Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 558: As an aid, let me explore the way for you

Cecilia did not disappoint Don Lowe, and he quickly let Clemente join Don Lowe's team.

At this point, the strongest exorcist squad was formed.

The members are assisting Tang Luo and a group of roosters waiting to be rushed forward.

Very perfect configuration, this configuration is definitely going to pull out and experience it.

In order to show the significance and importance of the establishment of the team.

"Let's set a small goal first," said Tang Luo, "kill a million demons."

"There shouldn't be so many demons," Holt said.

"A million? If I kill one in 10 seconds, there are 10 in 100 seconds, 100 in 1000 seconds, 1,000 in 10,000 seconds, 10,000 in 100,000 seconds ..." DuPont began to calculate.

After that, it started to get confused.

Fortunately, Lola rescued him in time: "Don't forget, you stupid idiot, you can kill a demon in 10 seconds, you can kill a thousand in 10,000 seconds? Do you think you will not be tired?"

"I'm very physically fit!" DuPont retorted with anger.

"Oh." Lola laughed mockingly.

Cecilia looked at a few people with a smile, especially staring at Tang Luo, eyes dazzling.

Beside him was the unsmiling Clement, a woman who looked ordinary, but her sacred weapon was a whip.

So fighting is very queen.

Before joining the Holy Order, Clemente and Cecilia were friends.

"Yes," Tang Luo said suddenly.

"What?" Everyone looked at him.

"Kill one in 10 seconds, you can kill 1,000 in 10,000 seconds," Tang Luo said. "As long as you are with me, you can do it."

"real or fake?"

"Blessing of power?" Holt curious.

Tang Luo nodded.

In order to achieve the effect of "endless war, not tired at all", it is not enough to have dharma alone. It needs to be opened with light therapy to help restore physical strength.

But there is no need to elaborate.

Mystery is also a powerful manifestation. Tang Luo has already demonstrated his auxiliary ability.

The specific effect can be achieved by these people.

It's a bit of a mess, and it's not as good as first-hand experience.

"Where's our destination?" Holt asked.

Where they were, there was no more field staff in the carriages of a train.

There were not even passengers, only the necessary train staff, only a few of them.

After all, the five generals were dispatched together, and their appeal was on par with the sacred heart, and the appearance of the devil would be the inevitable result.

Tang Luo spread out the prepared map and ordered it in one place. A few people gathered to take a look.

"Is there anything special about this place?" DuPont wondered.

"Valley," Holt said.

"There are many places to live and people around." Lola glanced.

"If you stay in such a place for a long time ..." Cecilia didn't say anything.

The implication is clear, most of them will be besieged by demons.

Of the five, DuPont did not see anything.

The other four are old drivers, and it is clear where dangers may be encountered and where they are relatively safe.

Only DuPont does not have much concept. However, he has always acted alone, and he is a restless temper, and his action is explosive.

He has never been chased by a demon, and no demon has chased him.

The other generals have experienced the encirclement that the demons might form, and they are very sensitive to this.

"That's the effect," Tang Luo said.

"Okay!" Holt said. "Man, you should do your best to fight!"

Hot blood, it's burning!

"Interesting." Lola looked at Tang Luo, as if she wanted to see something famous from his indifferent expression.

Cecilia said, "If the five of us join His Excellency Don Lowe and dare not even take this risk, then what exorcist is it?"

Clement nodded silently.

"I'm going to hit a thousand!" DuPont set a small goal.


A sound came from overhead, as if something heavy hit the speeding train.

The speed of the train is not too fast to be honest.

But at present, it is also the fastest means of transportation, and only horseback can be faster than a train in a certain period of time.

Being able to hit the top of the compartment to make a sound is obviously not a good sign.

"Eat me a flame punch!" Dupont responded quickly and liked to shout loudly during the fight.

He entered combat mode and punched up.

The raging flames were not just high temperatures, but also violent forces, and the formed pillars of fire tore the black car roof.

By the way, a medium demon on the roof was burned into a ball of fire.

It disappeared into powder in mid-air.

It's not that DuPont's Flame Fist temperature is really high enough to instantly carbonize the demon into powder.

He just killed the demon, and turning it into powder is the basic operation after the devil's death.

"Hahaha! The mediocre demons dare to be arrogant in front of my uncle DuPont!"

DuPont flew out of the carriage through the big hole he had blasted out.

Tang Luo who threw DuPont was very calm: "The next time there is a demon in the car, you do it."

