Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 560: 10 steps!

Fortunately, the boundless Dharma just makes people think that they can "kill a cow with one punch", and it does not really make people **** and cannot control themselves.

So Celicia rushed forward two steps, awakened, and stopped immediately.

In retrospect, even if he felt that he could kill a cow with a punch.

Really, there is no way to kill a demon with one punch.

Celicia itself is relatively weak in combat capability, and a low-level demon can be dealt with easily.

However, it is more reluctant to deal with a medium demon, and it can only fight.

Several other people can easily tear the middle demons by hand.

Now strengthened Celicia can kill the medium demons, but the problem is that more than one medium demons rushed over.

A bunch of demons!

Stopped Celicia turned to Paradise Lost, pressed one hand against the open page, and whispered, "Come out, my shield."

With the whispers of Celicia, Paradise Lost exudes colorful light, and a tall man appears beside him.

Carrying a huge black sword, it was Holt.

"Protect me." Celicia ordered.

False Holt stood in front of Celicia, and the great sword in his hand was like a shield, enough to isolate most dangers.

Then, Celicia opened another page and reached down on it.

"Appear, my blade."

The false DuPont rushed towards the demons with flames.

Dupont glanced over there and said aloud, "Don't blow yourself up!"

"... I don't guarantee it if it is really dangerous," Celicia said calmly.

The summoned phantom has nothing to do with the deity, even if dead, it will not have any effect on the deity.

It will not increase with the strengthening of the deity.

But watching myself suddenly explode is definitely not an interesting experience.

And according to the gossip, Celesia seems to like to let DuPont explode, even if it is not necessary.

In his words, it is easy and powerful.

DuPont stated that it should not be believed at first.

The two DuPonts rushed through the demons and soon showed a difference.

DuPont is rampant there, and false DuPont has fallen into the quagmire, which caused this phenomenon, although there is a reason for the strength of the two.

Another important factor is that the real DuPont has been strengthened by Don Lowe.

Celicia soon discovered this serious problem.

Tang Luo's gain in power is his own gain.

But there is no gain to the phantom he summoned, that is, the phantom he summoned has no difference in combat effectiveness.

Did not get any enhancements.

"... Are I going to play too?" Celicia secretly said in his heart.

"Continue calling, just two people, how can you become stronger without squeezing yourself?" Tang Luo's voice sounded behind his back.

Celicia froze and woke up like a dream.

Yeah, he has always been reserved, but now he is full of power and can continue to summon.

The benefit of strength enhancement is not reflected in the strength of summoning phantoms, but in the number of summoners he can summon, and the duration!

"Come out!"

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

Exorcists appeared one after another with the whispers of Celicia.

Soon, Celicia reached the limit of 15 normal summons.

Usually at this time, Celicia is already quite exhausted and must keep her strength to deal with unexpected situations.

But now Celicia feels that the number of 15 is not his limit at all, he wants more!

18 pcs!




More and more exorcists have appeared, and the summoned phantom warriors have reached 30.

Only then did Celicia start to pant.

"Not enough! My goal is to cut a hundred people!" Celicia shouted, the colorful glare on Paradise Lost was even more brilliant.

40, 50, 60!

Celicia knelt, half-knelt on the ground, extremely exhausted, which was already his current limit.

Summoned again, without mentioning the issue of self-protection, the original Phantom Warrior could not continue to maintain.

"It's forty, but next time, next time ..." Celicia whispered, **** with his right fist, swearing.

"What next time, dare to be lazy? Just this time, hurry up!" Don Luo's voice interrupted Celicia again.

At the same time, a warm current fell from the sky and flowed through the body.


From the strongest adjuvant treatment!

"I'm alright!" Celicia stood up, exhausted, and boundlessly Dharma!

"I want to summon a thousand!"

With grand words and lofty aspirations, Celicia knelt again when he called 80.

Summon later, the difficulty can be described as rising straight.


A fluttering voice came, and Celicia stood up again: "I can!"



Only one step away from the hundred, Celicia summoned another and said, "One hundred! I succeeded!"

"No," Tang Luo reminded indifferently, "five phantoms have died."

"What?" Celicia woke up dreamily, and he focused on the summons without even noticing that the phantom he summoned was kneeling a few times.

In other words, he is not good yet.

