edge of the dense fog.

Those involved in the operation thought that this was a material storage base given by the gods.

Because it is shrouded in dense fog all year round, it is considered to have natural protection.

In waste soil, such special places are not rare. After the natural disasters, many "miracles" that have not been seen before can often be seen.

Over time, everyone will get used to it.

What's more, the pressure of survival has left everyone with no extra effort to see that special scene.

Unless those wonders can be used, like this dense fog valley.

Only the five talents on the committee know that this is the remains of the gods and Buddhas, and that there may be gods and Buddhas.

As for the building on the top of the mountain next to the city you are watching, the legend says that the remains of the gods and Buddhas have left the closest place to the pilgrimage place (one).

It was an artificial creation created by the gift of the gods, and had nothing to do with the gods and Buddhas.

The valley covered by dense fog is the destination of Tangluo.

On the surface, this was just another routine delivery of goods, and several cars larger than the Black Raven King stopped.

The hands of the gods carried the materials down and placed them in the designated place.

The team leader has always been one of the five members of the committee, this time Affina, enough to show the importance that the gift of heaven places on this place.

So even in the case of the great loss of the hand of God, they can only be transported by them.

It is for confidentiality and protection.

Anyway, on the surface, no one noticed that a hand of God had entered the thick fog and disappeared into it.

Tang Luo, dressed in the armor of the hand of God, acted like the temptation of God's gift once again.

At the edge of the valley, the dog is lying on a tree branch, with its tail hanging down and swiping from time to time.

Before entering the city of gaze, she changed to a state of observing and following.

With her sensitive nose, if Tang Luo scrambles and scares the snake, she can find the snake better and faster.

You think there is only Tang Luo, in fact, there is my dog!

Now as Tang Luo walks into the dense fog, nothing more happens.

The dog is just guarding, waiting quietly.

Tang Luo walked in the dense fog, and was quiet, only the slight sound of the hand of God when the armor moved.

It took a while before some sounds of water flowed into my ears.

The fog in front of me was somewhat scattered.

Tangluo saw a vibrant lake with birds and beasts living near the lake. They should not need to live near this source of water.

Because these beasts and birds are mechanical creations!

Tang Luo has never seen any mechanical beasts need to drink water. Drinking gasoline is almost the same. Even if water is needed, at least it is not for drinking.

These mechanical beasts are not close to creatures ~ ~ Instead, the cold sharp metal body and the red light in the eyes are daunting.

They were very quiet and there was no noise between actions.

He also turned a blind eye to Tang Luo, an outsider.

As Tang Luo gradually approached this big lake, a sudden sound came from his feet, accompanied by a huge sound of running water.

The big lake in front of it opened a gap, leaving the lake water, forming two curtains of water.

In the middle of the water curtain is a downward step leading to the deep underground space.

The dog suddenly stood up, sniffed twice, and made a whimper of confusion, rushing towards Tang Luo.

"It was an invitation, so I'm relieved."

Tang Luo walked to the ground without hesitation, and a small figure flashed in the thick fog behind him, and the Skyhound appeared to jump over the shoulder of the armor.

It is always a good thing for Tang Luo to invite Jun Ruyi to Tangluo.

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