Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 876: Like you

"Damn shit!"

Outside the Nantian Gate, King Qin Guang wolf howled, and the gatekeeper saw that he was King Qin Guang, and returned to a non-squint attitude.

Most of the heavenly gods entered the heavenly court, and most of them could not appear directly in the heavenly court. They would only enter the heavenly court through the heavenly gate outside the four northwestern gates.

Otherwise, anyone can appear directly in the court of heaven. Where can the court's force be placed?

In addition, except for a few people in the heaven, the other gods are not allowed to fly.

The embarrassed King Qin Guang exhaled a cloud of breath, and was about to reorganize his appearance and report to the heavens. Afterwards, his calm face turned into a panic, and he turned to look behind his back involuntarily.

Behind him, the originally supposedly closed portal was squeezed open by a huge force, supporting it, and violent power surged in.

At the center of the vortex of power, Sun Wutian, who was burning the glazed flames, appeared, grinning at King Qin Guang, exposing sharp canine teeth: "You run."


King Qin Guang transformed himself into golden light, desperately rushed into the heavens from Nantianmen, and the extremely glorious Tianmen Guanghua flashed and put King Qin Guang into it.

He was not afraid of Sun Wutian, but the white-haired demon Tang Xuanzhang behind Sun Wutian!

King Qin Guang fled, and the sixteen heavenly soldiers around Nantianmen also moved, and their lances were stabbed together.

The sky gun strikes to Xiang Wutian.

Sun Wutian swept his long stick, and the thunder struck, interrupting his spear. The long stick swept across the heavenly soldiers, struck them as many as possible, and chased King Qin alone.

Just at the moment near Nantianmen, Sun Wutian's violent figure suddenly stopped, and even the glazed flames that formed the hair were stagnant, and the fear of terror came.

Tianwei was like prison, suppressing Sun Wutian hardly.

The heavenly soldiers outside Nantianmen are actually just "decoration", and the portal of heaven is naturally protected by a large array.


The heavens and the earth changed color, and the flames rose from the void, condensing into a giant bird, making a tweet, and flying towards Sun Wutian.

The four heavenly gates and the four elephants protect the law.

Nantianmen is the protection of Suzaku.

The falling Suzaku is like a bright red sun, and Sun Wutian should be completely evaporated without leaving a trace.


Sun Wutian issued a roar of beasts roaring, but was unable to break the imprisonment.

The heavenly array, if it is so easy to break free, it doesn't need to exist.

Seeing Suzaku descending from his head, Sun Wutian was going to be buried in the sea of ​​fire, and the force supporting the portal suddenly formed a huge palm, grasping Suzaku.

Large glass nirvana handprints!

Tang Luo shook it in the air, as if searching for a sac, grabbing the flame suzaku in his hand, and gently slamming it.

Suzaku, like a red sun, is smashed into a green smoke by chance and rises.

Not only that, the big handprint held up banged towards Nantianmen with the punching action of Tang Luo on the other side.

A loud roar, and the diffused impact ripples scattered the clouds around Nantianmen, revealing its golden and glorious buildings.

There were cracks on Bai Yunan's Tianmen, and they collapsed.

Under one punch, a quarter of the Sixiang array was destroyed, and even the entire Nantianmen was smashed.

Sun Wutian immediately got out of trouble and went after the terrified King Qin Guang.

A large looming fingerprints behind him covered Sun Wutian, cleaning up obstacles for him.

A group of immortals could not avoid it, and did not dare to strike their edge.

Qin Guang Wang Hanmao flew straight and did not dare to stop at all. Jinguang shuttled between the gorgeous buildings.

Sun Wutian ignored it and ran rampant all the way.

All the buildings in front of him were destroyed by him. Although these buildings are sturdy, they are not protected by special formation methods. Naturally, they can't stop the now aggressive Sun Wutian.

In a few blinks, Sun Wutian, who was on a straight line, caught up with King Qin Guang.

A long stick in his hand smashed the fleeing King Qin Guang: "Dead!"

There was a golden light on the ground, showing the appearance of King Qin Guang, and a shallow pit appeared on the ground.

King Qin Guang was smashed on the ground with a stick, trapped inside, and died, but his vitality was tenacious and he did not die.

Sun Wutian's fierce spirit did not reduce his score by half, so another stick was needed to completely kill King Qin Guang.

The one-hundred-meter giant screamed at the wind and slammed Sun Wutian with a punch.

Heavenly Giant Spirit God!

But it is not the former giant spirit god, but the new giant spirit god. The former giant spirit **** mixed with some immortal remnants of heaven to become the king of twisted yellow clothes.

No exceptions were made by Tang Luoduo, let them succeed in liberation.

Before waiting for the giant fist's fist to fall, Tang Luo took a big handprint and drew it on his back, as if flying a rather large fly.

The giant spirit **** flew out, smashing the unknown buildings along the way, and hit a long and narrow ruin.

Sun Wutian's stick also happened to fall on King Qin Guang.

The body of King Qin Guang exploded into a cloud of blood, and the spirit was killed by a stick. He died completely, and there was no possibility of resurrection.


With a swift shout, all the soldiers will be "late" and form a circle.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely sharp army of soldiers tore through the sky, plunged into the road dozens of meters in front of Sun Wutian, and mostly fell into the ground.

A powerful hand grasped the long handle, pulled out the magic soldier, and aimed at Sun Wutian.

The front end of the magic soldier has a three-fork knife shape, and the blade has blades on both sides. It is a three-pointed two-blade knife!

The sword holder is tall and mighty, with a vertical line on his brows, just like the true emperor of the court today!

Seeing a big war is about to break out.