Lola, who was being watched by Tang Luo, nodded and wondered, "Do you know our capabilities?"

Don Law only glanced at Holt.

Holt was straightforward: "Isn't it natural for teammates to understand each other?"

"Forget it, it's no secret anyway," Lola said.

Of course, the five generals have different fighting methods.

Holt is a heavy-armed fighter, Dupont is the second arsonist, and Clemente is the Whip Queen.

And Lola has the title of the demon monster, her sacred weapon can only be used to smash people at first, but now can perform some "tricks".

Including "Teleport", "Chain Chain" these.

In a speeding train, her fighting style is the least likely to damage the car.

In addition, Cecilia, his ability is more special, known as "Paradise Lost."

Divine Weapon is a book called Paradise Lost. Opening the book can summon the projections of other exorcists to fight.

The reason why Cecilia took the initiative to find Tangluo was this, he wanted to paint Tangluo into his "Lost Paradise", so the strength soared!

It's just not easy to draw people to Paradise Lost. It requires the consent of other people. It can't be superficially agreed, it must be really agreed.

So we have to have a good relationship with people.

Lola said that Cecilia is a social flower for this reason.

He can talk to any exorcist, not a conversation that the other party can answer honestly and fearfully.

It makes people feel comfortable and happy with a little excited communication.

There are more than a hundred exorcist portraits in Cecilia's Lost Paradise.

It also includes the other four generals, Lola, who made it difficult for the war with the devil, definitely not licked by Cecilia at first, this reason.

However, the projection summoned out must not be as strong as the deity.

Otherwise, DuPont would say to Cecilia: "I would like to call you the strongest."

"I am back!"

DuPont descended from the sky and fell into the carriage accurately through the big hole.

Only to find that there was no one inside, everyone cleaned up and moved to another compartment.

Although the destination is a valley where no one lives nearby, before that, Tangluo deliberately went to all the surrounding gathering places and swaggered.

It took two days before the fairness gathered in the valley.

The valley as a whole is like a washbasin. The cliff is almost ninety degrees, and it takes a little effort for the general to climb out.

The lowest point is 50 meters above the ground, and the cliff edge is over 30 meters above the head.

Very good siege.

Don Luo, they're grilling here.

"The temperature is low and it's scorched again." Tang Luo pointed to Dupont, a human-shaped flamethrower. "You have scrapped twenty fish."

"My flame is used to burn demons!"

DuPont wanted to say this, but Tang Luo was too strong, he did not dare to obediently.

"Don't find out yet? I've started to exercise you and make you stronger." Tang Luo said.

"Huh?" DuPont froze.

"Your flame arm, in terms of destructive power, is not even Holt." Don Lowe said, "but you know why you can't beat him?"

"Because I care." Dupont held his head upright and was slaped to the ground by Tang Luo.

"Because your power is too scattered."

Tang Luo said, "You just want to be stronger and bigger, but you forget the loss of strength, can you let it go? If you can learn to really condense it, then release it ..."

"That's it!" Dupont clapped his hands.

This is actually very simple.

However, DuPont did not think of it himself, but other people thought of it, but who would tell DuPont?

Even if it is said, does DuPont listen?

This product will only "you know a fart, strong enough to be powerful enough".

He didn't even admit defeating Holt, let alone others.

That is to say, Tang Luo can flip Dupont casually to the ground and convince him to take it orally. More importantly, the strongest and most powerful assistant of the body can make DuPont obedient.

"Fish is coming!"

DuPont found a new target, as if fighting chicken blood.

Successful marketing students like this.

However, for others, this method is not necessary, and it is still a real battle that can be improved.

"There are only one hundred low-level demons and five medium-level demons. This is looking down on us."

A few hours later, DuPont said watching the demon appearing in the valley.

"Don't worry, this is just an appetizer, don't hurry, I guess these demons have been ordered by the destroyers," Tang Luo said.

Sure enough ~ ~ The demons did not shout and kill as soon as they appeared, but floated and stood.

Silently stared at Tang Luo and others.

Black hair fluttered.

After a few moments of silence, the mournful sound of "Exorcist ..." began to ring, endless.


Tang Luo waved arbitrarily, and the majestic strength poured out, spanning the distance between them, instantly tearing up dozens of demons, including those of the loudest medium demons.



Say okay, don't rush?

"As an aid, let me explore the way for you first." Tang Luo's face did not change.

You have killed half the enemies this way!

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