Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 875: Enter the heavens!

Yes, it ’s good to have more troops! Add him a hundred million first!

The more soldiers, the more happy Tang Luo was.

In addition to killing the bones, the Yin soldiers will also provide a lot of merit.

Different from the Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Classics of Heaven. Ghost soldiers are special products that have been transformed. Those who are treacherous and evil in front of them will be transformed into ghost soldiers and become cold-blooded and ruthless cruel.

In the flood of yin soldiers rushed in this way, the yin soldier occupying the bull's head is particularly prominent as the only "counter current".

Taurus does not know why he is still alive, it may be because there are too many soldiers around and the living environment is favorable.

In short, it is a good thing to be alive, run fast, run away and have a hint of vitality.

However, without waiting for the bull head to run far, the red horse suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and then his body suddenly tightened and was **** by the mixed tent.

The tied bull's head was used as a meteor's hammer and smashed at the other soldiers.

Temporarily sweeping out an "open space", Nezha drew the dying bull's head to his eyes: "Where is Sun Wutian?"

Hun Tianyi waved around, overturning the surrounding soldiers.

"I was caught by King Qin Guang. I don't know where, I really don't know!" Niutou shouted.

"Where is your place?" Nezha continued to ask, "Take me!"

King Qin Guang established the prefecture in this world, six reincarnations, but the location of the prefecture does not mean that it must be underground.

"Yes Yes!"

Taurus didn't dare to have any hesitation, and promised again and again.

At this moment, the sky that was originally enveloped in yin suddenly changed from gray and black to black and red.

In the sky, a magnificent city suddenly appeared, and the white-bone city wall was filled with black and red mist.

A large number of ghost soldiers flew out of the city, densely packed, occupying all the surrounding space.

All sides were completely filled by Yin soldiers, leaving no gaps.

The densely packed soldiers squeezed together, and their bodies began to distort, making a sound of infiltrating ghosts.

"It's so noisy."

With the wave of the mysterious halberd in Tang Luo's hand, the surging force condensed into a huge halberd, and stabbed to the side, tearing the encirclement of the Yin soldier suddenly, and a safe passage appeared.

The wind and thunder surged and screamed, forcibly interrupting the ghost soldier's cry.

However, Tang Luo withdrew the halberd of the metamorphosis, and the gap was quickly filled.

There are more than a million soldiers around.

Moreover, Nezhe could feel that in the flying bone city, the Yin soldiers opened their way again, and a large number of Yin soldiers were entering this world.

King Qin Guang looks very arrogant, but he is actually a person who can listen to opinions, not the kind of arrogant and arrogant arrogant.

Upstairs of the White Bone City, King Qin Guang really appeared, wearing a black gold robe with long beards, and very majestic appearance.

One step behind, there were two men in the same two-tone gold robes.

There is no need to be white, and there is an infiltrating and wicked atmosphere in the feminine, and the hair and beard are red with a beard, and it is full of anger.

The two were the **** king and the king of the city, and the king of the ten palaces relied on the king Qin Guang, who belonged to the two kings in his camp.

From the stand point of view, it can be seen that there is a clear distinction between upper and lower.

King Qin Guang not only continued to increase troops in accordance with the opinion of Niutou, but also directly approached the **** king and the king of the city to join forces to help out.

It is bound to take down this enemy of heaven.

As for reporting to heaven, King Qin Guang did not do it. If he did that, the credit would not be entirely theirs.

As soon as he raised his hand, the siege soldiers besieging Tang Luo and Nezha faded like tide water, and returned to the surrounding siege soldiers.

There is only one female soldier occupying by the bull's head is still **** by the mixed gods.

King Qin Guang frowned, recognizing that the Yin soldier was actually a bull's head.

Nezha looked at the Bone Bone City, and the mixed sky moved like a forest entanglement, strangling the bull's head completely, and he no longer needed to lead the way.

Because Nazhe saw Sun Wutian in the city of the White Bone City.

