Xiao an knows that he feels itchy on his face, but he doesn't want to open his eyes.

She moved her nose, but it still itched.


Xiao an knows that he can't help but open his eyes.

Usually the bright sunshine outside the window will make her feel dazzling, but not today.

Because there was a face in front of her that blocked the sun.

She rubbed her eyes. She didn't expect to miss spring when she was so young, because she saw a handsome little boy.

The boy... Somehow, he looks familiar.

His eyes were big, black as the sea, his face was not very good, and his lips were not only pale but also cracked.


Xiao an knows that he can cover his mouth because he knows who the little boy in front of him is.

It's not her dream. The boy was the little boy she found when she went to the park with her father yesterday.

"What's the matter with me?" the boy's voice was very young, but it was calm and different from his age.

"Er. It's all right. Have you got rid of your fever?" Xiao an Zhike said, reaching out and touching the boy's forehead.

The boy was very sensitive and avoided the girl's hand. He replied faintly, "I'm fine."

"Oh, that's good." Xiao an knows that he can take back his hand and doesn't care.

"Did you save me yesterday? Thank you."

"Well, my father and I found you, but my parents took you to the hospital at night."

Xiao an Zhike said, as if he remembered something, just sat up and patted his forehead.

"Oh, I forgot. There's a etiquette class today."

"Have you washed?"

The boy shook his head.

"Come on, I'll take you."

The girl stretched out her little hand to the boy. The boy seemed hesitant, but finally he stretched out his hand to the girl.

They walked out of the room hand in hand.

Ann's parents are making breakfast outside.

"Oh, it's early today." Ann's mother came over and touched her daughter's bangs, then turned her head and looked aside.

"Son, do you still feel uncomfortable?"

"No, thank you, aunt."

"It's all right. Let's go and wash. Come over for dinner after washing."

"OK, mom." an Zhike's voice was clear and crisp. He took the little boy to wash.

Two, the population is foaming with brushing teeth, and ANN can turn around with doubts. "Yes, I don't know what your name is."

"My name is... A Cheng."

"Oh, ah Cheng, Hello, I'm an Zhike. Just call me Xiao Ke in the future."

The friendship between children can always be established very quickly. For example, now, maybe an Zhike only saved him because he felt sorry for him. Now he takes the initiative to make friends, probably because he thinks the boy is good-looking.

At the dinner table, Ann's mother has filled everyone's porridge.

"Child, you should drink more. Although you should eat light food when you are sick, you must be hungry the other day, so you have to drink more even if you drink porridge." Ann looked at the boy with concern.

"By the way, child, what's your name? Where are your parents?"

The boy heard Ann's father's question and put down the bowl.

"Look at you, you scared the children."

"No, don't get me wrong, son. My uncle would like you to live in my house, but as parents, I'm really worried that your parents can't find you."

"Uncle and aunt, my name is Acheng."


"It's okay, son. Don't say it if you don't want to, but you must consider your parents' feelings."

"It's not that I want to run away from home, but my parents don't want me..."

"Ah, you are such a sensible child. How can your parents bear it!"

"They say if I don't do what they say, I'm not their child and I don't deserve it."

"Alas," sighed Ann's father, "no wonder you were shivering on the park bench yesterday. Later, when we took you to the hospital, the doctor said for a long time that you had been frozen for a long time and didn't eat."

"Irresponsible parents are angry when they listen." Ann's mother angrily said.

"Well, don't say a word. The child must be unhappy." Ann's father stopped Ann's mother.

"Ah Cheng, you've been living at your uncle's house these days. This is your home. When your parents know they're in a hurry and know they're coming to you, will you go home?"

"Well, thank you, uncle."

"In this way, Xiao Ke will go to the etiquette class later. Let her aunt take you two. You can see if there is anything you like in the extracurricular class. You can also choose one and go out to relax."

"Well, thank you, uncle."

"All right, child, meeting is fate. Don't blame the word Xie on your mouth."

Ann Zhike, who was listening, was also very happy. This was the happiest thing for her in this period of time. It made her happier than the new sugar turned cake in the cake shop outside.

Because there is a good-looking boy accompanying her from now on, she seems to have a brother all of a sudden.

The two children have been together for several days, and their feelings have also improved by leaps and bounds.

Go to class, eat and sleep together.

