Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 559: 2 flowering, strengthening

"Attention, they're on!" DuPont exclaimed.

Tang Luo was too noisy, and he aggressively killed half of the behavior, which caused the "anger" of the demons.

The remaining dozen demons, no longer watching the crowd, rushed towards Tang Luo and others at the bottom of the valley.

The five generals are flexing their muscles to kill these demons.

Holt took off the big sword at the back, the edge of the black big sword, the blade was sharp, and the width was close to half a meter. Like a door panel, it can hit, cut and block.

Celicia was holding a book that looked like a picture book ready to open, with the words "Lost Paradise" on it.


With a crisp sound, Clement's whip left a crack on the ground. Her whip was emerald green, like the vines of certain plants, and had barbs on it.

Lola was holding her wand, and there was a dazzling glow at the top, and the halo made her whole look blurred.

"Let it burn!"

With his right hand held high, the arms are magnificent, flowing like magma. The flames circle around the arms and condense in a palm.

"Fireball shells!" DuPont's famous level gave Tang Luo a great deal of comfort.

"Don't." But before they did, Tang Luo stopped them. "Now isn't the time to do it. We need to accumulate less."

"But they ..." DuPont said it wasn't a matter of our constant action, the demons had rushed over.

They can't be beaten, they can't run away, it's too shameful.

"It's okay, I can help you mock these demons as an aid," Tang Luo said.


Everyone understands Tang Luo's meaning after a little thought, it is to attract these demons to deal with Tang Luo himself.

In this way, the five of them need not do anything.

During the talk, the devil has approached a lot of distances, and the lower demons are not fast enough to float, almost walking like normal people.

However, the speed of the medium devil is not the same, and running fast enough to easily catch the galloping train.

DuPont and others did not take the initiative to attack, but did not lay down their weapons.

Tang Luo is very strong, but how can he completely dispel such a charge of dozens of demons?

Does he have other special abilities besides healing, strength gain, flight gain, defense gain, and stealth gain?

For the time being, no exorcist has the ability to attract demons or every exorcist has a halo of ridicule, but that is not the ability.

The five generals were curious and looked forward to it.

In their anticipation, Tang Luo raised his hand, volleyed, and gently pressed down.

All the demons that rushed over fell into the ground all at once, unable to move, and even the waving tentacles fit tightly against the body.

"All right."

Don Luo said, "They can't move."

"Is this so-called taunt?"

"Just tell me if you laughed at it."

"Yes, that's ridicule." What can the other five generals do?

Of course it was the thumbs up that praised Tang Luo for his strong sarcasm.

The ridicule of others was at best to let the demon hunt them.

Tang Luo's ridicule for this Nima is repression!

The five generals could feel the place where the demons were permeated.

Even if Tang Luo had retracted his hand, the power was still circling and did not dissipate.

If they rush in, the end is probably the same as this group of demons, kneeling in the ground on the spot, can't lift their heads at all.

Didn't hear the voice of the "Exorcist" gone?

You know, the demon will stop issuing this wailing whine only when the fighting is the most intense.

There is no doubt that all the demons, including the only two medium demons remaining, are struggling.

DuPont looked at the picture and suddenly wanted to shout, "Come on! The demons buried in the ground!"

But he didn't dare to say that he was afraid he would be buried like the demons when he shouted.

Anyway, now the devil is not in place, they are free time.

Buried in the ground is also within the scope of free movement.

No hand was reached, but now Tang Luo can maintain the power of the "big handprint".

Lightly mock these demons.

Next, just wait.

"If you're busy, you can practice it yourself ..." Tang Luo said, "Don't start too hard." By the way reminded.

"How is it going?"

Tang Luo sat on the clean stone, closed his eyes, looked like he was taking a nap, but was actually contacting Zhu Bajie and others.

"Master, it's hard to say a word," Pig Bajie said.

"Yeah, it's so filthy, I can't bear to look straight." Ao Yulie exaggerated, "Master, the public toilet, Master! It's just a public toilet!"

"Huh?" Tang Luo raised his tone slightly.

"No, I mean the Holy Order. The seemingly pure Holy Order is simply a public toilet!" Ao Yulie hurriedly corrected his wrong speech.

Avoid being thrown into public toilets in the future.

During this time, Ao Yulie, who was always out, had an additional task besides looking for demons and sacred hearts, which was to investigate the holy group.

During this period, in addition to the daily tasks, the Holy Group sent some exorcists and field staff to look for the "missing" pig Bajie and others.

Although Tang Luo said they were just going to fight the devil.

But how can the Holy Group let these exorcists wander outside, naturally they should look for it.

As a result, they also started investigating the holy order.

