Ann Zhike's mother listened to her daughter's words. Because her daughter refused too quickly, it would give her an illusion that they were not happy and happy.

Women are actually very strange creatures, and their sixth sense is particularly strong.

"Mom, we will stay for the night today. Xiaoke refused so quickly because she was afraid that my mother had an opinion on her. My mother didn't agree with this matter."

"So it is!"

"Mom, I'll just call my mother later and ask the servant not to prepare our dinner."

Gu Mocheng is really gentle and considerate when facing Ann's father and mother! It seems that everything never happened. Just look at the tenderness of Gu Mo City at this time!

Although in an Zhike's heart, he has always told himself that such things may be true or false.

Unfortunately, you must not immerse yourself in this tenderness! Otherwise, he will be unable to extricate himself all his life. This is definitely not what an Zhike wants to see.


The reason why Ann's mother wants to keep her two children is to see how they get along with each other. After all, she is from the past. It's clear when she looks at emotional things. If it's fake or acting, how can their eyes deceive people.

An Zhike now completely doesn't know what he thinks in Gu Mo City.

If the resettlement can be done very calmly, it seems that everything has not happened, it is impossible. In fact, placement can be a very careful person and care about emotional things.

Because a person only cares, she will care, only care is, because of a love in her heart.

Next, one afternoon, Gu Mo City almost stuck to an Zhike. No matter what she wanted to do, Gu Mo City would help!

Whenever Ann knows she doesn't want to be rejected, she seems to be able to see her father and mother watching her, helpless.

Therefore, we can only accept Gu Mo's solicitude and hypocrisy.

In fact, an Zhike doesn't want to get along with Gu Mocheng at all. In such a space, she will feel that it used to be a very happy family, but it has become somewhat hypocritical and untrue because of his participation.

After dinner, Gu Mocheng took an Zhike's hand and went outside. Obviously, he went out for a walk.

The two adults in the family see that the children get along well, especially Acheng's special initiative, which shows that there is no contradiction between the two people.

"They have left my parents' sight. Do you still want to hold my hand so hypocritical?"

When an Zhike said this, he picked up each other's hands and put them in their sight.

Gu Mocheng heard the sarcasm in an Zhike's tone. His heart was hard all day.

"Aren't you afraid that your father and mother will follow us? Obviously, she asked us to stay today to see how we get along? After all, no matter which parent sees his daughter's face so pale, they don't worry."


Did Ann hear such words? From the man's mouth, she laughed contemptuously.

It seems to be emotion, it seems to be a chuckle, it seems to be self mockery!

"How come I've never found your hypocrisy before, so I've reached such a state. If you go to act today, I believe you must be the best actor."

"It's a pity that I'm not interested in such an actor."

An Zhike sighed slightly!

If you finish it in an instant, you don't want to talk.

Now that you're out, don't waste such a wonderful night. It's also a wonderful thing to take a walk outside alone and breathe fresh air.

It is estimated that when I go back to take care of my family tomorrow, I don't know what earth shaking things will happen! Since such happiness is in the countdown and short, why not cherish it and waste such a wonderful night because of the existence of this man!

Suddenly, Ann knows, but you have a faint smile on your pale and haggard face.

Because she believes that she is an immortal Xiaoqiang, and no life can torture her in this world.

"Mom, I want to sleep with you tonight. There are a lot of whispers. I want to say to you, can I? Mom."

An Zhike is really afraid to get along with this man in an independent room!

When an Zhike's mother was ready to speak, Gu Mocheng spoke first.

But before opening his mouth, he should first use Anzhi in his own arms.

"Xiao Ke, there are many times and opportunities for us to come back in the future. You don't have to hurry to sleep with your mother tonight. Aren't you afraid that your mother thinks the relationship between us is bad? Are you hiding from me?"

An Zhike listens to such an ordinary narration of Gu Mo City.

But why did she hear a strong threat in such ordinary words.

An Zhike smiled awkwardly.

Yes, he really has no choice. Since he can't escape, he has to face it.

"Yes, today is the second night of your wedding. You ask to sleep with your mother and don't give others a laugh to die! Well, don't make trouble anymore. Go back to your room to rest with ah Cheng. It's a little late now. Go back after breakfast tomorrow. After all, ah Cheng still has a lot of work to deal with."

"Well, mom, you have an early rest."

When an Zhike and Gu Mocheng enter the bedroom, the door is closed!

Ann Zhike feels like she has claustrophobia.

I feel that I have some difficulty breathing, dizziness, fear and uneasiness around my heart.

She looked at the man slowly coming towards her with a frightened look.

If a painful scene like last night happens here. She's not even qualified to struggle.

"You, don't come here! Don't come here..."

Ann Zhike was really afraid of the man's approach, because at the moment of closing the door, she felt the most real change of the man, that is, her eyes were full of hate.

Just thinking of what happened last night, Ann Zhike felt that her body was shaking.

"An Zhike, anyway, I worked hard to play with you all day today. I even forgot my work. Should you give me some comfort?"

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