Sun Wutian laughed, the stick in his hand stood beside him, and the glazed flame suddenly burst out, burning it completely.

In the raging flames, Sun Wutian laughed and disappeared, and at last only a tiny hair was floating in the air.

Grasp the big handprints, seize the last fine hair left by Sun Wutian, and retreat and disappear.

Before disappearing, it seemed to give a thumbs up.

Xian Sheng Zhenjun was frightened, holding a three-pointed, two-edged sword, but didn't take any action. "Look open" and watched the big fingerprint disappear, which was forcedly closed without closing the portal.

Looking at the shallow pit on the ground and a pool of blood, Xian Shengzhen was silent for two seconds and turned to leave.

Instead, he entered a nearby teleport and went to the Ling Xiao Palace in the center of heaven.

The heavenly court is extremely vast, and a world of ordinary size cannot be compared to it. Not every **** has the ability to cross the heavenly court.

Like the most common heaven soldier, if you don't rely on the teleportation array, you may not be able to run from Nantianmen to Beitianmen after all your life.

If you want to move quickly in different areas of heaven, you need to rely on the teleportation array.

From when Qin Guang appeared at Nantianmen until he was killed by Sun Wutian with two sticks, the time was really short.

Tianbing Tianjiang, Giant Spirit God, and Xiansheng Zhenjun came at a very fast speed.

Using the teleportation array, Xian Sheng Zhenjun sought Supreme Master Haotian before coming to Lingxiao Palace.

Just now he was going to pursue, but the voice of Supreme Emperor Haotian sounded and stopped him.

And called him here.

Soon, Xiansheng Zhenjun was introduced into the Ling Xiao Palace by the fairy child, not in the main hall position, but in a fairyland garden.

Supreme Emperor Haotian, dressed in white, with loose hair, looks like an ordinary middle-aged beautiful man.

He was sitting in the gazebo with a chessboard in front of him, and there was an old man with an immortal bone on the opposite side, and they were playing against each other.

"Meet Your Majesty, and have met His Holiness the Taibai."

"Zhenjun hasn't seen you for a long time." The old man who played against the Jade Emperor, Taibai Venus, dropped his last son, stood up, said hello, and stepped aside.

The Jade Emperor looked at Xiansheng Zhenjun: "I wouldn't let you chase, is it a bit displeasing?"

"Dare to," said Xian Shengzhen.

"Oh, that's displeased." The Jade Emperor smiled softly, "The reason you don't let you chase is for your good. Now you are not the demon monk opponent, and rushing to catch up will hinder your way."

"..." Xiansheng Zhenjun said nothing.

What this means is that he not only can't beat each other, he can even be beaten out of his mind, psychological shadow?

"The demon monk Tang Xuanzhang, the demon monkey Sun Wukong, and my stubborn nephew Yang Yang." Said the emperor, "the former emperor Xiansheng Zhenjun. These three are the opponents you will definitely face and surpass in the future. You will need to sharpen it before time. "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Xian Sheng Zhenjun lowered his proud head and answered with a bow.

"Well, you can understand in your heart, let's go." Jade Emperor waved his hand. "It's just a small door, what a thing."

A slight sound came, followed by the birds' tweet.

The destroyed buildings in the heavenly court, including Nantianmen and the protection of the Suzaku, have been restored in the hands of the Jade Emperor.

It seems that as the emperor said, it's just a small matter.

It's as if a bear child knocked over some decorations, and it was done when he lifted it up.

Adults also accounted for this trivial matter to chase bear children, and passed with a smile.

I'm afraid this is why the Supreme Emperor Haotian simply didn't come out.

Xian Sheng Zhenjun left, and the Jade Emperor looked at the chessboard, on which his chess pieces killed Taibaijinxing's pieces and defeated them, a great victory.

There was no mood of joy in my heart.

Looking at Taibai Venus, the Jade Emperor said unpleasantly, "What are you doing there! Can I still anger you?"

"Your Majesty, the demon monk Tang Xuanzhang is so arrogant that we are not as good as we--" The breath of Taibai Venus Fengxiandao bones is not there, and he even stroked his throat, even a few dog legs. .

"Hum!" Jade Emperor snorted, "If it weren't for my inconvenience, how would you let him mess around!"

On the surface, Jade Emperor is very peaceful, in fact—just kidding!

Tang Luo's collapse of Nantianmen is the same as stepping on Tiantian's face.

It was just that when Tang Luo's great handprint power poured in, the Jade Emperor pondered a little, with the thought of "I want to see what strength you are now", without directly doing it.

Sit tight at the Diaoyutai, and watch what Tang Luo can toss out.

Unexpectedly, Tang Luo went all the way to protect Sun Wutian into the heavens, letting him kill King Qin.

At this moment, Jade Emperor was embarrassed.

At this time, he had two choices before him. One was to go straight to the point of destroying the dead, showing the absolute power of thunder, killing the madmen, and correcting it.

The second is the current choice of Jade Emperor ~ ~ turning this matter into a trivial matter.

It means that the Supreme Emperor Haotian didn't take it seriously.

Jade Emperor chose the latter, because the result of the shot was not to kill the madmen with the force of destruction.

He and Tang Luo really fought in Tianting. The biggest possibility was that they could not do anything to each other, and even suffered a defeat. For Jade Emperor, it was a matter of majesty.

This will absolutely not work.

The emperor had lost the battle with the people in the imperial city.

As a result, there was also a move for people to leave and invite Xian Sheng Zhenjun to talk and set Tang Luo as their enemies.

This is a junior whetstone, and it's normal for me not to do it.

This is why Tang Luo gave his thumbs up before he left. It is indeed the jade emperor who has the ability to hide his talents and has a fortitude.

I like you, Xuanzang Tang.

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