"I'm her daughter, but it seems that she never treats me like a daughter in her heart. I don't care about such things. I can feel that it's because she has been living alone for so many years. She's a little lonely and autocratic in character. However, I just don't understand that things have been like this, Why is there only hatred in her heart? Does she really want to see someone leave the world? Will she achieve the pleasure of madness and revenge? "

Gu Siyu listened and said such words. There seemed to be too much emotion and sadness in her heart.

"Fool, don't cry any more, will you? The doctor said it would be bad for you if you didn't cry all the time."

Gu Siyu gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes when he made a sound of comfort.

Shallow has always been very strong in front of herself. In fact, her heart is very fragile and needs a lot of comfort and a sense of security.

Maybe such a psychology has too much to do with her once living environment.

I feel Gu Siyu's deep tenderness and tenderness!

"Ah Si, it's just a sudden feeling. I didn't expect it, but I left tears. In the future, I won't cry or be sad for anything. Because I know that when I cry and feel bad, your heart will be more painful and painful than me."

"Good! Do you want to go outside and find it?"


In fact, she has always been a person who doesn't like staying in the hospital. She really doesn't like this, the feeling of white and the strong smell of potion.

Although she has always been a person who likes white, she doesn't like the white in the hospital. She has a very depressed and boring feeling.

"Ah Si, tomorrow we'll ask the doctor if we can leave the hospital? It's the same to rest at home. I must be obedient."

In fact, shallow is so anxious to leave the hospital. There is another thing in her heart, that is, she doesn't know and doesn't want to face her mother. When she goes back, she always feels that she won't want to see her and say something to her in a hospital.

Because anyway, her heart is really kind? She can't forget her mother! Every minute and every second she stayed with her mother, she knew that her mother had always been very lonely, very lonely, lonely.

Although I have always been with my mother, it seems that my company has not made my mother satisfied and happy.

Perhaps his own existence is a mistake for his mother, otherwise he will never mention it to his father after so many years.

Because anyway? Dad is a very sacred name for a girl. Such a name as father is like a God.

Unfortunately, all things have developed to the present, I'm afraid I'll never know who my father is in the future?

"Fool, as long as I see you thinking like this, my heart is very bad. I always feel that I am not intimate and gentle enough to fill you with a kind of love."

"No, in fact, I don't think about anything. It's just that so many things have happened. As a person, I always have some sentimentality. I don't know if I will see my father in my lifetime."

Shallow, every word she said at this time, her voice was very light.

"Does this matter need me to investigate?"

Gu Siyu tightly hugged shallowly in his arms.

However, when she heard Arthas say such a word, she chose silence.

Gu Siyu looked at shallowly and fell into meditation. She knew that at this moment, she needed some time to think carefully.

He was not in a hurry to answer the question.

The night wind blows gently! Blow away everyone's thoughts.

Gu Siyu quickly took off his coat and put it on his shallow body.

Shallow smile!

Originally, the coat was just put on the body, but shallow chose to wear it directly.

"Ah Si, actually, I don't know whether you should investigate my father's affairs? In my heart, I always expect that my father can fall from the sky and appear next to me. I know it's just my fantasy. But in my heart, it's very tangled. I don't want you to investigate. Maybe this is the case. If I can really meet myself in the future My father. Let's wait until we meet! So, arth, will you dislike me as a man without a father? "

"Fool, start talking nonsense here again."

"Yes, you love me so much. How can you care about such things? Ah Si, can you stop being so kind to me? Otherwise, I'll rely on you all my life. I'm afraid I'll never leave you!"

When I said this again, the two men sat down directly on the stool.

Just before shallow buttocks were close to the stool, Gu Siyu directly sat shallow on his thigh.

Shallow instantly felt very embarrassed, and a faint blush appeared on his white face.

"Ah Si, you..."

"Now your body is still recovering and the stool is cold. I think you'd better not sit."

I heard that Arthas said such a sweet word at this moment.

She could not help but put her hands around Gu Siyu's neck and kissed him gently on the face.

"Ah Si, why don't you tell me about the past!"

"OK, but you should be prepared, because a lot of what your mother said to you is false."


Even if ah Si didn't say it, he had thought of it for a long time!

"In fact, the reason why your mother fell into the sea was planned by your mother. What should I say about that? Although I was very young at that time, I still remember it clearly. Although so many years have passed, I remember it very clearly."

"My mother and aunt went shopping happily in the mall. Because I was bored at home, I asked my grandmother to accompany me around the mall. But I didn't expect to be kidnapped directly when my mother went to the toilet! And I was very lucky to see such a thing when I was in the toilet. So I followed them all the time and sent information to my father!"

"When Dad and they arrived, my aunt didn't receive any life danger in that shabby house, but my mother was on a boat by Li Jing. Although I didn't see what happened next with my own eyes, I knew that if it wasn't for Li Jing, my mother wouldn't fall into the sea, and my father was shot by Li Jing! But his mother fell into the sea and he was desperate. When they all came up, my father lost all his memory. "

"And Li Jing, no matter what Dad's arrangement? He sent someone to salvage her, but he didn't find her! Maybe everyone wouldn't think that after so many years, she would deliberately appear."

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