"It looks like I have a long way to go," said Celicia. "Captain Donlow, please support me to the end!"

Tang Luo didn't speak, looking at the other side.

Dupon, this guy has the wildest fighting, the most kills, and the fastest physical exertion. He is now kneeling.

Seeing a moderate demon bit his head off.

Tang Luo raised his hand gently and opened the treatment.

DuPont's flame fist blasted the head of the medium demon: "My uncle DuPont can fight another 500 years!"

At the same time go to the demon next to you.


The crisp whip sounded, and DuPont yanked his hand back and looked at Clement: "It hit me!"

"Stupid." Clement said concisely.

"That's ..."

"That's it." Lola appeared next to DuPont, then disappeared, and sent DuPont a moderate demon by the way.


Dupont obediently closed his mouth and went to sting the medium demon.

The reason is simple. The demon he was about to blast is green.

Of course, demons cannot be green. They are black in both body and tentacles.

There was only one reason to become green, which was to be infected by the "poison" on Clement's whip, and temporarily became Clement's puppet.

DuPont's behavior just now is "beating my teammates."

Except for DuPont's wild fighting style, he knelt once early.

The other three generals also maintained considerable combat effectiveness.

Holt defensively, the number of demons around him was the largest, and waves followed him like waves.

The black giant sword in his hand draws a shadow of the road with completely inconsistent appearance.

Between the waves, a demon died under the blade, a demon was slaped by a sword, and a demon's attack was blocked by a wide blade.

Holt stood like this, motionless, like a reef in the waves.

He killed the second largest number of enemies. If it wasn't for the demons to turn into powder after the death, the corpses would be piled up into hills.

This is so, a thin layer of ash appeared under Holt's feet.

Around Clement, there was a group of green low-level demon arch guards, and the green whip waved from the gap in the middle of the demon.

Mixed in the tentacles of the devil itself, invincible.

The low-level demons were directly torn apart, and the middle-level demons would lose their combat power if they were caught.

She and the demons around her kept moving, reducing the pressure of the siege.

Unlike Celicia, who can summon a bunch of phantom warriors, there are only five demons Clement can control, and they are all lower demons.

A medium demon can only control one.

Most of its combat effectiveness is in itself.

That slowly moving attitude is indeed very queen-like.

As for Lola, worthy of the name of the demon monster Ji, she was constantly flashing on the field, almost as a regular means of movement, and would not stay in the same place for more than 10 seconds.

However, Tang Luo can see that this is actually a blind eye method, and his true body is hiding in a relatively safe corner.

The flashing people on the field are fake ghosts.

But the attack was real and very powerful.

The five generals, each with their own means, combined together to erupt a powerful fighting force.

Coupled with Tang Luo's "strength gain", he can light up the healing at any time, respectively, the defense gain (iron armor, blessing to Holt), the concealment gain (stealth, to Celicia), flying Gain (Flying Sky Rune, given to DuPont, making him a bomber).

In DuPont's words, "I'm DuPont, and we are willing to call us the strongest at this moment!"

However, the situation is not optimistic.

Although the number of demons killed by the five generals since the beginning of the war has exceeded the total number of demons killed by them in the past two years.

But the number of demons around was only slightly reduced. Around the valley, there are still demons constantly appearing to add in.

DuPont, who was flying in the sky, looked around, and saw demons appearing in all directions, converging.

It's like the tributaries converge on the main road, and it's like the ants are coming home.

Not only that, but among the incoming demons, the number of medium demons has surpassed that of lower demons.

DuPont swears that this is the first time in his life that he has seen so many medium demons.

"Unstoppable ..." DuPont made his judgement, and it was very accurate.

Even if they have power gains ~ ~ various gains cannot be blocked.

Unless Tang Luo can give them continuous treatment indefinitely.

But is this possible?

"Captain, let me go." DuPont looked at Tang Luo and almost fell to the ground.

Just now they have been concentrating on the battle, without paying attention to Tang Luo's side.

It has just been discovered that the situation facing Tang Luo is no easier than them.

Around Tangluo, more than twenty medium demons kept attacking and roaring, and were mixed with a large number of black whip shadows, just like falling rain.

Then Tang Luo sat like that.

Continue to sit on the flat and clean stone just now, without moving or resisting.

There is no way for him.

With him as the center, ten steps away, all demons and all attacks must not advance!

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