When an Zhike opened his eyes again, the fog had dissipated.

She slowly opened her eyes. The sun was dazzling outside.

Ann Zhike lay on the street where people came and went, but no one looked at her at all.

The decoration here is very strange, not like city A.

City a is well-developed, with many tall buildings everywhere, but there are only five floors at the top.

The clothes on the passers-by also look like they were more than ten years ago, and the style is very old.

An Zhike was surprised and immediately stood up to ask someone for clarification.

But she held out her hand and found that she was transparent and could not hold others at all.

"What's the matter? Can anyone answer me?" an Zhike shouted anxiously, but nobody paid attention.

She is like an independent space. No one can see her and hear her.

Ann Zhike panicked and ran in the street.

Where is this? Where is this?

An Zhike ran but wondered. Although this place is different from city a, it makes her feel very familiar.

She just kept running, running, running in the street.

Finally, she knew the answer.

This is city a 20 years ago.

This must have been twenty years ago.

Because she saw the community where her home was located, as well as a series of familiar shops such as cake shop and snack shop at the door of the community.

Although the decoration has changed a lot, she knows that's her family's community. There must be nothing wrong.

She remembered very clearly that a shop in front of the street was renovated at the end of the year. The sugar cake in that shop was her favorite, and there would be no shop in the next year.

Later, I always regretted it and blamed myself for not eating more times.

So yes, it must have been 20 years ago, when I was only six years old.

I don't know what my six-year-old looks like. Those who exist in the old photos are now strange. Those old photos don't know how long they have been in the cabinet at home and how much dust they have received.

At this time, an Zhike was only excited and excited. She completely forgot why she went back to twenty years ago, or everything was just a dream. At this time, she was only anxious to go home.

Probably because of fate, as soon as she entered the community, she saw her father leading her out.

At that time, I was really funny and cute. I was wearing a pink coat, a pigtail and a yellow hat.

Being held by his father was restless, and kept nagging next to his father.

"Dad, Dad, I don't know if there's any more of the baby's favorite sugar cake. Let's go and have a look."

Ann's father hooked his daughter's small nose, smiled and said, "you snack goods, didn't you say to accompany dad to the park? How do you think about turning sugar cakes as soon as you go out."

"Dad, Dad," shaking his big hand with his small hand, "let's go and have a look."

"Okay, okay"

A father and daughter happily walked into the cake shop. An Zhike stood behind them and looked at his childhood. He jumped up happily because of a sugar cake, but he was speechless.

Life is probably like this. You will forget your original intention as long as you live.

Sure enough, when father and daughter came out again, Ann dad had a bag of small cakes in his hand.

The young an Zhike bounced ahead, while the old an Zhike was already in tears and followed silently.

The park still exists, but Anzhi hasn't lived with her parents for a long time. I don't know if her elderly parents will come to the park without her.

An Zhike's eyes are full of memories.

After walking in the park for about half an hour, Xiao an Zhike suddenly saw a little boy with small stature and beautiful eyebrows lying on the park bench, shivering on the bench.

Although it is just the beginning of spring, it is the cold world in the late spring, and there is a trace of shade in the breeze.

"Dad, is the little boy sick lying on the chair with so few clothes?"

"Good boy, can you point to others casually? Come on, let's go and have a look."

With that, Ann's father took Xiao an Zhike's hand and walked towards the bench.

"Child, child, what's the matter with you? Why don't you lie here and go home?"

The little boy didn't speak, but sat up with an aggrieved face.

Ann dad saw his expression and felt a little reluctant. He reached out and touched the little boy's forehead, but then he was startled.

"Ah, boy, you have a fever. Your forehead is so hot. Where is your home? I'll take you home first."

Although the boy sat up, he still didn't speak.

He looked at the father and daughter in front of him and tried to cheer up.

"Uncle, can I go home with you and live in your house?" the boy's voice was weak and looked weak, as if he was going to be confused.

Ann's father hesitated to hear him say so.

"Dad, Dad, what are you hesitating about? Let's take him home quickly. Isn't he very ill." Xiao an Zhike spoke aside.

"But I can't just take him home. His parents may be looking for him."

"But, Dad, he's very uncomfortable now. Let's cure him first and then help him find his parents, Dad."

