An Zhike is so stupid that he doesn't know what the situation is. When Mingming is at home, when Mingming goes out, and when Mingming is in the car, he looks with a strong sense of alienation and indifference, but why is his performance so gentle here, It seems that from last night to today, everything seems to have never happened.

It seems that all things are the same as Ann Zhike himself, because at this time, he is as gentle and considerate as he used to be.

"Ke'er, what's the matter? Your face looks a little pale."

Ann's father looked at his daughter's face, which seemed a little shocked, especially his face was too pale at this time!

An Zhike heard his father's worried tone.

For a moment, an Zhike's clear eyes showed a look of panic, because she didn't know how to answer her father's question at this time.

While an Zhike was nervous and flustered, Gu Mocheng directly held the placement in his arms, which naturally seemed intimate!

An Zhike was as stupid as a mummy.

An Zhike felt that his original soft body became rigid in an instant.

I feel like I'm really unconscious at the moment. There's a blank in my head. It seems that things change too fast, and the painting style is too likely to be like dreaming.

"Dad, you know, last night we were married on a candlelight night. For the first time, it was a bit out of order. That's why Xiao Ke was so pale. Didn't Mom prepare a local chicken stew today?"

Ann's father listened to Gu Mo Cheng's so straightforward words without a little shyness. Instead, he showed a faint smile on his face.

An Zhike wanted to get out of his arms, but it was useless no matter how hard she struggled.

"Dad, you and mom go to prepare food first, and a Cheng and I go around." an Zhike feels that at this moment, she needs to say something to a Cheng. If she is not responsible, she can't make such rapid psychological preparation in the face of this dramatic change.

In an Zhike's own opinion, she is a very smart person with very good adaptability, but in front of Gu Mocheng, she just wants to be a little woman, and the little bird nestles in his arms, but the facts are not the same as what she thinks, so she should tell herself that no matter what happens, stop in this relationship! You can't let your heart fall again and again, otherwise, there will be no cure for your life!

A relationship, as long as a woman pays her heart, it won't be so simple to come out all her life. Then, in the face of a man's deception and attack, it is easy to be black and blue.

Obviously, an Zhike felt that he was not only cheated and beaten in this relationship, but even sealed by all the hypocrisy. There were too many hypocrisy and nausea below the original beautiful picture.

"Good, good, good!"

As long as you see the harmony between the two children, all your worries are superfluous.

When Ann's father left their sight, Ann Zhike left his arms despite Gu Mocheng's opposition.

"I never thought you were such a hypocritical person. Don't you feel tired living like this?"

I remember just beginning to get along with this man. Ann Zhike's heart is really afraid to get close to him because his aura is too cold and powerful!

Maybe it's because I've been with him for a long time, I'm used to his character and rely on him, so I don't have any fear in the face of his cold atmosphere. Especially after the earth shaking changes last night, Ann Zhike is even less afraid. No matter how much she pays, she just wants to live her true self, You don't need to change your temper and character for a man.

Because in this love, she is like a clown, not worth it at all.

Gu Mo Cheng heard an Zhike's words, but his sexy lips showed a mocking smile!

"Didn't you just kneel down with me at home this morning and let us play the loving husband and wife? Since you have paid such a price, I naturally want to play well. I can't let your parents see any clues. Otherwise, in the future, you say how I torture you and how I retaliate. If you let your parents know that our life is not good and harmonious, I can't I don't want to deal with those superfluous and difficult things. I don't have the energy, and I don't have the time. "

Look, maybe this is the real him after spending so long with him.

Hypocrisy, indifference, determination, determination and popularity!

I haven't known this man for so long. Maybe from this moment, I should really know him again.

"OK, I see! Let's go in. I believe you will work harder in your next performance. After all, I have paid a heavy price! My face, my pride and my self-esteem are severely ravaged by you."

Ann Zhike said this calmly, as if she had forgotten about kneeling this morning, or it didn't happen to her at all.

At the same time, he didn't give Gu Mo Cheng room to speak at all. He turned and walked home directly! Because she didn't want to get along with this hypocritical man and breathe the same air under the same sky for a minute.

Sure enough, during dinner, Mother Ann prepared several blood tonic dishes.

Sure enough, Gu Mo's performance was hard enough, sincere enough and hypocritical enough.

In front of ANN Zhike's father and mother, she talked and laughed with Ann Zhike and brought her vegetables!

Do something sweet between husband and wife, but such beauty is easy to create an illusion and live in such a beautiful dream.

But only an Zhike himself knows that this man is wearing a bag like skin under this gentle appearance. It's too hypocritical.

However, Gu Mo Cheng's behavior reassured Ann's father and mother.

Despite everything, an Zhike is still very satisfied with Gu Mocheng's performance today. At least her father and mother don't have any speculation! Then when taking care of her family in the future, no matter how bad everything happened to her, she can stand it, as long as his parents won't know her future situation.

"Ah Cheng, Ke'er, you will stay here for the night tonight. Do you think so?"

Ann's mother looked kindly at the two children in front of her and asked gently.

"Mom, anyway, we are close, and we will often come back when we have time. We won't spend the night at home today."

Ann Zhike just wants to refuse. She clearly remembers what happened last night. Because of that pain, she can't erase it all her life.

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