There was only one monkey skull head hanging on it, and a little remnant inside was like a candle in the wind. The skull monkey's head is covered with scars and cracks, as if it will break and dry in the next breath.

"Courageous!" Look

Wherever he went, King Qin Guang's hair fluttered and he shouted loudly.

The reason for his anger was not the death of the bull head, but the death of the bull head was hitting his face.

There is no nonsense, and the book of life and death is in hand. King Qin Guang took out a writing brush. The pen tip was not black ink, but was stained with blood.

Open the book of life and death, and the blood-colored pen stroked lightly on it, leaving a trace of blood-color.

There was a clinking chain clinking in the void.

When the King of the Ten Palaces face to face, using the book of life and death, naturally does not need to know the name.

The **** king and the king of the city closely followed the steps of the king Qin Guang, and also took out the deputy volume of the book of life and death, at the same time.

The sound of the chain collision came louder, mixed with the "singing and groaning" of the surrounding soldiers, such as magic sounds.

Let Nezha turn pale.

Each black chain hangs from the void, and the front end is a hook like a machete, stained with blood. There are still many souls and corpses hanging on the hooks of the chains. Residual souls and corpses did not seem to have died completely, but still wailed in pain.

Ecstasy chain strikes at Tang Luo and Nezha.

Nezha waved his hands in the sky, like the real dragon war group, blocking the shackle chain.

As for Tangluo, it is toward the Bone Bone City.

Whether it's the hangman chain that hanged and hanged, or the reincarnation of the invaders who just came back, it was just close to being smashed by the metamorphosis halberd.

Can't stop Tang Luo's footsteps, or even slow him down.

King Qin Guang's eyes squinted involuntarily, and the strength of the enemy of heaven was really terrible!

Without hesitation, he reached out to Tang Luo, behind which a high platform virtual image emerged, with a strange copper mirror on it. It was extremely solid and clearly visible. The reflection inside showed Tang Luo's appearance.

Sin Mirror Station!

King Qin Guang's palm lightly moved, the glare flashed, and the reflection in the mirror fell on Tang Luo.

Just nail it, nail it!

At the same time, the **** king and the king of the city shot.

The **** water surged, and the gigantic waves turned into a giant hand and grabbed at Tang Luo. Inside, there were all kinds of or rusty, or stained with dark **** torture.

In the Bronze Mirror of the Sinister Mirror, Tang Luo's reflection is even more ridiculous. He has blurred shadows twisted out of the mirror, accompanied by huge **** palms.

Sin appeared on the stage of Sin Mirror, entangled with the life and death of this deity, and perpetually perished!

Facing the joint of the three kings, Tang Luo did not raise the halberd of the mysterious metamorphosis, but raised his left hand.

Sin Jingtai's imprisonment did not play a small role, he was broken free.

There was a sound of overwhelming shattering from the mirrors.

Tang Luo opened his left finger with five fingers and shot forward.

Large glass nirvana handprints!

The palm shadow appeared in front of itself, slap in front of the **** giant palms, entangled evil bodies, Yin soldiers, soul chain, bone city.

Cover it with one palm, hold it with one palm!

Everything is broken before the big mudra!

King Qin Guang's body shook at the same time, behind the mirror mirror shattered instantly, the magical power was broken by Tang Luo with violence, he was backswept, and the injuries were not minor.

The big handprints came over, the five fingers gathered, and the bone-bound tower was crushed.

A large number of ecstasy chains were interwoven in the palm of the hand to form a hollow ball, which blocked the handprints and broke after a short time.

The three princes also took the opportunity to escape from the large mudra and retreat to the second half of the city.

The big handprints were recovered and disappeared. Tang Luo had Sun Wutian's skull in his hands, and a gleam of remnant flickered.

Utilizing merit Yulian, Tang Luo wanted to stabilize the residual soul.

The light spot suddenly burst into a strong light, and seemed to express something.