"Okay, okay"

Ann's father listened to his daughter's words, no longer hesitated, picked up the little boy and ran home.

Ann Zhi behind her is a little suspicious, because these childhood facts are too long ago, and her parents have never mentioned them. She has completely forgotten them.

The boy returned home with a high fever. An Zhike's mother bought vegetables and came back to see the little boy with a high fever on the sofa.

They were busy wetting the towel to cool the child. Ann's parents asked Ann Zhike to stare aside. When the towel was hot, they put it on their forehead again. They hurried to find antipyretic drugs.

An Zhike looked at the little boy obediently, stared at him, and reached out to touch the temperature of the towel on his forehead.

The little boy is very good-looking, angular, and fair skinned, but he is heroic.

One afternoon passed, the boy's high fever disappeared, and Ann's father and mother were sweating.

"No, let's take the child to the hospital. Why doesn't the fever go back?"

"Well, I was afraid he would catch a cold again. Now I can't help it. Go and find a thick coat to put on the child. Let's go now."


Ann's parents took the boy to the hospital. Xiao an Zhike stayed at home alone.

Looking at the overall situation, an Zhike watched the little people sitting at the dining table at home, lying on the table with their faces against their arms, waiting for their parents.

Anzhi couldn't help but sit down with her. She didn't know if she was afraid now. She was still such a small child.

Even though she knew she didn't exist, she couldn't help reaching out and touching the soft little hair in front of the child's forehead.

She vaguely remembers that when she was a child, she was very timid not to eat greedily. At this time, it was still so dark outside her home. She would be afraid.

Sure enough, as she expected, Xiao an Zhike stood up and quickly ran to the kitchen, but he returned to the table with a bag of sugar cake in a minute.

"If you eat so late, you're not afraid of insects."

Ann Zhike doesn't know what's wrong with her. Although she knows that Xiao Zhike can't hear her, she still can't help reminding her.

No way, she remembers that when she was 16, she was in great trouble because of the bug teeth, which always hurt for a long time.

"You are a child who has been disobedient since childhood and still likes to act like a spoiled child. Your parents can't help you in the future."

At that time, her parents always said that it was because she loved sugar and cake when she was a child and didn't change when she grew up, so she became what she is now.

"If you know that you will become what I am now when you grow up, will you be sad and angry? Is my life very bad now? I have forgotten my original dream."

"If it were you, how would you do a lot of things? Would you be like me?"

Xiao an knew that she could hear her talking. She lay on the table and waited for more than an hour. She couldn't help being sleepy, but she didn't want to go back to bed. Finally, she fell asleep on the table.

An Zhike sat next to her, stroking her baby silky hair and couldn't help laughing.

This feeling is really wonderful. Talk to yourself as a child. I know I am myself, but I don't want to be myself.

Xiao an knew that he could sleep unconscious later. He didn't know what had happened.

However, an Zhike knows, because Ann's father and mother came back after midnight. When they saw the drooling sleeping on the table, an Zhike didn't dare to make a sound.

Took her back to her bedroom.

"Fortunately, the fever is gone." Ann Dad took his daughter back and came out to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yes, the child's physique is really special, but his parents really don't care about their children. They look well dressed. How can they let their children freeze outside for so long and what can they do if they are frozen?"

"Yes, fortunately, I met Ke'er this afternoon, otherwise you didn't listen to what the doctor said. Even if you don't freeze to death and have a high fever, you'll be stupid."

"OK, take him to Ke'er's house, cover him with the quilt, and let's go to bed. We have to go to work tomorrow."

Ann dad answered and came back to the bedroom with the boy in his arms.

All the lights in the room were extinguished and the family went to sleep.

An Zhike is sitting on the sofa in the living room. Only at this time can he feel a little lonely.

She didn't know when she would wake up.

This is probably God's punishment for herself. She is now lying on the sofa at home like a transparent person.

Indeed, she did a lot of wrong things a while ago, which made her parents worry a lot. Now she really feels guilty when she wants to come.

The night is as quiet as water, but Ann knows that she hasn't slept all night.

I don't know what's going on with my parents. Do I let my parents worry about themselves again? And Gu Mo City, will someone find their suddenly disappear? Go to the water to save her.

Can I wake up from this dream 20 years ago only if someone saved me.

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