"At that time, we all believed that Li Jing might have lost her life because she fell into the sea. But God liked to tease us like this. Otherwise, how could such an interesting thing happen now?"

"In fact, shallow, you know? But I know the moment our child was completely lost, do you know how much I wanted to kill her? Even if Li Jing is your mother, life you, educate you. I really want to end her life with one shot."

"However, I know that shallow you are a very kind person, and you will not want this hatred to continue. In the whole thing, the only thing that will not change is that she is really your mother. Blood is thicker than water. If I really end her life, there will be cracks and estrangement between us. In this way, the future will be better No matter what happens, no matter how much you love me in your heart. In your heart, it will always be very uncomfortable because of such a thing. Therefore, in the end, I have no way. No matter how painful my heart is, I still bear it. I tell myself in my heart that such a thing will not happen again. I will protect you. "

Shallow sat on Arthas like this, and he could obviously feel the anger and hatred on his face.

Yes, who can accept that his child left the world before he was born?

If she is not her own mother, she will be cut to death.

"Thank you, Arthas!"

Gu Siyu heard shallow say these words. He suddenly felt a little excited when he said these words.

"Fool, no matter what happens in the future, don't say these three words to me. Otherwise, we will see each other too much. Now, what we need is a prosperous wedding. I will let you know the most eye-catching bride in the world. No matter what happens in the future, I will protect you with my life."

"Well, no matter what happens in the future, I will never leave you."

When she finished this sentence, she put her head directly on Gu Siyu's shoulder.

At this moment, the actions between the two people are very close and ambiguous.

"Ah Si, I really love you very much. Such a love has been integrated into my blood. I can't forget you in my life, otherwise, unless my blood is dry!"

When he said these words gently, the heat sprayed made Gu Siyu hot and dry.

In fact, when shallow said this sentence, she really didn't have any ideas in her heart, just simply wanted to express her mind.

But I never thought of it. Because shallow is sitting on Gu Siyu's thigh and obviously feels his physical reaction!

The light white face turns red directly.

Because she didn't think of herself in her dream. She just whispered and said her mind, which would make ah Si have such a strong reaction.

At this moment, shallow didn't know what to do. The subconscious wanted to stand up from ah Si, but ah Si didn't give shallow the chance.

Gu Siyu directly imprisons shallowness in his arms!

Just when he wanted to kiss shallow, shallow stopped his lips directly!

"Ah Si, you must think clearly. It's not that I won't let you kiss, but that you will be burning with lust after kissing. I can help you in any way. In this case, it's you who suffer."

Treat this aspect of things, two people have experienced a lot? Although you will be shy, you should still say such words and remind ah Si!

It's inevitable that this kind of lust will always envelop Arthas tonight.

However, at this moment, Gu civic city can't care about these at all.

You should make yourself beautiful first.

So he took the shallow time directly and gently and kissed her beautiful lips overbearing.

Although this is a hospital, although the shallow body has not fully recovered, such a deep kiss should not matter.

So she chose to respond directly!

Gu Siyu sucks the sweetness in the shallow lip flap!

Sitting on Gu Siyu's legs all the time, I obviously felt that his body was changing more and more.

There seems to be a burning feeling.

Treat this man, many times, shallow also do not have much self-control.

She felt that her breathing was becoming rapid, and there seemed to be a very strange feeling spreading in her heart.

No, I can't stand this feeling later!

When he was ready to breathe and kiss his tongue again, shallow came out of his lips very skillfully!

Shallow is also confused at this time. The whole person seems to be hungry and dissatisfied!

Gu Siwei is no exception!

And Gu Siyu's eyes have an unknown reason!

"Ah Si, I don't know how your self-control is? But at this moment, I think I should be more careful. Because it's an extraordinary time, I don't want to be burned! That feeling is painful and very uncomfortable."

Shallow doesn't hesitate. You should be careful yourself!

When he finished this sentence, he was ready to stand up from Gu Siyu's thigh!

Gu Siyu grabbed the shallow hand and put it between his legs.

Shallow feel his face at this moment, like a ripe apple.

Shallow and shy!

Her hand wanted to leave, but Gu Siyu refused.

"Ah Si, don't do this. This is a hospital. When I'm well, you can do whatever you want, okay?"

"But what do I want now? What do you say I should do?"

When Gu Siyu spoke, his voice was super deep and dull! It also has an extremely erotic desire, which is undoubtedly a temptation for shallow people.

"Go back and take a cold bath."

Although they have experienced a lot in this regard. However, many actions are still very conservative and don't try that different feeling, so for shallow, such things are still quite shy.

Just when Arthas was immersed in this burning desire.

Shallow quickly got up from ace's leg!

Gu Siyu looked discontented and shallow.

Shallow didn't speak, just did a very helpless action!

"I'm back. You can do it yourself!"

Shallow feels like he's running away!

Gu Siyu really feels like crying without tears!

However, he trotted to shallow's back and held shallow in his arms directly from shallow's back!

Scared shallow directly called out the voice!


Such a sound, in the quiet night sky across the sky!

A happy smile appeared on the shallow and beautiful face.

"Ah Si, what kind of feeling do you think love is?"

"Love is trying to force you to eat into my body."

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