The plan was two-pronged. Tang Luo was rising inside the clergy, and they were watching the clergy from the outside.

When needed, pinch back and forth.

The holy order can only obey and let Tang Luo do whatever they want to do.

Then, after some investigation, Zhu Bajie found that the holy group was different from what was originally imagined.

At first, everyone felt that the Holy Order was a strong organization.

However, this organization is very complicated, which is dozens of times more complex than it appears.

As we all know, the saints are up to a seven-member parliament and an alliance of seven "golden fathers".

The seven golden master fathers clearly come from those powerful giant families.

Two of them are the founders of the Holy Group, which lasted for thousands of years and are enduring.

Later the five "golden masters" were added one after another.

At the latest, the Lord of the Kings has been supporting the Holy Order for more than 200 years.

However, this is not the case. There are not seven simple families behind the Holy Order.

In the passage of time, the original wealthy families have long disappeared into the long river of history, and all that remains is an empty shell with a false name.

Moreover, the legislators acting under the name of the XX family are not the true blood of that family at all.

Except for the last family, the other families have long been completely replaced.

Not only is it a simple replacement, but various forces have stepped in, and you sing me on the stage.

As Ao Yulie said, there are many people in public toilets.

As for the last Sith family, which is also in danger at present, this family has accumulated huge wealth before.

He also had the arrogance of aristocracy, and felt that he was the father of the Lord of the Holy Group, but failed to keep up with the times.

Today, it is necessary to maintain a decent life and sell the priesthood every year by selling off the property of the ancestors.

All kinds of forces are waiting for the last members of the Sith family to fall down on them and reach into the holy group.

Behind the holy group, there are not seven gold daddy.

The politicians, big businessmen, and powerful families of various countries all stand behind their backs and show interest.

Why are you interested? It is natural that the holy order allows them to take advantage.

After so many years of the Holy Order, its own power has also expanded to a certain extent, and members of the Holy Order can freely enter and leave any country without any restrictions.

No restrictions here are truly unconstrained.

Bring whatever you want, just report your time and personnel.

Just this one item drools many forces.

In addition, the Holy Order itself can bring huge benefits. The Department of Scientific Equipment, Exorcists, and field personnel are all great wealth.

It can be said that in addition to the core exorcist and the scientific equipment department.

The rest of the departments have been staffed by major capitals and forces, even the logistic cafeteria.

Everyone trades with each other for mutual benefit, and at the same time guarantees the prosperity of the Holy Group.

At the highest parliament, seven members were merely a symbol of being pushed to the front desk.

The holy order is a community of many interests, huge monsters of power and capital.

As for the exorcist and the scientific equipment department, it is difficult to install personnel, because these two have high requirements on people.

What is needed is talent.

However, talent cannot be easily inserted, but they can become their people through various means.

Many members of the scientific equipment department actually put themselves into the arms of some forces.

Only the exorcist remained pure.

Because many examples have proved that if a devil is fallen in the normal sense, it is corrupted by money and enjoyment.

It will not be long before he can continue to resonate with the divine heart.

Finally disqualified and become ordinary people.

The exorcist is a sharp blade against the demon. If the sharp blade is corroded, it will no longer be a sharp blade. Lost value will only be abandoned.

And everyone also knows that once there is no sharp blade, the devil might sweep over and destroy humanity.

Even short-sighted people will be shot dead by a group of people.

The head steward and deputy head of the Holy Order played a crucial role in it.

He must not only balance the forces of all parties, but also ensure that the general direction of the Holy Group is absolutely not skewed or deviated.

It can be seen that Bouyse's bull.

"Master, how do you say we came into contact with the Sith family and became the gold father of the Holy Group?" Zhu Bajie said with great interest that the teacher was famous.

Fighting with people is endless.

Especially when I am very strong: I play with you on the surface, and once I ca n’t play, I just flip the table and think about it.

"Yes," said Tang Luo.

I control the exorcist, and you become a powerful father of gold.

Two blossoms, two blossoms.


Gorgeous sparks bloom in the sky.

"Can't help it, Captain!" DuPont said aloud ~ ~ The number of demons around has increased to more than a thousand.

Looking around, all around are demons.

There are hundreds of medium demons in it.


The mix of wailing and growling sounded.

DuPont couldn't help it, and the demons couldn't help it.

"Oh, the Dharma is boundless."

Tang Luo folded his hands, and the demons buried in the soil instantly turned into dust.

"You guys are strengthened, come on."

With the death of the demon as a signal, the body was roaring everywhere, and the five generals raging with power rushed to the exorcists respectively.

Alas, wait, why did your summoner rush forward too?

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