"Did you think about it?" Tang Luo paused and asked, frowning. "If you do this, even if I finally use the merit Yulian, the best place to go is just to return to nothing."

The light dot blinks twice, giving a response.

"Okay." Tang Luo was not persuading, the index finger of his left hand extended, and his fingertips burned with a translucent bright flame.

Glass flame.

The forefinger points on the skull of the skull, at the same time, the meritorious jade lotus emerges from the sky and sprinkles a warm brilliance.

The flame swept the entire skull and wrapped it.

The dazzling flames gradually form a body, and the flames become a body!

"The Dharma is boundless!"

A three-pronged approach, all three forces condensed onto Sun Wutian's residual soul.

In the burning flame of Tang Luokou, in the burning flame, Sun Wutian was wearing gold armor, holding a golden red stick in his hand, and looked at the three kings in the Bone City.


Roaring out of his mouth, he flew into a streamer and rushed to the three kings.

The soldiers in front of them were constantly torn, but there were too many soldiers.

When Sun Wutian's charge reached half, his speed slowed down.

Tang Luo reached out and grabbed: "Come here to die!"

The big handprints and ridicule were launched together, and the invaders who were still standing in front of Sun Wutian immediately dispersed, like a moth flinging at Tang Luo.

Including all the surrounding soldiers, they were also mocked by Tang Luo and rushed to his death.

At the same time, Tang Luo turned the metamorphosis into the shape of a sword and waved forward.

Jianguang flickered, forming a net, and flickered around Sun Wutian.

The hook chain appearing in the void was broken by Jianguang.

The life and death books in the hands of the three kings were torn apart, and thousands of fragments were flying in the sky, even the pens in their hands were broken into two pieces.

Turned into a pool of blood and fell down the palm of your hand.

In this way, the three books of life and death were destroyed by Tang Luo.


In front of him, Sun Wutian waved with a stick, and the glass flames were burning.

King Qin Guang was the first to bear the brunt, but he didn't know what method he used. Suddenly, he and the King of Chengcheng not far away changed shape and changed position.

Obviously the King of the City did not expect such a move, and hurriedly resisted. He was broken by a stick of Sun Wutian. On the remains, the glass flame ignited the last vitality and burned it into ashes.

The gods disappeared and the body died.

Kill King Wucheng, Sun Wutian never stops, kill King Yuguan.

The stick figures overlapped and struck away.

"What the **** are you looking for me! King Qin Guang is on the other side!" The **** yelled and tried to resist, at this time he could not care about the relationship with King Qin Guang.

It ’s normal for a disaster to fly.

Sun Wutian didn't bother to answer, he didn't have much time, and his offensive became more fierce and violent.

The eunuch's cries were endless. He was not good at such close-killing, but the opponent was getting stronger and stronger, and it was hard to resist.

Hesitating for a moment, the difference between thoughts didn't even give him a chance to escape.

He was smashed to death by Sun Wutian.

Killing the **** again, Sun Wutian looked at King Qin Guang.

Qin Guangwang's angry smile appeared on his face, but instead of looking at Sun Wutian, he looked at Tang Luo: "You are fine!"

With his words ~ ~ Bone Bone City turned and tumbling, the whole city squeezed towards Tang Luo, Sun Wutian and Nezha.

A cage of bones was formed, and a portal appeared behind King Qin Guang.

His figure retreated to the portal and began to become transparent.

Behind the portal is the base camp heaven.

Once you return, sit back and relax!

Sun Wutian chased King Qin Guang, but was surrounded by a large number of bones and his movement was blocked.

Seeing that King Qin Guang was about to be born, Tang Luo waved his sword, the huge black sword shadow cut through the sky, and the cage formed by the White Bone City turned into the sky.

King Qin Guang just happened to leave and returned to heaven.

The portal was flickering, and it was about to disappear. Tang Luo grabbed it with his left hand, and the majestic strength took Sun Wutian, holding the portal that was about to close.

Enter the heavens!

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