An Zhike has never enjoyed this feeling, as if there was one more person in his life.

For Acheng, this is also an unprecedented adventure.

He has never experienced this kind of life. Many things can be done according to his own ideas. He has never been like this. He is happy every day and carefree every day.

During the day, Ann's parents are not at home at work. Ann Zhike stays with ah Cheng all day.

An Zhike taught him to play home, and he would be very happy that he had never played such a game between children.

"Xiao Ke, thank you. I never played this game when I was at home, nor did a child play with me."

"Ah, so. Are you so lonely?"

"Of course, my family is very strict. Everything I do since I was a child must be arranged according to them."

"Will they arrange you to do things you don't like?"

"Yes, it's them this time..." ah Cheng sighed and stopped talking.

"Have you never resisted since you were a child?"

"When I was a child, I can't remember clearly, because they arranged people to educate me and enlighten me. Anyway, since then, I think everything should listen to them, so I haven't resisted again, but this time is different."

"Is it serious?"

"Well, I don't want to agree or agree. I think it's too serious."

"Well, if you're unhappy in the future, remember to tell me." Anzhi can't understand this feeling, but he just thinks he's too happy than Acheng himself.

"Ah Cheng, although I may disrespect your parents, I still want to say. I think people's life is so short that they should live the life they want and do what they want to do."

"Ha ha" an Zhike's serious appearance made Gu Mocheng laugh. "Although you are small, you can say it."

"My parents taught me all these things when I was young. That's why I can choose what I want to do. I didn't take it for granted, but after listening to your experience, I know that not every parent is like this."

"Well, yes." maybe what an Zhike said touched the boy's heart. He bowed his head and didn't want to say more.

"Ah Cheng, if you go home and encounter unhappy things again, come to me and come to my house. This is also your home. You are our family."

"En en, Xiao Ke, thank you. Let's go out and relax."


In the warm afternoon, the boys and girls went out for a walk holding hands.

In the sun, the boy's smile was bright and heartfelt. The girl looked up at his side face and a warm current slowly rose in her heart.

A Cheng found that after that, he was no longer sensitive and accepted the warmth from others.

"Ah Cheng, will you go home?"

"I think so. Since I was a child, I've been given the responsibility of education, so I think they will come to me, but I don't want to go back, because I feel too tired. Even if it's a moment, it's good to have a rest."

"Oh, that's good." an Zhike looked down at the stone under his feet and stopped talking.

A Cheng, I just want to stay with you more, even if you will leave in the future.

"Woof, woof"

The child's attention is very short. An Zhike, who was sad for the last second, was suddenly attracted and raised his head.

"Ah Cheng, ah Cheng, look, there's a puppy."

An Zhike wanted to run over, but he caught him.

The boy stood there and shook his head. "No, my parents told me not to touch dirty things."

"That's a puppy!"

"But he looks dirty. He's a stray dog. And even if he's not a stray dog, animals will have bacteria."

"A Cheng!" an Zhike pulled the boy's hand hard and said righteously, "when I saw you before, you were also a wandering child lying on the corridor of the park. We didn't dislike you at that time."

"Why do you compare me to a dog?"

"I'm not trying to belittle you. I just want to tell you this truth. He's dirty. Let's just wash her clean."

"OK." ah Cheng was stubborn but unwilling to let go of her hand, so he had to take her forward.

The dog seemed to have spirit. He knew that people close to him might take him away and greeted him with special enthusiasm.

"Ah, it's so cute." an Zhike has a peach heart in his eyes. It seems that he likes it.

"Well, if you like him, or we'll take it home and bathe him." ah Cheng glanced. He knew he couldn't resist an Zhike and had to obey.

"OK, OK. But my parents actually don't let me take small animals home." an Zhike pouted and pretended to be very wronged.

"Well, I don't know you yet. I'm afraid of being scolded. I'll watch for you then."

"En en, ah Cheng is the best." An Zhi was laughably happy, and his eyes bent into crescent moon.

They secretly took the dog home to wash. The dog was also happy that he hadn't been so comfortable and clean for a long time.

After washing, he stood up and shook off his hair, which made Ann know that it was like being watered by rain.

A Cheng looked at him, but an Zhike threw the water in his hand on a Cheng's face.

After a while, the laughter of boys and girls came from all over the room. They laughed and shouted, enjoying the most beautiful time.

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